The Best Major Ben Daimio Quotes

Ben: I thought we were supposed to be fighting monsters, not working with them.
Hellboy: Who are you calling a monster, pal? Have you looked in the mirror recently, Scarface?
Ben: Is that meant to be humor?
Hellboy: Maybe. My therapist does say I rely on jokes as a way to normalize.
Ben: Normalize, right. Good luck with that.

Ben: Once the casket is secure, you'll be on your first flight out. If the Bureau can put you back in your cage.
Hellboy: My cage? My cage! I'm gonna ask specifically you clean my sawdust. Can't wait until you smell demon shit, pal!

Hellboy: We faced every threat there is, and yet you take me in.
Professor: I love you, son.
Hellboy: You made me a goddamn weapon!
Ben: Where's my fucking violin?