The Best Oz Perkins Quotes

Kanamit: Umm. All of this leg talk is making me hungry.
Kanamit: Umm. Are we thinking original recipe, or extra crispy?
Kanamit: Original recipe it is.

[Elle sees David the geek trying unsuccessfully to get a date with two lovely girls, who mock him, and decides to help by making the girls think she dated David]
Elle: Excuse me.
[Elle turns around and slaps David]
Elle: Why didn't you call me? We spent a beautiful night together and I haven't heard from you since.
David: [pause] I'm sorry?
Elle: Sorry for what? For breaking my heart, or for giving me the greatest pleasure I've ever known and just taking it away?
David: Both?
Elle: Well, forget it. I've spent too much time crying over you.
[Elle walks away, and the girls change their mind about him]
Girl: So, when did you wanna go out?

- Oh, shit.
Emerald: Go.
- Yeah. She gonna make it.
[Assistant] Oj.
- She gonna make it.
- Oh, hey, horsie.
- Don't look it in the eyes, please.
Fynn: VFX!

- Hey, what did I tell you about that?
Fynn: If she can't get near the horse, what are we doing here?
OJ: Hey, hey, hey!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Medic!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Are you okay?