250 Best Jack Bristow Quotes

Jack: You're going to tell your contact you want a meeting. A meeting to take place at your contact's discretion.
Will: Why would he lead me to you knowing that you'd want to flush him out?
Jack: He only told you my name so you would realize that my threat to you was a bluff. That I would never hurt Sydney, even if you continue your investigation. He didn't expect you'd have the guts to contact me.
Will: Oh, well, I'll assume that's a compliment.

Jack: When you asked me the other day about school, I couldn't help you. I... I'm out of practice when it comes to, uh... personal matters.
Sydney: Dad, I'm in no rush.
Jack: Believing your mother was a professor may have influenced you somewhat but the decision to go back to school was yours. And I'd trust that. I think that, uh, if you stick with it... you could become the kind of teacher your students will always remember.
Sydney: Thank you.

[after Vaughn confronts him about Russek's transmission]
Jack: Whoever the hell you think you are : checking up on me, pulling my file, second-guessing my choices, let's just both face the facts: you are not that person. Neither your experience nor your intelligence has earned you the right to question the thing that I do. So I'm gonna make two suggestions. One: that you stop it and two: that the next time they assigned you to be my handler, you kindly decline.

Jack: All of the resources of this agency are being diverted to meet demands the Covenant must know are unattainable, which leads me to believe it's merely a distraction. What do they really want?
Arvin: Well, then my question to you is: why target Dixon? What does he have access to, Jack?

Agent: You're right. I'm not going to help you. Since this is the last conversation we will ever have, I want to make this perfectly clear. What you have done to my daughter is nothing compared to what I will do when I find yours. Salut.

Jack: [after they learn that someone stole all of Vaughn's files] Sydney; you should know, when it comes to Vaughn, I take it quite personally.
Sydney: I know dad.
Jack: We're going to fix this.

Michael: What if I don't find anything?
Jack: Let's not discuss that here.
[Another delusion begins]
Jack: Sydney's not as trust worthy as her mother.
Michael: I know
Jack: I'm going to kill her just like I did Irina
Michael: Good

Jack: Do you mind if I ask who you are?
Katya: What you should ask is what I'll need you to do in return for my assistance.
Jack: I was going to get to that.

Jack: Khasinau knew about the safehouse. He must have someone on the inside.
Sydney: I know.
Jack: As long as there's a mole at the CIA, you can't tell Vaughn a thing. Not that you've been contacted, or that you and I have spoken.

Jack: Who's leading the team to recover Marshall?
Arvin: We've changed his access codes. There is nothing that Marshall can tell Cuvee that could possibly hurt us.
Jack: He will be tortured. Most likely, killed.
Arvin: Oh yes, I'm sure he will be. I've already contacted SD-4. There'll be a replacement in op tech by morning.

Sydney: What do you mean? Look there, he's saying... he's saying "Jul" or "Julie"...
Jack: He could be saying any number of things. Sydney, I have already subjected this video to the most intense technological scrutiny available to the CIA.
Sydney: Maybe "Julia"...
Jack: If you want me to do a re-analysis, fine, but you have to stop punishing yourself.

Jack: Forensic analysis leads Marshall to believe that whoever this hand belonged to was alive as recent as four months ago.
Sydney: It couldn't have been Lazarey because I killed him last year.
Jack: Unless, you didn't.

Jack: I've worked with Agent Dixon for nearly a dozen years. You've worked with him for little over a month. If he feels ready to be in the field, I'm going to accord him that respect.
Michael: But given his state of mind, do you really think he's the right person to make that decision?
Jack: Yes.
Michael: Jack, he just lost his wife. I mean, with all due respect, why are you fighting with me on this?
Jack: I'm not required to justify my decisions to you, Agent Vaughn. However, I recruited Agent Dixon into SD-6. I'm the man who sold him the lie he was working for the CIA. I introduced him to the man who killed his wife. I will not be the one to tell him he can't assist in Sloane's capture.

Agent: You beat death Arvin. But you couldn't beat me.

Jack: [talking about Syd at his hearing] When I look at her, when I look at the little girl who raised herself to become one of the most extraordinary human beings and one of the finest agents I've ever had the privilege of knowing, I see only the promise of my own redemption. Turning myself in was the only way I could think of to make that clear to her, to prove that despite... my limited abilities as a father, I love her more than I could ever say.

Agent: Any complications?
Sydney: Well, I think I lost us about $900,000, depending on the exchange rate...

Jack: [to Nadia] Irina told me years ago that this is a picture of her holding her niece. She told me that holding this baby filled her with a longing and a hope to have children of her own. The next day I asked Irina to marry me; I wanted my child to be loved like the baby in this photograph. Of course, her story could have been a total fabrication, another one of her countless lies designed to draw me in. But I choose to believe it was truth. When we had Sydney, Irina held her in this exact same way, and I can only imagine that she did the same with you. So for me, I choose to believe. But than I suppose each of us needs to find out own sense of closure.

Sydney: I've been through too much with him; I don't trust that man. I still can't believe that you don't feel the same.
Jack: What I'm feeling is irrelevant. In conspiring to save you from the NSC, Sloane's also given us all the ammunition we'd ever need to invalidate his pardon agreement. He's put his life in our hands.

[Katya kisses Jack]
Katya: That was from Irina.
Jack: Okay.
[Katya plants a hot and heavy kiss on Jack]
Jack: And *who* was that from?
Katya: You ask too many questions.

Marshall: I didn't shut down that reactor at all.
Jack: That's impossible!
Marshall: No it isn't. The printouts, listen, it is physically impossible for me to shut down that reactor from a remote location. I mean given its particular status. It would have to be shut down manually but that's impossible too, because that you mean that someone, that that's
[pauses as he realizes what happened]
Marshall: ... I mean you. The only way it could happen is if you went into the reactor yourself.
Jack: It was my daughter's life.
[pauses; walks into elevator]
Jack: Between *us*

Francie: You know what I wanna do to the guy who introduced Will to heroin? I want to kill him. With my hands. I just want to kill him.
Jack: I can imagine.

Sydney: I thought you sold airplane parts!
Agent: I don't sell airplane parts. I never sold airplane parts.

Sydney: I'm going in. Alone.
Jack: [on comms] I assume you all heard that...?

Jack: You're sure the DNA matched Lazarey's?
Lauren: Yes. Which means that Sydney did not kill him... Lindsey has nothing on her. She can come home.

Jack: Sydney, you have to accept the possibility that the man we have in custody is not your friend.
Sydney: Dad, I don't believe it.
Jack: I understand.
Sydney: Cause if it wasn't Will then Will is most likely dead and I can't handle that.

Jack: Vaughn's been quizzing me about "Julia". I tried shutting down his inquiry, but apparently something you said has made that impossible.
Sydney: All I said was that I couldn't talk about it.
Jack: Which, of course, has only piqued his interest.

Marshall: Well, it's a sub-derma device placed just below the skull at the base of the brain stem. I've never seen one this small before. It's like they patched a radio receiver to a powerful micro-charger.
Will: [Sydney, Jack, and Sloan share worried looks] So what-what does that mean?
Marshall: It means that they-they put a bomb in your head.
Will: What?
Marshall: I know, I know. Um... but there's good news. It looks like the charge is small enough that the blast will be localized.
Will: Waitwaitwait - So it might not kill me?
Marshall: No. It will definitely kill you. There just won't be any collateral damage.
Sydney: Marshall. How do we get it out of him?
Marshall: Well, um, we could perform a surgical procedure, but I'm worried there's a gyroscopic fail-safe. I mean, there is a very real chance that if we try to remove it, uh... Will's head could explode.
Jack: Get medical in here. I want a full extraction scenario.
Will: What? No! Didn't you hear what he said about the exploding?
Sydney: Will... Calm down.
Will: Sydney, how am I supposed to calm down when there's a bomb in my head?

Jack: [Marshall is going into detail about the technology, while Sydney is in the field] Marshall; not the time.
Marshall: Vaughn asked me to lunch.

Sydney: The idea that the CIA is willing to work with Irina Derevko is insane.
Jack: Worse, it's naive. Your mother didn't just conveniently turn herself in. This is all part of the manipulation.
Sydney: Well, she's their problem now. She's not yours. And she's not mine.
[When putting on her jacket, she winces a little bit]
Jack: You okay?
Sydney: My shoulder's healing, if that's what you mean.
Jack: It's not, actually.

Jack: If she were apprised of the situation, she might help.
Michael: I'll make her help; where is she?

Jack: I need you to tell me what's happening!
SD: You didn't hear this from me.... While Sydney and Russek were in Geneva, a transmission was recorded from her location and it was not one of ours.
Jack: You think it was Sydney?
SD: This is not the first indication that she might be working for someone else.

Sydney: [Sydney and jack are talking about the mission, and Isabelle laughs in the background] Dad, did she just...
Agent: Giggle, yeah, apparently I'm funny.
Sydney: She hasn't done that before. It was a first.
Agent: Of which there will be many...
Sydney: I know...

Will: I understand that, but you can't think of another way than this?
Jack: Yes, I can think of a number of other ways. But they all involve your burial.
Will: Is that your idea of a joke? You're morbid, Jack.

Jack: What's a little treason between old friends?

Sydney: How is this possible without obvious scarring?
Jack: The procedure isn't surgical. A patient's genetic code is altered to reshape their physical attributes.
Sydney: Is it reversible?
Jack: It's unclear. It only works on people of a certain genetic disposition and the recipient must be induced into a comatose state for several days while their cells regenerate. The data indicates the only way to distinguish the real person from the double is by an ocular scan. A flaw in the iris was deliberately built into the procedure to tell them apart.

Jack: Tell me, which of Irina's sisters are you? Elena or Ekatarina?
Katya: I haven't been Ekatarina since I was a child. My sisters call me Katya. Which means Irina wasn't the one who told you about me.
Jack: Learning that your wife is actually a Russian spy drives you to learn all you can about her true identity.

