300 Best Michael Vartan Quotes

Michael: No suit, huh?
Will: It's been a while since I tried it on, or worked out apparently. So it makes me overwhelmed and fat.

Eric: [Watching Nadia] Did you see that? She just palmed the PDA from his jacket. That's magic man. I showed her that with, like, a business card. It's like Fazham!
Michael: I get it.
Eric: She's Amazing!
Michael: I get it.
Eric: She's incredible!
Michael: Fazham?
Eric: Yeah, Fazham.

Vaughn: We thought you were dead. They asked me to come back to... to explain.
Sydney: Come back from what? What are you talking about? Vaughn... why are you wearing that ring?
Vaughn: Syd... since that night... you were missing. You've been missing for almost two years.

Sydney: I've done everything I can to try to make this ridiculous situation work. You, me and Lauren working in the same office...
Michael: Yeah, and I have tried to walk around with this fake smile on my face, pretending everything was fine, just the way it used to be. That's not working for me anymore.
Sydney: This is it. When we get back, one of us has to go.

Michael: [Opens book to find a syringe with a note that reads, Inject Me] You've gotta be kidding me!
[He walks away and throws the book in the trash. His cell begins to ring immediately after, he answers it]
Michael: Listen if you think I'm going to inject myself, you're out of your mind!
Roberts: If I wanted you dead, I'd kill you right now. You want to know about your father, I'll give you two minutes to do the right thing.
[Vaughn looks around the library. Walks over to a sofa, and sits down. He spends a minute rubbing his head looking very conflicted. Grabs the syringe and injects himself]

Sydney: [Vaughn and Sydney are playing hockey] You were a chick magnet right?
Michael: Actually, my first face off I ever took as a center, I got knocked right on my ass. The other teams' center was like this 15 year old 6 foot 2 bearded, actually probably on steroids, now that I think about it. Finally there was 12 seconds left; we're down by a goal. I had my teeth kicked in so many times; I said you know what screw it. I just stopped caring. I won the draw, skated around him, moved in for the shot...
Sydney: You tied the game
Michael: Nah, I hit the post.
Michael: But I did learn something about how we can let fear get in the way. Syd, I know you want to take things slow, but what are you afraid of?
[Both of their cell's ring]

Michael: How you holding up?
Nadia: I'm trying to stay focused.
Michael: By re-opening up the Bishop files?
Nadia: He killed my mother; supposedly, if she's alive then the CIA obviously missed something.
Michael: [Vaughn sighs] Nadia, researching Martin Bishop, it's... It's not the most productive use of your time.
Nadia: What do you mean?
Michael: You should talk to Jack...

Michael: [to Sark] You like the electric batons, the injections... I'm not into accessories...

Sydney: I happen to like us. Even if we're cold...
Vaughn: and boring... don't forget the boring.
Sydney: How could I?

Eric: And what if there has been a takeover?
Michael: [gets his gun out of his locker and loads it] If I'm not back in a couple of hours, I'm probably dead.
Eric: Good to know.

Michael: You asked me some questions. I told you I'd answer them if you helped me. You did help me. And I thank you for that.
Irina: I didn't do it for you.
Michael: I'm trying to live a normal life... which was always hard, given what I do. But it's gotten harder since I met your daughter. It's not that knowing her hasn't made my life better. It has. But it's also made it that much worse... I think I've said enough.
Irina: The problem, Mr. Vaughn... Is that to the one person who matters... You haven't said anything at all.
Michael: Listen, this may not mean anything to you, this may not be something you understand, or appreciate, but we have rules. Very clear, important rules that govern the relationship between a handler and his asset.
Irina: And between a man and a woman?

[Marshall is offered a job with the real CIA]
Vaughn: Hi, I'm Michael Vaughn. Welcome to the CIA.
Agent: Uh, yeah I've heard that one before.

Michael: What I said was I feel I have an understanding of Sydney Bristow and that she doesn't just accept problems, she tries to fix them.
C.I.A. Agent Steven Haladki: And that perhaps Ms. Bristow and her father are trying to secure release of Mr. Tippin on their own?

Sydney: Who am I talking to?
Michael: Your invisible friend.
Sydney: Good. Where are you?
Michael: Satellite relay station back in L.A., watching you from a 200 mile orbit.
Sydney: My guardian angel.

