Top 30 Quotes From F.B.I. Assistant Director Kendall

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Based on her Intel we sent in some of our finest trained agents, we took control of a storage facility and with the help of a bomb squad we're now in control of two dozen rusted kitchen appliances.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Well, if she was so concerned about helping us stay ahead of SD-6, she could have told us what was at stake.
Irina: And what would you have done? Given Sydney false control codes to hand over to SD-6? Sark may have known the difference and she would have been exposed as a double agent. I wasn't willing to risk her life that way.

Sydney: Excuse me. Sloane's being replaced?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: He's been MIA for five days. With Sloane gone and Geiger coming in, we no longer have access to their inner circle. So, Sydney and Jack, your assignment is to get close to Geiger, earn his trust, get back in that inner circle. That's it.

Kendall: Just so we're clear, Mr. Vaughn, I know all about your participation in busting Agent Bristow out of federal custody. Convince her to talk to her mother, or face charges of obstructing justice and harboring a fugitive.
Vaughn: Guess it's two-for-one day on blackmail.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: What exactly did you promise Sark?
Sydney: That I would render Sloane unconscious and deliver him to Sark.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: So he could kill him.
Sydney: Yes.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: There are just so many problems with this that I don't even know where to begin.

Sydney: You want me to talk to her again.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Mr. Sark has assumed control of your mother's operation
Sydney: Please stop referring to her as my mother.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Just so we're clear, Mr. Vaughn, I know all about your participation in busting Agent Bristow out of federal custody. Convince her to talk to her mother, or face charges of obstructing justice and harboring a fugitive.
Michael: Guess it's two-for-one day on blackmail.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: The Covenant believes Rambaldi's prophecies. They believe a lot of things... including the idea that you are the Chosen One.

Jack: We may never have a better chance to get Sloane. Remember, without Irina's help, the operation in Kashmir would have been an embarrassment.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Jack, when the hell did we switch places? Derevko could be using this operation just to convince us that she's trustworthy.
Jack: I've had twenty years to reflect on that woman's ability to deceive. Trust me. If she lies to me again, I'll know it.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Contact the Bristows, tell them to pull out immediately.
Michael: I have no way of initiating. Why?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: The Indians found out the Pakastani rebels have acquired nukes. They're launching air strikes in twenty-four hours.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: So you have a hard time keeping secrets.
Sydney: No, I don't have a hard time keeping a secret. What I don't enjoy is lying to my friends, or being in a constant state of jet-lag from flying to far corners of the world for a man I wish were dead.

Sydney: You're part of this?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Well, that all depends on which part you're referring to.
Sydney: You're Covenant.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: No, no, no. That wouldn't go over too well at home.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: And after she died, your father raised you? Is that right?
Sydney: No. He hired a nanny.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: We need to talk about the past two years.
Sydney: As you may be aware, Mr. Kendall, I have no recollection of that time.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: But I do.

Sydney: I've never heard of Project Blackhole.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Thank you.

Sydney: I have known Will for years. Trust me on this.
Jack: There's another possibility... that the man we have in custody is not Will Tippin. Project Helix. The doubling prototype that you destroyed in Poland was designed to reshape a person's physical attributes to identically resemble someone else. The prototype's database revealed two scheduled recipients of the procedure: Dr. Markovic who was killed, and a second unknown individual.
Sydney: You think Will is the double.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: We found Provacillium in Will's car. It's a medication usually taken by gene therapy patients to keep the body from rejecting the DNA mutations.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Jack, you make this happen, you can have my job.
Jack: No, thanks

Sydney: I want to go home. I want to see my dad.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Your father can't be contacted; he's under deep cover. And as it is, you have no home to return to. Agent Bristow, let me be clear: you return home, you're putting in jeopardy the lives of the people you claim to love.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: It is imperative that you continue as Julia Thorne - The Covenant believes they have you programmed.
Sydney: If you think I'm going back to them, you're insane.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: If you don't, they're going to come after you. After your friends, your family... after Vaughn.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: If this Intel turns out to be wrong, I will personally escort you to Camp Harris and I won't leave until you're dead and buried.
Julian: Then I certainly hope Mr. Sloane hasn't changed the code.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Mountaineer, abort the op and head back. We'll find another way to...
Sydney: Abort? We don't have time to find something else!
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: If you use the machine, they'll know you're there.
Sydney: Then I'll run fast.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: How did you come to work with the CIA?
Sydney: Don't you already have a file on me?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: We would like this in your words.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: What does "SD" stand for?
Sydney: Section Disparu - the section that doesn't exist. Alain Christophe, one of the Alliance founders. The term was his.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Explain to us about the Alliance of Twelve?
Sydney: The Alliance is like a board of directors. Some are from the private sector, but most are former intelligence officers. All wealthy. They started a company together, except this company - the Alliance - trades intelligence.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: just got off the phone with the director again and he asked me again if I knew we were in the intelligence business.

Michael: You're not the easiest guy to work with, are you?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: No. No, definitely not.

Sydney: The truth is, I didn't love any of the subjects I was studying. My father and I weren't speaking, my mother had died when I was six and the highlight of my social life was my dorm's salad bar. So, I called them.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: SD-6.
Sydney: They didn't use that name. These men led me to believe they were CIA. They were very convincing. They are very convincing.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: What can you tell me about him?
Sydney: Milo Rambaldi was Pope Alexander VI's chief architect. He was an artist, an inventor. His designs were so technologically advanced, at the time, they thought he was heretic. And he was executed. Now, five hundred years later, many believe he was a prophet. And SD-6, CIA, GRU, K-Directorate, the entire intelligence world, is on a Rambaldi scavenger hunt.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Why?
Sydney: They assume that Rambaldi had some sort of master plan.

Jack: The answer is in the document. According to the information you retrieved, each SD cell uses a code which changes weekly to operate their security system. The current code is listed right here.
Michael: So you're saying we need to get into SD-6 and find out what the actual code is right now?
Sydney: If it matches the one in the document, then the rest of the intel is real.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: In which case I could go to Langley about raiding the Alliance facilities.
Michael: Do we have the current SD-6 code?
Jack: No. But I can get it.

Irina: I'll need to send an access code.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: How will we know you're not signaling your operation?
Irina: You won't.
[Kendall looks at Jack]
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Do it.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: [during Sydney's interrogation] What did they tell you was the objective of SD-6?
Sydney: The retrieval of intelligence both military and industrial throughout the world that is critical to the superiority and survival of the United States of America... it's a company line.