Dr. Atticus Liddell: A clean conscious, that's a treatment I can stand behind. We both know how this is going to end. We could filter your blood until the cows come home, but there's no changing the outcome. Clear your conscious Jack.
Jack: That will take another lifetime, at least...
Dr. Atticus Liddell: I'm not suggesting you write your memoirs... Although, I'm sure they would make a hell of a read.

Sydney: Dad... dad can you hear me?
[Jack moans]
Jack: Hello...
Sydney: Hi.
Jack: [Very delirious] What are you doin... Why am I...
Sydney: I need to ask you something; Dad?
Jack: Oh no, it was my turn to pick up Sydney. After dance class, I'm sorry, can you take care of it. I'll cover next time Laura, I promise
Sydney: Laura?

Jack: Sloane gave you a key, which he claims was sent to him some time before you woke up in Hong Kong.
Sydney: Yeah, his claim was pretty convincing: it was written in my handwriting.

Michael: I saw de Souza. He told me that you hired him to rig those explosives.
Jack: Irina Derevko would eagerly destroy all of our lives.
Michael: I'm not a big fan, either. It still doesn't justify what you did.
Jack: You do good work, Agent Vaughn. But your consistent shortcoming - you should know this - is your naive sense of morality. Evil must be eliminated by whatever means necessary.

Arvin: Tell me something. How did Tippin get a lead on the Kate Jones alias in the first place?
Jack: I don't know yet, but I'm looking into it.
Arvin: Well, your efforts notwithstanding, that reporter may be a casualty of his own curiosity.
Jack: I'd consider that a last resort. I know you want what's best for Sydney, and if at all possible, we should spare her the pain of losing someone else.

Sydney: How could K-Directorate overpower fifty trained agents?
Jack: If K-Directorate attacks SD-6, they know SD-6 will return the favor. This team that's invaded SD-6, isn't working with any organization we know. My guess is they're working for a group, clearly unpredictable and dangerous.

Jack: [to Ryan] There's no white light. Not for people like you.

Jack: This is no different than when you were sent back into SD-6.
Sydney: It's completely different... I had Vaughn.
Jack: And Rachael will have you.

Arvin: What's this about Jack?
[Jack grabs Sloane and slams him against the wall]
Jack: You can't imagine what it felt like looking into the face of a woman that I once shared a life with and with a single bullet, ending that life. I ran through every scenario... Why, what was the purpose of having me believe that the only way to save my daughter's life; was to kill her mother. And then it occurred to me, why you would go to such lengths, it was for Sydney. You imagined you could drive a wedge between me and my daughter.
Arvin: I didn't, I had nothing to do with Irina's death.
[Jack pulls out a gun and holds it to Sloane's head]
Jack: One good reason, why I shouldn't do to you what I did to my wife?

Agent: Shepard killed Danny. I'm assuming you know that.
Sydney: If I hadn't, thank you for breaking it to me so gently.

Jack: [Sydney watched Jack pull out gun and aim it at her; she realizes it was a bottle of water] What is it?
Sydney: Dad... Do we have any tranquilizers?
Jack: No...
Sydney: Then I think you better tie me up.

Michael: She was knocked unconscious after the fight. How can she remember anything that happened after that?
Dr. Brezzel: Because unconsciously the mind can still establish transhistorical accounts of the real world.
Jack: Meaning even with her eyes closed, her other senses were alert?
Dr. Brezzel: Yes, thank you. And based upon those senses, her brain will construct an accurate but incomplete memory of the events that followed.

Marcus: You recall that I requested Dr. Barnett's notes from her sessions with Sloane?
Jack: Yes. Did they reveal anything?
Marcus: Yes. There is something in the notes that concerns you. In one of his sessions with Barnett, Sloane admitted having an affair with Irina while you were married.

Arvin: You're dying. I can help you.
Agent: I don't want your help, Arvin. You've caused my daughter so much pain. I could've prevented it. I won't make continue to make that mistake.
Arvin: I think you've overestimated your position, Jack. You can't hurt me anymore.
Agent: True. But I can keep you down here with me.
[Jack opens up his jacket to reveal the C4 and a detonator]
Arvin: What are you doing?
Agent: You beat death Arvin. But you couldn't beat me.

Sydney: What happens if what we're looking for isn't metal?
Jack: Then we're screwed; it isn't an unfamiliar situation.

Sydney: Would you like to hold your granddaughter?
Agent: Yes, I would.
[Sydney hands the baby to Jack]
Sydney: She has Vaughn's eyes.
Agent: Yeah, she does.
[Sydney looks down and thinks for a moment]
Sydney: Dad...
Agent: I'll take care of it.
[the scene changes from the airplane to Bhutan and a man riding a horse to a shack, he enters the shack and whispers a message to the monk]
Lama: [in subtitles] My brother... there's good news. You have a daughter.
[the screen moves over and you see Vaughn look up and smile]
Lama: [last lines]

[Talking about Tippin getting closer to SD-6]
Arvin: What concerns me is that this doesn't seem to concern you.
Jack: There is a difference between concern and assassination.

Michael: I didn't know you wore glasses.
Jack: Only during surgery.

[Jack prepares Will for his meet with Khasinau]
Jack: You'll be picked up by men in a van, they'll be armed.
Will: Okay.
Jack: You'll be blindfolded and taken to another location.
Will: Okay, I know what that feels like.
Jack: But they will not hurt you, they need you.
Will: But they're going to take me to "deep throat".
Jack: Or someone who works for him.

Jack: I suggest you focus your energy into achieving closure on this matter.
Michael: No one wants Lauren in custody more than I do!
Jack: That's not the kind of closure I'm referring to.
Michael: [Jack hands Vaughn a key] What's this?
Jack: It's the key to my storage facility, you've been there before. In it you'll find false identification, unmarked and untraceable weapons, contact sheets, as well as disposal facilities capable with dealing with her remains.
Michael: That might be your way of dealing with things, but it's not mine.
[Vaughn tries to give the key back]
Jack: Keep it.
[Jack walks off]

Sydney: Have you actually ever built anything before?
Jack: Yes, in fact, I built your crib.
Sydney: Really?
Jack: Well your mother and I did it together.
[Jack grabs the crib mattress and throws it inside the crib]
Jack: Done.
Sydney: Done?
Jack: Uh huh, why did you doubt me?
Sydney: No, of course not.
[She stands up and they push the crib out of the room, but it won't fit thru the doorway]
Jack: Get me the screwdriver.

Sydney: There's only one reason Sloane would keep secret the existence of a computer. Because this computer server forty-seven is a vulnerability.
Jack: Until you tell me what you're suggesting, I have nothing to respond to.
Sydney: I think there's a central Alliance computer: I think that's what server forty-seven is. A network that links all the SD cells. It makes sense, doesn't it?

Jack: I understand this is difficult.
Senator: No, no, it's not, because there is nothing here. Lauren is a patriot, and I will not allow you to ruin her reputation based on innuendo and supposition!

Sydney: Dad... I'm going to find her. I have to.
Jack: Searching for that woman will accomplish nothing! No good can come from it!
Sydney: I need to know where she is.
Jack: Sydney, we don't even know if she's still alive!
Sydney: I know
Jack: Even if she is, it doesn't change what she did!
Sydney: Dad, I know!
Jack: Do you expect her just to say..."I'm sorry"?
Sydney: I don't know what to expect!
Jack: Well, you better know exactly what to expect!... What could she ever say... that would satisfy you?

Jack: Mr. Vaughn, you're young and you're eager, and I understand that. But one thing you're not, and this is something only time can provide really, is wise.

Jack: You don't have clearance.
Sydney: Clearance to know how my mother died?
Jack: There are rules, Sydney.
Sydney: Then you break them!

Arvin: Jack, don't go digging. You won't find anything. I know that you were imprisoned for making contact with your ex-wife. You went to Irina Derevko for help to find Sydney. Now I wouldn't have believed that you would ally yourself with a woman you vowed you'd never trust again. So, if you're capable of having such a change of heart, why is it so hard to believe that I am as well?
Jack: Because every morally questionable thing I have done has been to protect Sydney. You don't have the same excuse.
Arvin: Really?

Sydney: We should talk to Dixon and figure out a way to handle this.
Michael: Oh, I know how to handle this.
Agent: You will act like nothing has changed.
Michael: Okay, what's Plan B 'cause that's not going to happen.

Sydney: I want that tape.
Agent: No you don't, not if you want what's best for Vaughn.
Sydney: You know what he's going to do if we don't stop him.
Agent: Yes; he'll get closure.
Sydney: You want him to kill Lauren.
Agent: If he doesn't, it will eat at him like a cancer. The only cure it is to end it now! She destroyed Vaughn's life.
Sydney: Vaughn's life, not yours, this is about what Lauren did to Vaughn, not what mom did to you. I don't know what you've told him, or how much of all this you've orchestrated. In some twisted way, you've got Vaughn carrying your burden; trying to get you closure by doing the one thing you never had a chance to do, kill the person who betrayed you.
Agent: I did have a chance, and I didn't take it. And not a day went by that I didn't regret letting her go. Vaughn will feel the same way. He will end up like me, and I love you too much to let that happen.

Jack: Irina Derevko gave you the operations manual for her syndicate. I would like you to tell me where you've hidden it.
Claus: Derevko is a great woman.
Jack: Morphine's not bad, either. Let me be clear. I've only given you enough to last five minutes. Cooperate and get all you want. Resist and you get none.

Michael: Syd, slow down, say that again.
Sydney: We can ID him.
Michael: Who?
Sydney: Phantom; my contact. I can send you a picture. You can check it against airport surveillance, inbound flights to Cuba. He wasn't alone. Get visuals of the other members of third faction. And track that against where they've been and... and where they're going.
Jack: Send the photo
[Sydney takes a picture of the corpse with her cell phone]
Michael: Okay Syd, we've got it. We're indexing it now.
Sydney: Vaughn...
Michael: Yeah, I'm here can you hear me?
Sydney: We know what he looks like.
Michael: [Vaughn looks at Jack scared] Syd, we got the picture, we're working on him.
Sydney: We can check it against airport surveillance.
Michael: Syd, you already said that.
Sydney: He wasn't alone, we can find where he's been, where's he's going.
[Vaughn and Jack share a concerned look, Jack walks off]

Irina: We need to be up early.
Irina: We should get to bed.
Jack: Yeah we should.
[they kiss]

Jack: Sydney, there's something you should know. When I first learned of Sloane's affair with your mother, I was forced to consider the possibility that I wasn't in fact your biological father.
Sydney: You don't even...
Jack: It's not the case. I had our medical files examined. Our relationship is clear. But I wanted you to know, during that brief time before I was reassured my feelings for you never changed.