Marshall: [Vaughn is looking at Jacks office heavily contemplating something and then finally takes a deep breath and starts walking. Marshall stops him] Oh hey, Vaughn could you sign this? It's for Weiss, his grandfather died.
Michael: Yeah, actually can I do it in a little bit? I need to ask Jack something first.
Marshall: Oh sure, no problem.
[Marshall starts walking to Jacks office with Vaughn]
Michael: Where you going?
Marshall: Well I thought I'd go with you to get Mr. Bristow to sign this while we're in there.
Michael: Oh, you know what, actually I need to see him alone, it's kinda personal.
Marshall: Oh, uhh, since when can you tell Mr. Bristow something you can't tell me?
Michael: This is something that I need to ask *Jack*. If you were Sydney's father I could ask you, but... you're not.
Marshall: No... I'm not... I still don't understand, what me not being Sydney's father has to do with you...
[Vaughn reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring case, opens it and show an engagement ring to Marshall]
Michael: Understand now?
Marshall: Oh my god, hey man congratulations! That's fantastic!
Michael: Thanks.
Marshall: I'm sure Mr. Bristow's going to be thrilled.
Michael: Really? I'm just hoping he doesn't shot me on the spot.

Michael: I do this for a living... not the drinking.

Sydney: [Sydney and Vaughn are in the car driving to Santa Barbara, they are very happy] I had a thought...
Michael: Yeah...
Sydney: What if we just blow off the big wedding thing? What if we just do it on the beach?
Michael: The beach...
Sydney: What do you think?
Michael: I like it. Barefoot on the beach, you'd look sexy as hell. But wait, what about your dad? He doesn't look like the kind of guy who likes to have sand between his toes.
Sydney: That's true, so we won't invite him
Michael: Your father?
Sydney: What if we don't invite anyone, we just elope?
Michael: Are you serious?
Sydney: I would love it.
Michael: Alright, then we'll elope.

Michael: We tracked down server forty-seven. The reason you couldn't get a twenty on it is because it doesn't exist on this planet. It's in the sky. It's a 747 purchased by the Alliance in 1998. They retrofitted the interior to contain a secure server and a satellite uplink.

Michael: Do you think you can be in love with two people at the same time?
Eric: No, I don't. However I did have the same intense feelings for both Sport and Posh Spice.
Michael: Yeah, who didn't?

Vaughn: Are you romantically interested in anyone?
[She looks at him weirdly]
Vaughn: It could be a question.
Sydney: No, I'm not.
[Machine jumps to 56]
Vaughn: Interesting.
Sydney: Wait, ask me that again.
Vaughn: No, I don't have to. We have our answer right here. That's very good. Moving on.

Michael: [Dixon punches Vaughn] Come on man, it's gotta look real. Do it again.
Marcus: Vaughn, I hit you.
Michael: Yeah, like a girl. Just hit me again. Come on!
[Dixon punches Vaughn again]
Michael: [winces and smiles] One more time, you can do better than that, come on; one more time.
[Dixon punches him again]

Michael: I want to find your sister, but I need to find my wife. Lauren cannot be allowed to get away with what she's done.
Sydney: Well, Lauren might. And you have to be prepared to deal with that.

Michael: This is where your dad lives, huh?
Sydney: What do you except?
Michael: I don't know; a bunker or something... You've really never been here?
Sydney: No...
Michael: That's very strange.
Sydney: As opposed to everything else about my relationship with my father.

Vaughn: [to Sydney] No, but, what you said about wanting to go to a hockey game... wanting me to be part of your life... I think I wasn't clear about something. That it would be nice to be in public with you, to actually get to look at you. Grab a pizza or go to a hockey game. I just... I wasn't clear that I would really like that, too.

Sydney: I want the truth, start with your name.
Michael: André Micheaux... I'll tell you the rest on the way.
[They change location]
Michael: Seven years ago a women came to me said that her father had been involved in a project. Something people had gone to great lengths to cover up. She said my father was part of it. She said it was called Prophet Five.
Sydney: Your father was an agent.
Michael: Before he joined the CIA, she said his name was Micheaux. That he was a mathematician.
[They enter an elevator]
Michael: The day you walked into the CIA, you described a mission to secure a device made by a man named Muller. The same man I was told originated the Prophet Five project. This was my first proof that this women's story was true. But whatever it was, my father was running away from it. He changed his identity, he changed mine. I was 18 months old at the time. This man we're meeting, James Lehman, Renée and I have been trying to find him for years. We believe he worked with our fathers.
Sydney: Renée who? Who is this woman?
Michael: Renée Rienne...
Sydney: Vaughn!

