The Best Mistress Ching Quotes

Captain: There has not been a king since the first brethren court, and that is not likely to change!
Captain: Not likely.
Elizabeth: Why not?
Gibbs: Because the pirate king is elected by popular vote...
Barbossa: ...and each pirate only votes for himself
Jack: I call for a vote.
[Barbossa rolls his eyes as Captain Teague starts playing the guitar]
Captain: I vote for Ammand, the Corsair!
Captain: Captain Chevalle, the penniless Frenchman!
Mistress: Mistress Ching!
Captain: Gentleman Jocard.
Elizabeth: Elizabeth Swann.
Barbossa: Barbossa.
Captain: Villanueva!
[Captain Teague stops playing his guitar]
Jack: Elizabeth Swann.
[the court begins to yell]
Elizabeth: What?
Jack: I know. Curious, isn't it?