Sydney: If you're wondering whether I've told Nadia that you killed our mother, no I haven't. But I plan to.
Jack: Out of spite?
Sydney: Out of respect.

Sydney: [watching Vaughn with Lauren] After thirty years you still live with your wife's betrayal. Will he?
Agent: Absolutely.

Michael: You killed Javier Perez, you son of a bitch!
Jack: You've just returned from a traumatic experience, Mr. Vaughn. You're understandably emotional, which would explain your baseless accusation.
Michael: You're right, I am emotional. I get that way when I see a gun pressed to my wife's temple!
Jack: Ours is a risky business.

Jack: Lie detector test.
Sydney: I studied the C.I.A. instruction book on how to take a successful LDT.
Jack: This isn't like that. This test monitors variations in blood flow in the brain. It's very difficult to deceive. Tell your handler Vaughn he needs to prepare you for this. If he can't, he'll get someone who can.

Jack: You were right. Although our marital contract was founded on fraudulent pretenses, it's still valid until it's annulled. Which means, technically, we are still married.
Irina: Jack. Thus far, I've agreed to be debriefed only by Sydney. From now on, I'm willing to talk to you, too.

Jack: [to Sydney] You and I need to assume Dixon's reported you. The best move for us is for me to take full responsibility.
Sydney: What about Will?
Jack: [to Will] You're... going to have a hard time.

Jack: I know why you checked yourself out of medical services early. I know you're under the impression you're fine, that all you need to do is hold yourself together, bury yourself in work.
Michael: Get to the point, Jack.

Jack: I know how this feels.
Sydney: Not exactly. You've had a lot longer to make sense of this than I have.
Jack: There was a time when this was news to me, too. Your mother was sent to the United States to steal secrets from a ranking officer of the C.I.A. How she and I happened to meet, how she supposedly fell in love, I thought it was all true. But it was just a set-up.

Jack: Sydney!
[Sydney and Jack embrace]
Sydney: I couldn't stop him. It was Vaughn, he took the coil. I couldn't stop him dad.

Jack: I gave your sister closure.
Sydney: But not the truth.
Jack: Sometimes a satisfying lie, Sydney, can do more good than the awful truth.

Sydney: They told me you were charged with resisting authority. Dad, I don't understand.
Agent: I became obsessed with your death; with finding those responsible. And at a certain point in my pursuit, I needed help. So I contacted the one person I believed I could trust, given the circumstances... your mother.
Sydney: You were working with Mom?
Agent: At the time, she was number 6 on the CIA's most wanted list. The National Security Council, primarily... Robert Lindsey. You met him?
Sydney: Yes.
Agent: He discovered that I was collaborating with your mother, so he threatened me, questioned my allegiance to this country. He chose to make an example of me - an NSC power play. And here we are.

Sydney: I thought you'd be home by now.
Jack: I was about to say the same to you. The plasma charge, it's in our hands.
Sydney: Sark isn't... the Covenant.
Jack: Have you had dinner? If memory serves, you always liked Mitchellis.
Sydney: I haven't eaten there since I was eight.
Jack: I do eat, you know.
Sydney: I'd like that, actually.

Jack: I've been trying to think of a single reason why you saved my life. The only conclusion I've come to is that it would incur some feeling of debt on my part.
Arvin: As usual, Jack, you're in danger of outsmarting yourself.

Jack: Sydney, what are you doing here?
Sydney: I would have called, I just didn't know if that was...
Jack: You shouldn't be here.
Sydney: I told you I have a thousand questions. They're keeping me awake at night.
Jack: Then take something.
Sydney: Dad, did you know SD-6 was going to recruit me? I mean, did you help?
Jack: This isn't the time.
Sydney: Then I need to ask you about mom.
Jack: Sydney...
Sydney: Was it just an accident? Or-or did you tell her about what you were doing, like I told Danny?
Jack: Look where you are! You're exposed.
Sydney: Dad, please...
Jack: Don't come here again. Not again.

Jack: You broke my heart Irina.
Irina: That was another lifetime. I won't do it again
Jack: Good to know
[They kiss]
Irina: This has been lovely, but I should go back.
Jack: Tell me Irina... How did it feel giving the order? Was it difficult or were you able to remain cold, indifferent, were you amused?
Irina: Jack, this is cryptic, even for you.
Jack: Then let me be clear. How did it feel to pay a man, to kill your own daughter?
Irina: You weren't supposed to find out.
Jack: You didn't feel a thing did you? How's that possible? Were Sydney and I nothing to you, merely strategic alliances to be disposed of once we outlived our usefulness? After what we've been through Irina, I deserve and explanation. Why? I need a reason.
Irina: Because, it had to be done.
[Jack pulls out a gun and places it to Irina's head]
Irina: Jack...
Jack: To end you...
[Jack shoots Irina]

Sydney: Since I've known the truth about you, I've asked myself questions. Thousands of questions. But this one I have to ask you now. When Danny was killed... Dad... did you know? Did you know that's what they were going to do?
Jack: Yes.
[Sydney slaps him]
Sydney: Don't you ever speak to me again

Jack: I'm not willing to risk your life based on speculative intel you acquired from a Russian spy.
Sydney: Why would she lie?
Jack: That's precisely the question!
Sydney: She turned herself in!
Jack: She's not the first!

Irina: Look
[Jack and Irina turn around to see a red horse]
Irina: Rambaldi wrote, when blood red horses roam the streets and angels fall from the sky, the chosen one and the passenger will clash and only one of them will survive.
Jack: You really are through the looking glass aren't you? When I see angels fall from the sky, I'll start to worry.
Irina: I just can't shake the feeling that tonight, one of my daughters will parish.

Jack: [Jack and Sydney sit in total silence waiting for a contact] This is the best conversation we've had in weeks.

Jack: You went to see Nadia. Did you tell her what you know?
Sydney: I guess I thought that maybe you'd come here, I don't know to give me something. Information... Something that would help make sense of what I was afraid you'd become, but there's nothing you could say. Of course you were only looking out for yourself.
Sydney: Is that what you think of me as an operative? That I would reveal your secret to that poor girl?
[Vaughn walks in the door]
Sydney: I didn't tell Nadia a thing.

Jack: I work in Intelligence. That is all you need to know.
Will: So, the bank, Credit Delphine... that was all just a front cover?
Jack: You and I meet only when and where I decide. Never contact me by any means. Do not call, write, text, email or use any means of communication to contact me. I will contact you.
Will: When you say "intelligence" that means SD-6? Is that some off-the-books government agency...
Jack: We go after the source first. Everything else comes later. Are we clear on that?
Will: Does Sydney know? Jack? Is your daughter a part of this?
Jack: [after a short pause; lying] No, she is not. Now... are we clear?
Will: Yes.
Jack: Do you have a way of contacting your source?
Will: Yeah, it's a transmitter in a pin. I found it in a box of stuff belonging to Eloise Kurtz.
Jack: [surprised] I planted that pin on Eloise Kurtz.
Will: Of course. That's why it's government issued. So, you hired her to play the nonexistent Kate Jones so she could lie to me about being involved with Danny. When she said too much... you had her killed.
Jack: I did not kill her, but I bear some responsibility for her death as do you for involving her in this.
Will: I don't understand why...
Jack: [cutting him off] Focus, Mr. Tippin! Do as I instruct or more people will die!
Will: All right, I'll contact Deep Throat and I'll insist on a meeting...
Jack: [cutting him off again] No! He told you about me! If you insist on a meeting, he will know that it's a set up. You will contact him and tell him you know that I was the one who kidnapped you that night and you are terrified. Then, tell him that you are back on the story. This meeting never took place.

Michael: According to Rambaldi, the woman in question, the subject of this prophecy, will have never seen Mt. Subasio. Meaning if Sydney were to go there and see it herself.
Jack: She couldn't possibly be the woman Rambaldi was talking about.
Michael: That makes sense, doesn't it? I thought that made sense.

Jack: Yes, Vaughn briefed me. Elsa Caplan shouldn't be processed as a walk-in, she's an SVR agent.
Sydney: Which means we can classify her as a defector.
Jack: Or we can arraign her and try her for espionage. Until we make that determination, I'm holding her here.

Sydney: She's my sister; I need to tell her...
Jack: This isn't about what you need, Sydney...
Sydney: No, apparently it's about what you need.

Sydney: She told me to pull the alarm.
Jack: Yes, and for all you know, that could've made things worse. Sydney, you're smarter than this. Your mother wants you to think she's your ally. That she can help you get what you want. Her intel might even be accurate once, twice, but the minute you start depending on her, she will gut you.

Julian: [Jack and Sark at Will's exchange] Jack Bristow, doing his daughter's work. There was speculation that you might make an appearance tonight.
Jack: If you're not comfortable with me we can waive our business for the night and say goodbye.
Julian: Are you comfortable? Do you feel comfortable trading priceless documents for a low grade reporter?
Jack: You should read Tippin's stuff, it's not so bad.

Jack: You realize it is your prerogative to ask Dixon to send someone else.
Sydney: If Dixon sends me on an operation, I'm going.
Jack: What I mean is, someone instead of Vaughn.

