The Best Mirage Quotes

Elastigirl: This is the right hangar, but I don't see any jets.
Mr. Incredible: A jet's not fast enough.
Elastigirl: What's faster than a jet?
Dash: Hey, how about a rocket?
Elastigirl: Great. I can't fly a rocket.
Violet: You don't have to. Use the coordinates from the last launch.
Mr. Incredible: Oh, wait. I bet Syndrome's changed the password by now. How do I get into the computer?
Mirage: [Over PA system] Say please.

Mirage: He's not weak, you know.
Syndrome: What?
Mirage: Valuing life is not weakness.
Syndrome: Oh, hey, look, look, if you're talking about what happened in the containment unit, I had everything under control.
Mirage: And disregarding it is not strength.
Syndrome: Look, I called his bluff, sweetheart, that's all. I knew he wouldn't have it in him to actually...
Mirage: [through her teeth] Next time you gamble, bet *your own* life!