The Best Mr. Philip Mack Quotes

Mr. Philip Mack: I just want you to know that I forgive you for trying to shut us down.
George: You forgive *me*?
Alan: Easy, George, come on. He's just trying to get a rise out of you.
[to Mr. Mack]
Alan: Look, you're not dealing with gullible little kids here, now, buddy. Now you brought Shawn down, thanks, now why don't you just take a hike back to con-land?
Mr. Philip Mack: Now do you see how judgmental these people are?
Alan: No, no listen!
[He violently shoves Mack against the wall]
Alan: You see! A judgment I made a long time ago is that Shawn Hunter is the best friend that my kid ever had. And I will kill to protect Shawn Hunter from people like you.
[Alan points at him menacingly. Amy touches his arm to calm him down]
Amy: Alan, he would love a lawsuit
Mr. Philip Mack: [Straightens his coat] I think there's a lot of anger here. And I don't feel that this is a healthy environment for Shawn.
George: Well I really don't give a...
Mr. Philip Mack: Look, I know you don't respect my philosophies, but for kids who feel lost and have an emptiness in their lives, I'm here to give them a sense of belonging.
George: You can't have Shawn!
Mr. Philip Mack: That's up to Shawn. And, in any event, there are many more just like him.