Jack: [to Sydney playing Laura] what concerns me,I won't be back until next week, I'll miss Sydney's birthday, again.
Sydney: That's ok, you'll explain it to her, she'll understand.
Jack: She's a child; she shouldn't need to understand her father isn't home to celebrate her birthday. Laura, the only memories I have of my father, are of him leaving.
[Long pause]
Jack: I don't want it to be that way for her, she deserves better.
[Sydney is about to cry]
Sydney: The work you do; is important.
Jack: Not as important as her, or you. When I get back from Europe, I'm going to talk to my supervisors.
Sydney: What about?
Jack: Giving notice. Sorry, I should've discussed this with you before I made a decision.
Sydney: No... That means more to me than you'll ever know.
[Jack kisses her hand and moves to play piano with the little girl]
Sydney: [Sydney watches and begins to cry]

Jack: You went behind my back.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: That's hardly unheard of in this office.
Jack: So what is this? Retribution for me taking your parking space?

Jack: What I'm about to tell you, is not to leave this room. Agent Vaughn is alive.
[Tom and Dixon share a confused look]
Marshall: I knew it! I knew it! I knew he couldn't be dead!
Jack: For the last several months, Vaughn's been kept in a secure location in Nepal; pending his recovery. I hope you all can understand that secrecy was a necessary measure to ensure his safety. Unfortunately those measures weren't sufficient. Through Sloane's tapping of our network, the Prophet Five network learned of Sydney's trip to Nepal. They sent an agent to intercept her.
Marcus: Is she okay?
Jack: She's fine; she made it to Vaughn's location, but Vaughn was no longer there.
Rachel: He was abducted.
Jack: In a manner of speaking.
[He turns on the monitor with a picture of Vaughn and Anna -as Sydney- walking together]
Jack: We managed to pick up the trail. This was taken in Hamburg international airport one hour ago. The woman in the photo is not Sydney...

Michael: Think that was the best move? Punching Lindsey in the face?
Jack: Based on the comments he was making, it was obvious that you and I were going to end up here no matter what we did. Whether I hit him or not. I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity.

[Jack is conducting Nadia's psych evaluation and giving her hypothetical scenarios]
Jack: While tapping a phone line of a target in New Delhi, you're spotted by the enemy. Your partner tells you to continue with the mission objective while he neutralizes the target. Do you obey him or fight back?
Nadia: Is the phone system the new PBX Matrix?
Jack: [impatiently] Just answer the question, please.
Nadia: [pause] Why is my partner a man?
Jack: [stiffly] The sex of your partner is irrelevant.
Nadia: Oh. No, I would not obey. I'd help her fight him off, then she and I could finish the job together.

Sydney: This is suicide.
Jack: I don't think it is.
Sydney: What exactly is your strategy here? Politely asking Sloane to let you out of SD-6?

Jack: When it comes to Irina Derevko, my judgment's proven to be... impaired.

Jack: Is something on your mind Agent Vaughn.
Michael: [hesitant] No, not really. I'm not very sleeping well.
Jack: It's Lauren, isn't it.
Michael: I think I see her sometimes; I thought I saw her in the market in Algeria. Did that ever happen with you?
Jack: Do I have visions of Lauren?
Michael: I don't know that many people who killed the woman they were married to. I was just wondering if that's what happens.
Jack: It did, now it doesn't.

Dr. Judy Barnett: Well, I'm sorry, but I am not in the habit of helping a father manipulate his daughter. No matter how good his intentions may be.
Jack: I see. And is your opinion here based on what's best for Sydney, or for the agency? Because the fact is if Sydney doesn't talk to Laura, the CIA learns nothing.
Dr. Judy Barnett: So you still think of her as Laura, even though that was her alias.

Michael: If Sloane can't touch this case, then why did they assign it to his task-force?
Jack: Because of Sydney. Our target is someone with whom several of you are quite familiar.
Sydney: Who is it?
Jack: Anna Espinosa.
Sydney: I thou... She's supposed to be dead.
Jack: So are a lot of people.

Sydney: It took me a second to realize what you were doing.
Jack: I was blinking as fast as I could.
Sydney: I know. I was like, "Hard on your light"?
Jack: Guard on your right.
Sydney: Well, I figured it out. I was just never very good at Morse code.

Jack: Remember when I told you that during the time you were missing, I contacted your mother? That cipher text was encoded using a method that she devised.
Sydney: What does this mean? That I was in contact with Mom during the two years I was gone?

Jack: What about Vaughn?
Sydney: I've tried talking to him about it. He won't even entertain the possibility. It's like he can't hear it.
Jack: Perhaps he can't hear it from you.

Jack: We may never have a better chance to get Sloane. Remember, without Irina's help, the operation in Kashmir would have been an embarrassment.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Jack, when the hell did we switch places? Derevko could be using this operation just to convince us that she's trustworthy.
Jack: I've had twenty years to reflect on that woman's ability to deceive. Trust me. If she lies to me again, I'll know it.

Arvin: [Sloane joins Jack at his outdoor table at a restaurant] It's good to see you, Jack.
Jack: I assume that since you're sitting across from me with so little regard for your life, I'm in the cross hairs of a sniper rifle.
Arvin: Two of them.

Sydney: I have known Will for years. Trust me on this.
Jack: There's another possibility... that the man we have in custody is not Will Tippin. Project Helix. The doubling prototype that you destroyed in Poland was designed to reshape a person's physical attributes to identically resemble someone else. The prototype's database revealed two scheduled recipients of the procedure: Dr. Markovic who was killed, and a second unknown individual.
Sydney: You think Will is the double.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: We found Provacillium in Will's car. It's a medication usually taken by gene therapy patients to keep the body from rejecting the DNA mutations.

Jack: Sydney...
Sydney: We lost our only lead on Gordon Dean. I'm not sure if I can do this dad.
Jack: We'll get another lead.
Sydney: It's not that... It's everything... It's... It's hard being without him... I saw the baby's heart beat for the first time the other day... I was by myself... It's not fair, he should have been there.
Jack: I'm here, how can I help?
Sydney: My next doctor's appointments in a few weeks, would you go with me?
Jack: Oh sweetheart, of course I will.

Jack: Kane called a meeting.
Michael: Does she know anything?
Jack: Unclear. But I'm told she has two units from security section prepared to take me in. I have to be ready for anything.

Dr. Judy Barnett: And how would you define a "normal" family?
Jack: I suppose it's one in which the family members aren't under orders to lie to each other.

Ariana: I'm aware of your reputation as a first-class strategist, Agent Bristow. Tell me, where would you begin this investigation?
Jack: With me. Over the years Arvin's trusted me with everything I'd need to know to be the perpetrator. And if his standing within the Alliance were undermined, I'd be a candidate to inherit his seat. Motive.

Jack: [Hangs up phone] As if weapon grade anthrax grows on trees.
[to Vaughn]
Jack: What is it?
Michael: Oh if this is a bad time I can...
Jack: No, please. After dealing with that Chechnyan lunatic for the past couple of hours, whatever business you have will be a welcome relief.
Michael: [Vaughn smirks to himself and walks towards jack desk] Well we've umm... I know you're a man who... I know you're a man who respects tradition. As... as do I. And...
Jack: Please just get to the point agent Vaughn.
Michael: I'm gonna ask Sydney to marry me and I'd like your blessing.
Jack: Perhaps you believe my recent illness rendered me less incoherent than before or that my cogitative faculties have been somehow dulled or diminished. Allow me to clarify the facts for you Mr. Vaughn. While I've come to believe that you're not as useless as I first imagined. I still don't feel you have...
[They are interrupted by loud sirens]

Leonid: Sark has never met Ryan.
Jack: Are you sure of this?
Leonid: Yes.
Sydney: That wasn't a "yes," that was a "no."

Agent: You pulled my file last week, that's my problem, Mr. Vaughn. Now, did curiosity get the better of you, or were you trying to impress my daughter?
Vaughn: She thinks you were KGB. But, I'm sure you already knew that. So, what I'm wondering is what were you doing checking up on me checking up on you?

Jack: We've decrypted the specs on Project Helix that you and Vaughn obtained. The data describes a breakthrough in next-generation molecular gene therapy. It refers to a new procedure whereby a patient's face and body are reshaped to identically resemble someone else. Agent Lennox was the first test subject to be doubled.

Jack: There's another fact! Nothing that woman says or does can be taken at face value. Her motivations are strictly her own and now that your dealings with your mother have taken on an emotional component, I'm concerned.
Sydney: Well, don't be. I'm more professional than that. Every one of our discussions has been specific and mission-related.
Jack: You told her about your school play.

Michael: Roberts, the man you are about to see is your former employer, Arvin Sloane. All we need you to do is make a positive ID.
[Vaughn sits Roberts in a chair and has him look through a window at the real Arvin Sloane]
Michael: Well...
Roberts: Huh...
Michael: What does that mean?
Roberts: That dude is him, sort... Sort of
Jack: Is it him or not?
Roberts: I mean, yeah, it's him, then it's not. You know what I'm sayin'?
Sydney: It's not him...
Roberts: But almost him. But it's wild, it's like they don't even look that much alike. But... I don't know; this is freaky man. If you're asking me, both of them give me the creeps.

Arvin: We have no Intel on that woman. You'll be going in blind Sydney.
Sydney: We know enough. She has gossip rags all over the room, which means she's fine making a mess, so we know she's not a one-night stand. Her shoes cost more than most people's monthly salary, so she either has money of her own or access to Tambor's.
[Vaughn stares at Sydney, then looks up at Weiss bewildered]
Sydney: Either way, empty champagne bottles, her side of the bed. This girl likes to party. But her boyfriend would rather stay in and watch TV their last night in Monaco than hang out with her, so she's bored. Most likely pissed off.
Jack: How do you propose to find her?
Sydney: Well, she let her handbag. She didn't go far. In fact, I'm guessing she's hitting the hotel bar right now.
[Vaughn grins at Sydney]
Sydney: All Nadia and I need to do is get to her and get her to take us to the room. Why are you smiling?
Michael: I don't know.

Jack: Actually, Ryan alerted local authorities, gave them time to evacuate the building.
Eric: So he's a humanitarian bomber?

Jack: Personally I would have found it anti-climactic that after expecting to assemble a weapon of ultimate power you found a revelation you could have acquired from a fortune cookie.

