20 Best Owen Strand Quotes

Owen: Wait for it.
Paul: I know who did this.

Owen: Oh, Judd, listen. I hate to ask, but I'm gonna need to see some documentation that you've been going to therapy.
Judd: What, the pissed-off look on my face isn't enough proof?

Dr. Lefkowitz: You were at Ground Zero when the buildings came down, yes?
Owen: Yeah.
Dr. Lefkowitz: Then I don't have to tell you by the 20th anniversary of 9/11, more survivors who were there that day and during the cleanup will get sick or die than people killed on 9/11 itself.
Owen: This is going to kill me, isn't it?

Catherine: I'm starting to regret that we didn't pick up coffees.
Owen: Oh,no, you're not, believe me. Had you picked up coffee, three hours later, you'd be looking for the nearest bush. That is the single easiest way to get your cover blown on a stakeout.
Catherine: I didn't realize firefighters knew so much about stakeouts.
Owen: Oh, we don't. I've just seen the movie 'Stakeout' like a thousand times.
Catherine: 'Stakeout' with Rosie O'Donnell?
Owen: Bite your tongue! "Stakeout." With Emilio Estevez and Madeline Stowe.

Judd: Pardon our dust.
Owen: Sometimes I feel like the dust has been chasing me for 20 years.
Judd: Well, it ain't caught you yet, so...

Owen: All right. Paul, Marjan, why don't you work the crowd? See if you can treat some of these people to lighten the load for medical. Probie!
Mateo: Yes, sir?
Owen: Check the champagne room. Always something bad going on up there.
T.K. Strand: How would you know that?
Owen: That is not important.

Judd: Come on, there ain't nothing to be afraid of. I promise you'll all have fun.
Paul: Yeah, said the wolf to Red Riding Hood.
T.K. Strand: Seriously.
Marjan: What are you guys talking about?
T.K. Strand: Well, I host a friendly little game of Texas Hold 'Em with some firefighters from around town, and we had a chair open up for tonight's game, so. So, who's in? TK?
T.K. Strand: I'm good. I know a rope-a-dope when I see one.
Judd: Strickland?
Paul: Nah, cards bore me. It's too easy to see everyone's tells. Also, I crave sleep.
Judd: Marwani?
Marjan: Oh, gambling's not really my jam, and don't even ask Probie. He's gotta study.
Judd: Here I thought y'all were my friends.
Owen: I'll play.
Judd: Oh.
Owen: Unless you don't want me to.
Judd: No, it ain't that. It's just, you know, I don't-- This really ain't your scene, Cap, that's all. It's just a bunch of Texas roughnecks talking smack and drinking cheap beer.
T.K. Strand: I thought it was supposed to be a friendly game, Judd.
Owen: It'd be fun to hang out with the locals, play a little cards, and-- unless there's some other reason you don't want me to come.
Judd: No! Let's do it.

Sgt. Ty O'Brien: 999? Police code? Officer down?
Owen: I'm a fireman. Our codes are like, "Fire!"

Waitress: I've got a kale antioxidant salad and a bacon blue burger with extra rings.
Billy: Thank you. Like staring into the face of God.
Owen: Yeah. You eat that whole thing, you'll see God soon enough.

Judd: My Uncle Cash likes to say that the secret to life isn't thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.
Owen: Uncle Cash sounds like he knows what he's talking about.
Judd: He's a salty old drunk with cirrhosis, but the point is, you got to hold on to what matters in life. It don't matter if you lose your hair.
Judd: Yeah. You gotta do what you gotta do to stay alive, and if it comes to it, it's Texas. Now we know you look good in a cowboy hat.

T.K. Strand: I need to ask you a question.
Owen: Sure.
T.K. Strand: Why'd you decide to be a firefighter?
Owen: Why? Because the Yankees wouldn't take me. And... ¿who wants to play for the Mets?

Owen: Ok, we're looking for a cyclist in a haystack.

Owen: Hey, do you have any dried seaweed or kale chips?
Judd: Sorry, Cap, but rabbit food ain't gonna fly with this bunch.

T.K. Strand: You've got a little spring in your step, there, Cap. Did you get laid or something?
Owen: Eh, I'm just feelin' a little more home in Austin. I found an organic food market. I found a vitamin shop that sells my fish oil supplements I like. If found a core-power yoga studio within walking distance. This place is like New York, but just a lot less trash on the street.

Rick: [grunts] I--I can't, my legs.
Owen: Yeah, let me help you.
Rick: Ah, thanks. It's a hell of a thing, cirrhosis. I don't even drink.
Owen: Lung cancer--don't even smoke.
Rick: [chuckles]
Owen: Know if today has taught us anything, it's that everybody's gonna get thrown a curveball.

Owen: Are you kidding? This isn't the end. It isn't even the beginning of the end.
Mateo: Is it the middle?

Owen: TK, did you use the last of my naseberry eye exfoliant?
T.K. Strand: Do you think I have a death wish?

Paul: Look. I hope you're not expecting us to pretend like we don't see those dark clouds hanging over your head.
Owen: Dark clouds? There are no clouds.
Paul: Those frown lines between your eyes would beg to differ.
Owen: Has anyone ever told you that when you do your thing, it feels a little bit like a violation?
Marjan: Yes, all the time.

Mateo: My teachers all said I was a little slow.
Owen: I don't know what your teachers told you in the past, but I know what you're not. You're not stupid.
Mateo: I'm not?
Owen: No. You're thorough, you're relentless, and you're exactly the kind of man I want in the 126.

Michelle: I know why you moved to Texas: it's the only state big enough to contain your ego.
Owen: Well, it wasn't for the sushi.