The Best Nick Styles Quotes

Nick: You killed Farris, didn't you?
Earl: You killed my life.
Nick: So, now we're even, is that it?
Earl: [scoffs] We're not even close.

Nick: What the fuck is wrong with all y'all? Selling drugs to each other, 'cause ya damn sure ain't selling them in Beverly Hills. Killing yourselves, and for what? Make ya feel like a man? Or does it make ya dick hard? Punk motherfuckers.

Alice: You lied to me.
Nick: I didn't lie to you. I just didn't tell the whole truth.
Alice: You're such a lawyer.

[Nick Styles approaches a car driver that almost ran him down, and suddenly sees it's Blake]
Nick: Jesus Christ.
Blake: Almost.

Nick: I guess a Beretta in the butt beats a butterfly in a boot, huh?

[Nick is trying to persuade Odessa to stop dealing at the Towers]
Nick: Do it for your mother.
Odessa: What about my mother, motherfucker?
Nick: Your mother, nigga! The one that died of a broken heart, praying with my father every night over your sorry ass. The one that buried your kid brother without his head because they couldn't find it. Don't play me, Odessa.

Nick: If that's how you treat your friends, Blake, I'm glad we're enemies.

Bookstore: You're the D.A.!
Nick: Wrong! They fired me. As a private citizen I can kick anybody's ass I want to.

Nick: I'm a husband, I'm a father, I'm a provider, see?