The Best Nicole Ballard Quotes

Dr. Gregory House: [approaching Chase, who is chatting up a girl] Hey, how's that anal fissure? Did it heal yet or is it still draining?
[notices the girl Chase is with]
Dr. Gregory House: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you'd come back for seconds. I figured that after that girl on the stairwell, you'd be done for the night.
Dr. Robert Chase: He's joking.
Dr. Gregory House: No Adam's apple, small hands. No surprises this time.
Nicole: I'll er... see you later.
Dr. Gregory House: Got a case.
Dr. Robert Chase: Well, you could have just said that. You didn't have to screw with me.
Dr. Gregory House: Yeah, if I didn't screw with you, you'd spend the whole night thinking you might get laid which means you'd be useless. Better to extinguish all hope.