Michael: [Syd and Vaughn are about to approach a source for information] How do you wanna play this?
Sydney: You wanna be rough, or you want me to be rough?
Michael: You're always rough.
Sydney: No, I'm not.
Michael: Yes, you are.
Sydney: That's not true!
Michael: Yes, it is.
Sydney: Are you talking about at home, or on Ops?
Michael: Both. Hey, I'm not complaining!
[Vaughn gives Sydney a huge grin]
Sydney: If I'm rough, it's because you like me to...
[pauses looks around embarrassed]
Sydney: Are we on coms?
Jack: Yes, you're both on coms right now.
Sydney: [Sydney covers her mouth in embarrassment, Vaughn grins and nods happily] We'll both be rough.

Arvin: I remember years ago, I was working at SD-6. I was on my way to a meeting in Berlin. It was a typical day... except K-Directorate made an attempt on my life. As I opened my car door, a sniper shot came out of nowhere. The bullet grazed my neck. Actually left a burn mark... You never forget what that feels like... to barely escape with your life.
Jack: I have a plane waiting.
Arvin: Then you should go.

Marshall: Uh, excuse me, one thing. Did you say that before the explosion, your mother called out your name?
Sydney: Yes.
Marshall: Well, why'd she do that? Does that seem weird to anyone or is that just me? It's cool if it is just me. It is just me, isn't it?
Jack: Irina may have wanted to save Sydney's life.
Sydney: I doubt that's the case.

Jack: If you're wondering why that man mistook you for your mother, he worked for her. I skimmed the research as it was downloading. Before she surrendered to the CIA, Irina deliberately ordered Sark to expose some of her own operatives to the virus in order to study it. Ask yourself if that's a person worth saving.

Jack: About last week: it was a matter of circumstance, Arvin. Whether I would have gone through with it...
Arvin: Oh, you would've. I would've.
Jack: Perhaps.
Arvin: And now you feel guilty. Well don't bother, Jack. Sydney's life was at stake. How can I blame a man for doing whatever he can to save his daughter's life?

Irina: I remember the first time you introduced me to Sloane. You were both working at the CIA, he came to the house for dinner. You were true friends.
Jack: Yes. We shared a similar unsentimental patriotism... and a devotion to our wives. But Sloane changed and... it was Rambaldi that did it. I'm not sure what it is - he never told me - but Sloane has a personal connection to Rambaldi.
Irina: I lived for years with the same obsession, to find a higher meaning in Rambaldi's work. I never understood how you managed to avoid getting caught up in it.
Jack: I had something neither of you did.
Irina: Sydney.

Arvin: I had toxicology analyze the glass of wine that somehow made its way into my house last week. They found a compound called VTX which counteracts the effects of sodium morphate. Sodium morphate is the poison I used to... end Emily's suffering.
Jack: I see two possibilities. Either Emily predicted your intention to euthanize her, took the necessary countermeasures and is now playing a game with you, or the more likely scenario, someone wants you to believe Emily's alive or worse, they'll try and make the Alliance believe it, too.

Jack: Sloane answers to people. People who don't know or care about you.

[after Jack had beaten up and threatened Will]
Sydney: I'm taking Will tonight.
Jack: You're doing what?
Sydney: Yeah. Emily told me to bring someone. Why?
Jack: Nothing.

Sydney: I thought you said we need to keep this secret!
Jack: Yes, from the NSC, which is what we've done.
Sydney: You knew Dixon would order Vaughn to keep this from Lauren. If the NSC found out, I'd be pulled.
Jack: In time, you would have come to the same conclusion.
Sydney: Maybe, yes, but I wouldn't have acted on it. The last thing I want is to be responsible for driving a wedge between Vaughn and Lauren.
Jack: That is a concern I do not share.

Sydney: Dad, you don't have to worry about me. I'm not that naive.
Jack: I'm sure that's something we both hope is true.

Sydney: [on the phone with Jack] I'm in the middle of Taipei. I just got free. Is Vaughn with you?
Jack: No, we haven't heard from him. Sydney, you have to get to the plane now.
Sydney: Dad, I have to go back for him.
Jack: No, there's no time! The Taiwanese authorities will check this airstrip.
Sydney: I can't leave him behind. Hold the plane, I have to back to the lab.
Sydney: Sydney, wait!
Will: Who's Vaughn?

Marshall: You're probably going to want to kill me once I tell you this, but I ran some tests.
Jack: What kind of tests?
Marshall: You may be very sick Mr Bristow. Now you'll need additional blood work...
Jack: I thought I made myself clear Marshall; this is not something that I care to discuss.
Marshall: I understand... Just hear me out. You have a mutation.
Jack: Marshall, I've heard enough.
Marshall: Damn it, you may not care what happens to you, but what happens to you affects other people, Sydney, for example. Have you thought about that? You need to see a doctor now!

Jack: Sydney, I heard about what happened. Are you alright?
Sydney: I'm fine.
Jack: Russek. That was a shock.
Sydney: You didn't?
Jack: What?
Sydney: Have anything to do with that?
Jack: What do you mean, did I engineer it, somehow? No, Sydney, of course not.

Sydney: How long have you known about this?
Jack: I didn't tell you because it didn't concern you!
Sydney: If the Alliance thinks you're lying to them, they'll kill you. That concerns me!
Jack: What concerns me is having them suspect that you're my accomplice. That's why I kept you out of it.

Jack: [Sydney has just injected Dean with a version of LSD that Marshall modified] How long until we can interrogate Dean?
Marshall: Not long. In about an hour, he'll think your God. He'll tell you anything you want to know. Of course, if you'd like, I could facilitate the process.
Jack: Let's do that.
[Psychedelic music starts playing in the background]
Jack: I see you've done this before.

Michael: The fact that you're letting me see this place means: it's not your only one, is it?
Jack: You're smarter than you look.

Jack: It's been a rather interesting year for me. It's made me reevaluate certain parts of my life. I'm trying to have more fun these days.
Elena: [Jack pushes needle into Elena's neck] Waaiiit... How do I know you won't inject me anyway?
Jack: You don't...
Elena: White, tell her to cut the white wire.
[Irina shots Elena in the head]
Irina: Sydney; cut the blue wire, and then run like hell, you have 15 seconds before the ball bursts.

Marshall: So what you're saying is a large red ball, plus contaminated water equals a city full of homicidal maniacs. That was a sentence I'd never thought I'd say.
Michael: But what's the point, besides the weirdest terrorist attack of all time.
Jack: Their purpose remains a mystery, perhaps Sydvoko serves some strategic importance.
Eric: I'd go with world domination, but that's always my go to.

Jack: If for some reason this doesn't work, tell my girls I love them; Sydney and Laura.
Dr. Atticus Liddell: You're going to pull through this Jack. I'll see you on the other side.

Jack: We're waiting for Sloane.
Michael: You called Sloane on this?
Jack: You and I will be the prime suspects behind any attempt to free Sydney from NSC custody. Sloane has agreed to make it seem as if it were the work of the Covenant. Do I trust him on this? Not necessarily.

Jack: SD-6 has run an additional profile on Noah. There were anomalies, including recent bank activity which suggested he may have ties to K-Directorate. Noah's been taken into custody by security section.

Jack: [to Vaughn] If you care about my daughter as you claim to, then push her away. Be cruel if you have to... make her despise you. Because your kindness tortures her. I can see it, what it does to her. And I won't have it.

Arvin: He had so many brilliant creations. Rambaldi. But there was one in particular, a machine. He called it "il dire" - the telling. The construction consists of forty-seven pieces. Classic Rambaldi. As you know, it took me a long time, longer than I thought, but I've acquired them all, including the Di Regno heart with your help. They're in the next room, Jack. I have a team assembling "il dire" right now. They said it shouldn't be more than a day.
Jack: And then what?
Arvin: I've seen things recently. I've seen what's possible. There's a change coming, Jack. Something even I couldn't imagine.

Michael: Sydney's life is worth the risk!
Jack: Not to Sydney! Taking them down is what gets her up in the morning. Or... did you think it was those meetings she has with you?

Jack: Are Sydney and I switching handlers or is this a special occasion?
Michael: No, we have a problem.
Jack: Fisher hasn't make contact, I know.
Michael: No, we believe K-Directorate had an agent waiting in the hospital.
Jack: SD-6 does not have conformation of that.
Michael: CIA does. We have an extraction team waiting on the ready line out of Serbia. I want to pull Sydney out of there. I was hoping we could coordinate this together.

Michael: Look, I don't like it any more than you do, but if Listening to him, helps us get the bomb back, I can live with it.
Sydney: Even if your right, what if Anna gets away?
Jack: Sark has agreed to lead us to Ushek San'ko, the leader of CRF. We believe San'ko can provide operational intelligence that will allow us to stop Anna, and recover the weapon.
Sydney: When do we leave?
Jack: He has however made a demand which involves you.
[Looks up at Vaughn]
Jack: He wants to exhume your wife's body.
Michael: Fine, let him.
Jack: That's not all, Sark has demanded that you open her coffin for him.
Sydney: No!
Jack: Agent Vaughn?
Sydney: You can't order him to do this?
Jack: I'm not ordering, I'm asking. Sark's participation leading us to CRF, stopping Anna is dependent...
Michael: I'll do it.

Sydney: I've seen the footage. Mom's briefing with her KGB handler. She was sent here for one specific purpose, to steal information from you about a project you were developing for the CIA. An operation to train children to be American spies. Project Christmas. Ever since Mom came back, you were afraid she'd figure out what you did to me. You weren't trying to protect me from her, you were trying to protect your secret. So the first opportunity you had, you set her up... in Madagascar.
Jack: Sydney, understand something...
Sydney: No, Dad, you understand something. You took away my choices in life. You programmed me to be a spy. I will never forgive you for this.

Will: Sodium thiopental, like a truth serum? They are going to give me that.
Jack: I would.
Will: Great.
Jack: Don't worry. I will be monitoring you the whole time. You have your cover story straight?
Will: They are going to kill me, aren't they?
Jack: If they wanted that, you would have been dead long ago.

