The Best Mr. French Quotes

Frank: [talking about Costigan] Do you trust him?
Mr. French: Well these days, who's reliable?
Frank: His uncle Jackie was. Yeah, you can't trust a guy acts like he's got nothing to lose.
Mr. French: I'm reliable.
Frank: Arnold, you're one in a million.
Mr. French: Ten. Ten million.
Frank: What about your wife, Arnold?
Mr. French: Well, I thought she was.
Frank: [laughing] She wasn't!
Mr. French: Well, she got reliable.
[flashback showing French strangling his wife]

[upon learning the Police have found Delahunt's body and that he was a cop in Costello's bar]
Fitzy: I don't believe it.
Mr. French: What can't you believe?
Fitzy: I spent all fucking night dragging the poor bastard in there. Tell me how they find him so fast? Somebody walking a fucking dog ? What fucking size a dog is that? Has to be a big fucking dog, man. I spent all night doing it man.
[pause, Frank stares at him]
Fitzy: I'm embarrassed. I still don't believe he was a cop, I don't believe it.
Frank: The COPS... are saying he's a cop... so I won't look for the cop. Are you soft, Fitz? When I tell you... to dump a body in the marsh, you dump him *IN* the marsh. Not where some guy from John Hancock goes every Thursday, TO GET A FUCKING BLOWJOB!
[Fitzy laughs, Frank hits him with his cap]
Frank: Don't laugh! This ain't Reality TV!

Billy: [to the bartender] Cranberry juice.
Man: It's a natural diuretic. My girlfriend drinks it when she's got her period. What, do you got your period?
[Billy grabs an empty glass and smashes it onto the man's head. Mr. French grabs Billy throws him against the wall. Billy tries to go towards the man again and French holds him against the wall. Billy pushes French's hands away]
Billy: Get your fuckin' hands off me!
Mr. French: [calmly] Hey, hey, hey... do you know me?
Billy: No, no.
Mr. French: Well, I'm the guy that tells you there are guys you can hit and there's guys you can't. Now, that's not quite a guy you can't hit, but it's almost a guy you can't hit. So I'm gonna make a fuckin' ruling on this right now. You don't fuckin' hit him. You understand?
Billy: Yeah, excellent. Fine, fine, fine.
Mr. French: I fucking know you. I know your family. You make one more drug deal with that idiot fucking cop-magnet of a cousin of yours and I'll forget your grandmother was so nice to me. I'll cut your fucking nuts off. You understand that?
Billy: Yeah, yeah, I do.
Mr. French: What are you drinkin'?
Billy: [embarrassed] A cranberry juice.
Mr. French: What is it, your period?
[to the bartender]
Mr. French: Get him a... cranberry juice.
Mr. French: [to the man] Hey, fuckhead, that's Jackie's nephew.
Man: Oh.
Mr. French: What? "Oh" fuckin' what?
[punches the man four times in the face]
Mr. French: Get the fuck outta here.