Sydney: Dad I don't know if I can explain what it's like waking up and having everything be different. My friends are gone. I have no job. I have no home. Vaughn's married.
Agent: [surprised] Vaughn's what?
Sydney: [hesitating, almost crying] He got married.
Agent: Michael Vaughn is just a boy who was never good enough for you.

Michael: Sydney spoke to you...
Jack: All I ask is that you hear me out.
[Vaughn nods and looks down]
Jack: My marriage with Irina, in spite of everything, was a happy time for me; it was easy being with her. There were times, moments, when I become curious, how would she occupy her morning, what were her plans while I was out of town. Usually she told me, but occasionally she'd stop what she was doing, walk over and offer me a kiss; A spontaneous gesture. But on one occasion it struck me, this impulsive kiss, what if it was an evasion; camouflaging the truth in an expression of love. Of course I dismissed my concern immediately, merely my professional paranoia. After all she was my wife I don't regret having married her. I have Sydney because of our time together. What I do regret is that once I saw signs of her duplicity, once I sensed her betrayal, I chose to ignore it. All I'm asking is that you be responsive to the signs if and when they present themselves.
Michael: You never respected me. Never thought I was worthy of your daughter. So I'm not surprised you're so quick to think Lauren is betraying me. But whether or not you or Sydney believe me, I know the life I'm living, and I know the woman I am married to. Lauren is not Irina, and I am definitely not you.

Sydney: We downloaded the DNA database Caplan decrypted from the computer he was working on. We finally have a lead on Sloane and Derevko.
Jack: Good. But, Sydney, if you go around me again I'll have you transferred and finding them will no longer be part of your job description.

Arvin: You didn't tell her, did you? The truth?
Jack: I told her that I was responsible for the death of her mother.
Arvin: Did you tell her everything?
Jack: She's better off not knowing everything.

Jack: She pled guilty to keep you from witnessing her trial, Sydney, from having you see photos of the agents she savagely murdered, including Vaughn's father. She knew if you sat through that, whatever sympathy she'd managed to elicit from you would vanish, so she cast herself as the victim to compel you to save her and guess what? You fell for it.

Jack: Almost. Sydney got the antidote. The doctors say your blood levels are looking good.
Michael: How did she do it?
Jack: She had Sloane killed.

Irina: I remember the first time you introduced me to Sloane. You were both working at the CIA, he came to the house for dinner. You were true friends.
Jack: Yes. We shared a similar unsentimental patriotism... and a devotion to our wives. But Sloane changed and... it was Rambaldi that did it. I'm not sure what it is... he never told me... but Sloane has a personal connection to Rambaldi.
Irina: I lived for years with the same obsession, to find a higher meaning in Rambaldi's work. I never understood how you managed to avoid getting caught up in it.
Jack: I had something neither of you did.
Irina: Sydney.

Sydney: I know about you! That you were hunted by the F.B.I.! And I know that mom died because they went after you.
Jack: Sydney...
Sydney: Every time I think I know just how awful you are, I learn something worse.

Arvin: You and Sydney still believe I'm pursuing some hidden agenda. Now, whatever you may perceive that agenda to be, clearly it would be easier to obtain if you were both dead, given that you're my most vocal detractors - my most capable antagonists.
Jack: Or you need us for something. Something you believe only we can provide.

Vaughn: Marshall! I'm gonna need a green light in a hurry!
Agent: Easyer said than done. It's all in german..."Anschlag"?
Agent: "Gruen"

Jack: It must've been lost in the mail.
Sydney: Your invitation?
Jack: Unless it was an e-vite. I don't read e-vites.

Jack: You asked me what I was afraid of. I can tell you, it's obvious. I'm afraid of losing my daughter.

Hayden: [Director Chase is caressing Dixon in the hospital where he is unconscious. She walks out and approaches Jack and Sydney] If anything changes, you call me.
Sydney: [to Jack] Did you have any idea she and Dixon...
Jack: No... But then I tend to miss those kinds of details.
Sydney: What are you talking about? You're the master of details.
Jack: Really? I've gone over the details a thousand times in my mind. Each one, added up to the same conclusion. That your life was in danger, and your mother was the lethal threat.

Jack: I spent a decade with this woman and another twenty years analyzing how she could have deceived me for so long. Trust me when I tell you, I am protecting you.
Sydney: No, you're not. I think you loved Mom so much that when she left you, you lost your soul. You know what else I think? I think the kind of man who'd use his own daughter to frame her mother, who'd test psych experiments when she was six-years-old is the kind of man who looks at his daughter and sees his greatest mistake.
Jack: You can't honestly believe that.
Sydney: It's true, isn't it? If Mom hadn't fooled you, if you hadn't been so gullible, I never would have been born. I'm going to finish reviewing the mission now.

Jack: [Posing as a security system tech] Yeah, got a call. You guys down?
FEMA: Where's Stuart?
Jack: Sick. Got a nasal infection. Freakin' nightmare.

Jack: We can assume what they've stolen is a precursor agent requiring further synthesis.
Eric: Okay, does everyone here speak science?
Marshall: Yeah.
Eric: No, Marshall, they don't.

Sydney: Dad, can I ask you something? When you started with SD-6, you knew that they were a mercenary group and that they had no connection with the C.I.A. But I didn't. When I joined, I thought I was going to be saving the world and not making it more dangerous.
Jack: What's the question?
Sydney: Why didn't you say something? I mean, you could have told me what I was really doing - damage instead of good - but you kept quiet.
Jack: [sighs] Revealing the truth about what you were doing would have required revealing the truth about what I was doing.

Sydney: [She is on the roof and Nadia approaches her] Nadia!
[Sydney realizes that Nadia has been infected]
Sydney: Nadia, it's me. It's Sydney. I don't want to hurt you.
Jack: [Over the coms] Sydney, what's happening?
Sydney: It's Nadia, she's guarding the device. She's infected.
Arvin: [to Elena] This is all you're doing.
Jack: You have to take her out.
Sydney: No dad... She's my sister.
Irina: Listen to me; she's not your sister anymore.

Agent: [Sydney is in labor while on a mission in a bank with her mother and father] Look at me. You can do this.
Sydney: I can't dad, I can't...
Agent: Sydney, yes you can.
Sydney: I don't want to do this here.
Agent: That's okay; tell me where you want to be.
Sydney: I'm scared.
Agent: I know, that why we're here. We're going to take care of you. Now, tell me where you want to be.
Sydney: I want to be on a beach.
Agent: That's good, okay, just go there. Now tell me about it.
Sydney: Vaughn is with me.
Agent: Vaughn is there, with you on the beach, good, Vaughn's with you.
Sydney: I miss him...
Agent: I know...

Jack: I'm going to bury you.

Sydney: Sloane wouldn't agree to partner with him unless Sark made it worth his while. Do you have any idea what they're after?
Jack: Given the scope of Sark's previous contacts and operations, he could be offering almost anything. What concerns me more is that your mother knew we were double agents before she turned herself in. She may have told Sark.
Sydney: I'll find out.
Jack: Before you do, consider this: two months ago she surrendered to the CIA. Yesterday, Sark made a back-door agreement with Sloane that places him inside SD-6. Do you believe that's just a coincidence?

Arvin: Jack. To what do I owe this pleasure?
Jack: I take no pleasure in this, Arvin.

Jack: [to Andre] I'll only say that if you choose not to cooperate with us, you'll regret that decision for the rest of your life.

Irina: I'll give you one chance to do the right thing. Not that you were ever any good at that. Which wire?
Elena: It's useless... In a few minutes when this signal broadcasts, the whole world will be different. However you plan on torturing me I'll hold out, at least for that long.
Irina: I'm not going to torture you; I'm going to let him do it.
[She nods towards Jack]
Irina: And he really doesn't care for you. Especially after you tricked him into killing me, one thing you should know about Jack, he hates being anybody's puppet.
Jack: I'm actually hoping you don't tell us what we need to know.
[He is filling up syringes at a workstation]
Jack: There's a 50/50 chance Sydney cuts the right wire. I'm willing to take those odds if it means I get to stand here and watch you turn into an animal.

Sydney: Look at this: Elsa Caplan's debrief transcript. It's barely ten pages long. Sloane kidnapped her husband two months ago and all we have is ten pages?
Jack: Sydney, if you feel Elsa Caplan was improperly debriefed, do it again yourself.

Irina: Agnet Vaughn has trouble sleeping. When you're in the field.
Sydney: I doubt he told you that.
Irina: No he didn't have to tell me I could see it in his eyes. You're so willing to take risks for your country, why aren't you willing to do the same for you're own happiness?
Jack: I hardly think you've earned he right to give anyone relationship advice.

Michael: What I learned is that it was a hoax. My father was killed by Irina Derevko in 1979. But someone was trying to make me believe otherwise.
Jack: Any idea who may have perpetrated this elaborate conspiracy?
Michael: Arvin Sloane...
Sydney: One of his colleagues confessed.
Jack: What possible motive would he have...
Michael: To force me into stealing something they wanted. I mean come on Jack; do I really have to explain to you what this is about? Sloane hasn't reformed... he's still after the same things.
Sydney: There's more dad; Vaughn wasn't the only person deceived by Sloane. The contract, the hit that was put on my life, I've seen the bank records. The payments paid to the assassin, wasn't mom. It was Sloane, he was behind it, he wanted you to kill her.
[They all pause and look at each other]
Sydney: I'm sorry dad. We should notify the agency, Chase...
Jack: No; I'll handle everything.

Thomas: Son of a bitch, why do I always get the assignments that involve hypothermia?
Jack: Because you're always late to briefings.

Daniel: Don't tell me. We've come to the point where you coerce me into cooperating.
Jack: Not exactly.
[Jack grabs Ryan by the neck and starts to strangle him]

Dr. Brezzel: [about Sydney] She's in a tangent.
Kaya: I was in a tangent once.
Jack: How nice for you.

Danny: Sir, I love your daughter and I want to marry her. That's why I'm calling.
Agent: First of all, Danny, the truth is this is just a courtesy call. Like when you say to your neighbor, "We're having a loud party on Saturday night if that's all right with you," what you really mean is, "We're having a loud party on Saturday night."
Danny: Mr. Bristow.
Agent: Sydney doesn't give a damn what my opinion is. What interests me is that you do.
Danny: It's just a custom to call the father. That's all this is.
Agent: Well then, I'll tell you what. I may become your father-in-law, that's just fine. But I will not be used as part of a charming little anecdote you tell your friends at cocktail parties so they can see what a quaint, old-fashioned guy Danny really is. Are we clear?
Danny: Yes, sir.
Agent: Good. Then welcome to the family.

Jack: You warned him, didn't you? Sloane. Whatever trust I'd established with him over the past few months has been compromised. What I can't figure out is, how will this play to Irina's advantage? Or your own?
Katya: One day when you least expect it, Irina's intentions will present themselves to you. And when that day comes, I promise you - it will be unmistakable.

Sydney: You've been paying my tuition; I thought I should at least help out.
Agent: What did you do you, rob a bank?
Sydney: Sort of, I got a job at a bank. It's just part time, for now at least. It's umm, a French bank. It's called Credit Dauphine. They have a very international clientele.
Agent: Credit Dauphine?
Sydney: Yeah, they have twelve branches around the world.
Agent: You're already working there?
Sydney: About a month. I wanted to make sure it would work out before I told you.
Agent: A month, good, it's not too late to quit.

Sydney: Where was I buried?
Jack: You were cremated. Vaughn spread your ashes at sea.

Arvin: As you are aware, someone has been actively perpetrating crime in my name. Objective is simple, find the man. Apprehend him.
Michael: Assuming he exists at all.
Jack: That's the assumption we're working with.
Arvin: Our best lead, so far, is Roberts. Where are we with him?
Marcus: Roberts has been interrogated, his knowledge of the organization he's working for is extremely limited.
Sydney: Well, we can still use him, he knows their contact protocol. We give Roberts the coil, put him into play. He makes an exchange, we track the coil back to Arvin Clone.
[Sloane looks at her puzzled]
Sydney: Sorry, that's what we've been calling him.
Eric: Yeah also Marvin Sloane,
[laughing in the room]
Eric: Rolling Sloane's...
Marshall: But obviously equally disrespectful...

Jack: A world relief organization. The sheer audacity of your alleged turnaround would be laughable, if you weren't so dangerous.
Arvin: I was wondering when you'd come to see me, Jack.

Jack: [to Vaughn] And, just because you have gotten comfortable with my daughter doesn't mean you can get comfortable with me.

Dr. Brezzel: I don't know anything about you, except that I'm not supposed to know anything about you.
Jack: Suffice to say there are people who are under the impression that my daughter has committed a crime. Her memories are the only things that can exonerate her.

Jack: Sydney; Vaughn is not the person you think... He's been working with a known criminal...
Sydney: Renée Rienne, I know.
Jack: Then what on earth prompted you to risk your own life, not to mention your professional integrity.
Sydney: Dad; Vaughn and I... were having a baby.

Sydney: You were right. Lauren has to pay.
Agent: Vaughn is going to be okay, and when he is, he has to end it, not you.
Sydney: If it's okay for Vaughn it's okay for me.

Sydney: [on the phone] You were right, the missions been compromised. Anna knows about Vaughn.
Jack: Where are you?
Sydney: No wait, Dad, listen to me it gets worse; I've been doubled.

Jack: What you need to do is find a way to accept what's happened. If you can deal with Arvin Sloane...
Sydney: I love that you knew that. That you approved it.
Jack: It may be hard for you to accept that your father doesn't have the authority to...
Sydney: No, what's hard to accept are the decisions you do make. What's hard is looking at you. Walking past you. Smelling that sickening cologne. And what's hard is being your daughter and not being able to separate myself as far as I may get from the person I despise the most.

Irina: And about my indiscretion with Sloane, I can only hope you accept my apology.
Jack: Of all the things you've done, that's what you're going to apologize for?
[Jack smirks]
Jack: You're going to enjoy getting to know Nadia. She's exceptional.
Irina: I wonder where she got that from?

Jack: The answer is in the document. According to the information you retrieved, each SD cell uses a code which changes weekly to operate their security system. The current code is listed right here.
Michael: So you're saying we need to get into SD-6 and find out what the actual code is right now?
Sydney: If it matches the one in the document, then the rest of the intel is real.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: In which case I could go to Langley about raiding the Alliance facilities.
Michael: Do we have the current SD-6 code?
Jack: No. But I can get it.

Jeffrey: [At CIA headquarters in DC] So Jack, you care to enlighten us as to why you called and operations meeting at 8:00 on a Friday?
Jack: I didn't call you all here for an operations meeting. Given that all of you have Alpha Black clearance, most of you may already be aware that A.P.O. has been investigating an organization known as Prophet Five. What may however, come to news to you is we have reason to believe that someone within our own agency is in collusion with this organization... Someone with Alpha Black clearance.
Arvin: [At APO with Marshall and Dixon] What have we got so far?
Marshall: Four down, three to go. Still nothing.
Jack: The reason I've gathered you all here, if it isn't obvious by now, only seven people in the entire agency have this level of clearance, and all of them are sitting in this room.
Jeffrey: Oh, come on!
Arthur: Jack, this is absurd. Are you suggesting that one of us is working for a terrorist organization?
Jack: That's exactly what I'm suggesting.
Marshall: I got a match.
Marcus: Jack, we've got a signal match.
Jack: One of you is working for Prophet Five and we have your number.
Arthur: Oh, that's enough, this meetings over.
Arvin: Go.
[You can hear dialing in the background and then a cell phone rings. The room sees that the ringing phone belongs to Davenport. Jack pulls his gun out and shoots him in the leg]
Jeffrey: [Screams in pain] Aah...

Jack: The chopper should be here any minute.
Irina: We both know how this is supposed to play out. You bring me back to the states; turn me over to your superiors.
Jack: On foot, you could reach the border by daybreak.
Irina: What about the agency? What would you tell them?
Jack: Oh I think they know, no one can hold on to Irina Derevko for too long.
[Irina smiles at Jack then kisses him. She walks over to Sydney]
Irina: Take care of your sister.
Sydney: I will.
Irina: Three years ago, when I told you were the chosen one, that only you could take down the greatest evil, I knew your mind must have been overwhelmed with confusion. But tonight you should recognize that you've done just that. Ohhh; I'm so proud of you.
Sydney: Thank you.
Irina: Sydney, you may not see me on your wedding day, but I'll see you.
[Irina runs off]

Sydney: If Sloane dies, any chance I have of finding my sister dies with him.
Agent: Has it occurred to you that your half-sister might be a danger to you?
Sydney: Yes of course. But it's equally possible that I can help her. She could be an innocent victim.
Agent: With Irina Derevko and Arvin Sloane as her parents, I don't think so.

Jack: You and I have something in common. We both suffered through the death of the woman we loved only to discover that she was still alive. I know, it's hard. But this isn't about you. And I will not allow my daughter to become your mistress.
Michael: If that's where you think my concern for Sydney is headed, then you are even more cynical than I thought.

Arvin: I'm curious, Jack. When did our friendship end?
Jack: The moment you recruited Sydney over my objections.
Arvin: Ahh. I thought so. If I had known that decision would cost me our friendship and my relationship with Sydney, I would have done things differently.

Jack: [to Sydney] When you compelled the NSC to release me from prison, you told me you'd done so because... you needed your father; that you needed my strength. Twelve months in solitary would have an effect on anyone; something that allowed me to stay focused was your... strength. Don't lose it now...

Jack: The advantages of high-level clearance. Let's go.

Irina: You said Sloane requested Kane to investigate.
Jack: The one person who had an apparent motive for blackmail.
Irina: Someone easy to frame.

Jack: Sydney, get in. Get in now... you can be stubborn later.

Sydney: Heading home?
Jack: Yeah, I'm going to grab some dinner first.
Sydney: Okay, night.
Jack: Goodnight.
Sydney: Dad, I'm kinda hungry myself, if you wouldn't mind the company.
Jack: What about your report?
Sydney: It'll keep.

Francie: Mr. Bristow let me ask you a question. Let's say you're hanging out at your favorite restaurant, with your friends... or whatever. You like to go there, you like the food, what color are the walls?
Jack: I'm... not really into interior decorating.
Jack: [a short time later] You know, to the Vietnamese and Chinese, the color white means death and bad fortune.
Jack: Try red.

Michael: If you ever put my wife's life in danger again, I will kill you!
Jack: Then perhaps you finally understand the moral compromises you'll make when someone you love is in danger.

Jack: I'll make you a deal; you cooperate with us... That's it.
Large: You don't frighten me.
Jack: Then, clearly you're an idiot.

Agent: In April '75 in Saigon, you toasted Sydney's birth with a bottle of Chambertin Clos de Bez. Your favorite. Now that I know you have a daughter, I thought I should return the honor, especially considering they share the same mother
Sloane: Irina betrayed both of us Jack. She sought me out for information the same way she did you.
Agent: She was my wife
Sloane: She was a KGB spy who cared nothing about you or me. I've always thought that you understood your relationship with Irina was nothing more than that. But now that your schoolboy crush on the woman who destroyed your life is preventing you from saving mine, I will have to revise that assessment.

Jack: Sydney, look at me, breathe in and out, that's right. That's right, just breathe, good. Now look in my eyes, they're the last thing you'll ever see.
Sydney: No...
Jack: Sydney, I'm here with you.
[pauses, we see Vaughn searching for the antidote]
Jack: Sydney, look at me. Breathe! Your mother killed me, just like I'm going to kill you.
Sydney: I won't let you.
Jack: How are you going to stop me? You're tied up.
[Sydney starts to cry]
Jack: Sydney! I'm here with you; no one's going to harm you. I won't let anything happen to you.
Sydney: Daddy.
Jack: I'm here Sydney.
Sydney: Will you hug me?
Jack: Of course I will. It's ok.
[Sydney head butts him and knocks him to the ground]
Jack: Sydney! No!

Jack: Sloane doesn't know that you're in CIA custody.
Irina: He thinks I'm in hiding, as he is.
Jack: If Sloane believes you've surfaced, obtained the manuscript he's after, he'll want to meet with you. Negotiate a purchase.

Michael: You're saying that Sydney could be held long enough to blow her cover with SD-6?
Jack: Under directive 81A, they could conceivably hold her without trial or charges for the rest of her life.

Jack: Are there concerns?
Arvin: Since I was made a partner in the Alliance, SD-6 has consistently stumbled in its operations. We lost the terahertz wave camera. We failed to retrieve the formula for zero-point energy. We didn't acquire Derevko's operations manual.
Jack: The situation regarding Emily has been a distraction. Informing them puts these setbacks in context.
Arvin: Christophe wants me to meet with him in Tokyo. I need a victory, Jack. I need to bring something tangible to the organization.

Agent: [to Sloane] Personally, I would have found it anticlimactic, that after expecting to assemble a weapon of ultimate power, you ended up with a revelation you could have acquired from a fortune cookie.

Jack: Sloane's on his way to Japan. He plans to stay at a Yakuza-run Ryokan, the Nyoshi Ginza. Use the numbers he gave you and contact Sark. Tell him we will hand him Sloane the night before his Alliance meeting.
Sydney: Tell me you agree with me, that we have no choice in this.
Jack: Of course we have a choice, and it's a moment I never wanted you to face. To kill someone. I'm not talking about self-defense: I'm talking about premeditated murder. To be there when the door closes on him for the last time. Knowing you are responsible. That is something you never came close to considering before getting to know your mother.

Marshall: [Marshall has accidentally shot a man; they need the man's eyes for a retinal scan. Marshall digs into one eye with a letter opener] Oh god. It's oozing. It's oozing everywhere, sir.
Jack: [via cell phone] That means you've ruptured the macula. The eye is useless, abandon it. Approach the second one gently, like a soft-boiled egg. You're going to need a digging instrument to assist with this.
Marshall: [looks in a drawer] I've got a spork.
Jack: [bewildered] What's a spork?
Marshall: It's like a half-spoon... half-fork, will that do?
Jack: That will work.

Marshall: Okay, first of all, I didn't touch anything, I swear! But the bomb's been activated!
Jack: We know. We just spoke to Vaughn.
Marshall: No, not on the plane, in my office! The bomb in my office has been activated!

Irina: There's one thing. The tracker you put in my shoulder.
Jack: You want it removed.
Irina: If they discover I've been tagged, it's over. We both know that.

Jack: Please try to understand what I'm about to tell you, Sydney. After your mother left, I tested Project Christmas on you because I didn't want you to be a victim. I thought it was my responsibility to teach you how to think strategically, to see through people's lies, to be as strong as you could be in an environment where one mistake could cost you your life.
Sydney: Then you should've told me the truth before I ended up here.
Jack: Yes, you're right! I never intended you to lead a double life. I imagined recruiting you into the CIA after you finished college. But Sloane got to you first, and that is a mistake I will never live down.
Sydney: I'd like to believe you, but I don't trust anything you say.

Sydney: None of this changes the fact that you were using Will!
Jack: He was already being used! It's no coincidence that out of all the reporters in the world, he was chosen.
Sydney: What are you saying?
Jack: For some reason, Khasinau is trying to expose us.

Jack: Once we make the exchange, the device will be destroyed. No one will have it.

Michael: [Sydney pulls gun on Vaughn] What are you doing?
Sydney: Get... get down, on your knees.
Michael: Sydney, its Michael. I've got the antidote, its right here in this bag.
Sydney: Don't lie to me.
Michael: Oh Sydney... Sydney, listen to me.
Sydney: Put your hands up. Now! I know what this is; this is a game to you, a cruel joke at my expense.
Michael: What's a game?
Sydney: You and me. Admit it.
Michael: No, Sydney... Sydney, listen to me. What are you scared of?
Sydney: I am scared. I'm scared you're going to betray me, again. Like you did when you married Lauren.
Michael: Sydney, I would never... ever hurt you
Sydney: Stop, stop right there.
Michael: You need to give me the gun alright...
Sydney: I said stop.
Michael: Just give me the gun.
[Sydney pulls trigger, gun is unloaded, Sydney and Vaughn fight]
Michael: Sydney, don't do this.
[more fighting]
Michael: Sydney, don't do this.
[Sydney bites Vaughn]
Jack: No...
[Jack places Sydney in choke hold and knocks her out]
Michael: You took the bullets out.
Jack: Seemed a reasonable precaution

[last line of Season 3]
Agent: You were never supposed to see this.

Jack: All I have is a paper trail. Not definitive proof but the beginning of what Director Dixon and I believe to be a strong case for the existence of a mole.
Senator: Other than Sloane.
Jack: Or instead of him. At this point, that is unclear.
Senator: Is it that hard to identify a traitor? Honestly, sometimes I think you people just get too close.

Jack: She was putting on a show for Cuvee. Before she left, she put these in my hand. She told me they're using the cores to activate a Rambaldi artifact.
Sydney: They're not detonating the nukes?
Jack: Among the things Rambaldi experimented with was self-sustaining cell regeneration. This artifact they're opening today is reported to be Rambaldi's proof of endless life.

Jack: How was the first briefing with Lauren?
Sydney: [sarcastically] Wonderful.
Jack: I'm not asking because I'm a fan of inter-office gossip. Tell me how it went.

Jack: I used to think you didn't have much of a spine.
Michael: And has that assessment changed?
Jack: No.
[Jack smiles ever so slightly]

Will: Sydney tells me you're doing analysis for the bank.
Jack: Strategy. Investment strategy. Arvin made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
Emily: Oh, that sounds like my husband!

Jack: [about Kendall] Legally he's right, Ethically he's an ass

Jack: Tippin didn't turn out to be a problem, did he?
Arvin: Sydney wasn't intimate with Tippin. She is with Hicks.
Jack: I'm not sure that's my business, and I know it isn't yours.

Jack: Your mother betrayed us. Betrayed the CIA. Her meeting with Sloane was staged to secure her escape.
Sydney: You don't know that. Sloane could've set up the meet to abduct her.
Jack: Before the operation, she swapped the Rambaldi manuscript. She left us with a fake. She and Sloane are now in possession of the original. Sydney, they planned this.

Nadia: Mr. Bristow, I don't mean to seem impatient, but I've never done anything that's lasted as long as this.
Jack: How sad for you.

Jack: Simply put, it's the study of geometric objects and how they fit together. All Alliance facilities have been raided yet we haven't found a single Rambaldi artifact. If Sloane was expecting our raid, he could've had everything moved to a secure location. He must be using Caplan to help him assemble a Rambaldi device.
Michael: So what happens when Sloane puts the pieces together?
Jack: Whether or not you believe Rambaldi was a prophet, he did anticipate technological advances, many of which seem most applicable to warfare. It's likely Sloane is building a weapon.

Sydney: You can't even stand up straight, how do you expect to confront mom?
Agent: I'm not coming with you.

[Sloane wants Will to stop looking into Danny's murder]
Arvin: How do you suggest we proceed?
Jack: Leave it to me, I'll get Tippin off the story.
Arvin: And if you can't?
Jack: Then I'll kill him myself.

Thomas: My mother always said, "If somebody's worth shooting once, they're worth shooting twice."
Jack: I'm sorry I never met her; she sounds like my kind of woman.
Thomas: I think the two of you would've gotten along.

Irina: There must be a dozen ways to blackmail the Alliance, all of them far less elaborate than this one.
Jack: So we can assume a secondary objective to make Arvin suffer. Someone harboring an acute hatred... meaning it could be anyone.

Michael: [Vaughn is waiting for the elevator, you can tell he has something on his mind, it opens and Jack walks out] How's Dixon?
Jack: Same, Sydney and Nadia are there now.
[Vaughn enters the elevator, it goes to close and Jack stops it]
Jack: You asked me a question earlier that I didn't get a chance to answer; properly...
Michael: I'd say the answer was loud and clear.
Jack: We're more alike, than I'd care to admit; Agent Vaughn. And I realize now, that in disapproving of you, I was only hating my own limitations. I wasn't asking myself what would be best for Sydney. If you honestly believe that you can make my daughter happy, then by all means you have my blessing to marry her.
Michael: Okay then.

Michael: My wife betrayed me. She betrayed all of us. You can't expect me to pretend that never happened.
Agent: I'm not sure you have a choice.
Michael: Why is that?
Agent: Because you're the one that married her.

Jack: Marshall; Sydney has a limited supply of oxygen in a coffin. We have no margin for error. Understood?
Marshall: Yeah, I understand, I can do this.

Jack: Thomas Brill, Michael Vaughn.
Michael: [nods]
Brill: You Bill Vaughn's kid?
Michael: Yeah, he was my father.
Brill: No kidding.

Sydney: If someone wanted to set Will up, this is exactly what they would do... plant these clues, condition him. I'd like permission to assign Francie protective detail. If Sloane is targeting my friends, she could be next.
Jack: Done.
Sydney: I'd also like to speak to her about Will. She might have information that could help.
Jack: Tell her what you think is necessary, but only what's necessary.

Sydney: Seeing her again, I'm realizing there are these gaps in my memory from around the time she left. Dad... do you remember the Thanksgiving play I was in that year in school? Because I sort of do. I mean, I have an impression of it, but I can't remember... was I a pilgrim or an indian...?
[He stares off]
Sydney: What?
Jack: You were neither. You were a turkey. You were the only turkey that was spared to celebrate the harvest.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Jack, you make this happen, you can have my job.
Jack: No, thanks

Jack: [to Sydney] Those cyrillic codes you found in those books - yes, they were orders from the KGB and yes, they were orders to kill. An agent recieved those orders and carried them out, murdering officers of the C.I.A., including your father, Mr. Vaughn. All this is true. But, Sydney, I was not that agent. Your mother was.

Sydney: What about Will?
Agent: [turns to Will] You're gonna have a hard time.

Agent: [to Sydney] Cover your mother.