Michael: [to Sloane] Despite the fact that he almost killed her, the doctor was great.

[Sydney and Vaughn are undercover as a married couple]
[Phil looks at Sydney's ring and whistles]
Phil: How'd he pop the question?
Sydney: [hesitates, trying to think of an answer] He... took me... to...
Vaughn: Santa Barbara. Actually... I had this whole romantic weekend planned. Presidential suite at the Biltmore, candlelit dinner on the cliffs over looking the ocean. So we went into town and she wouldn't stop talkin' about the zoo. So we went to the zoo. Figured I'd get it over with.
[looks into Sydney's eyes]
Vaughn: Then I saw how happy it made her... and it made me forget about all my stupid plans. Here we had a personal chef making this unbelievable meal at the hotel and... I proposed on one knee in sawdust in front of a giraffe with a crooked neck.
[Sydney and Vaughn stare into each other eyes]

Michael: Well, maybe so, but I certainly didn't join the CIA looking for fairness! After everything she's done to you, are those things you could ever forgive?
Sydney: I don't know.
Michael: Yeah, well, your father doesn't share that ambiguity. He's meeting with Assistant Director Kendall right now and he is lobbying to have your mother taken away.

[Talking about something the CIA tech guys built]
Michael: Now, they say it's bitchin', so I'm assuming it's bitchin'.

Sydney: You said you wanted to talk about the plan. I'm giving you the plan
Michael: It's not your job to give me the plan. I'm giving you the plan. Tomorrow's your first day back at SD-6. Now, nothing should change. When you get your assignment, you'll detail your mission on a paper bag.
[picks one up, showing her]
Michael: Bag. Then you'll call this number.
[gives her card]
Michael: Memorize it. After three tones, press the appropriate digit - one through six. Each corresponds to a trash can in a specific location. Now we'll review your information, create a countermission, and we'll contact you posing as a wrong number: Joey's Pizza. Any questions so far?
Sydney: Yeah. Can you show me what a bag looks like again?

Sydney: The people you were looking for, the people behind Prophet Five, I think they're holding me.
Michael: How do you know about Prophet Five?
Sydney: You told me, then they shot you.
Michael: They *shot* me?

Eric: It's not an alias she's ever used with us before.
Michael: There's no mention of a Julia in her SD-6 files.
Eric: Right. Which means, last two years, when she was supposedly being held by the Covenant...
Michael: What? You think she was operational?

Nadia: Wait a minute... I hate that perfume. It has a weird patrulli smell.
Sydney: See the end of the bed, the sling backs.
Nadia: Champagne bottles on the nightstand.
Sydney: Check out the magazines.
Nadia: Designer purse.
Sydney: It's a shot.
Eric: What's a shot, what are you talking about?
Nadia: I know where to get what we need.
Eric: What? Where is she going?
Michael: You mind filling us in?
Sydney: Tambor's got a girlfriend, she's staying with him. She's our way in.

Michael: It's been three weeks since I learned that Sydney murdered Lazarey... I've been lying to my wife for three weeks.
Eric: Vaughn, I know guys who've lied to their wives for a lot longer than that...
Michael: You understand that the reason your brother didn't like talking to you is because you say stupid things, right?

Michael: We're not gonna make it out of here. There's something I need you to know.
Sydney: Vaughn...
Michael: In my life, there's only one person...
Sydney: Don't do this.
Michael: Look at me.
Sydney: Vaughn...
Michael: The only reason I pushed you away...
Sydney: Please...
Michael: The only reason I didn't know how to be around you...
[hear marching]
Sydney: They're coming.
Michael: Sydney...
Sydney: I know, Vaughn. I know. We'll find each other. We always find each other.

Michael: Marshall; ah, we should have lunch sometime.
Marshall: Really, yeah, oh man, anytime, absolutely, I'm there. Did you... today?
Michael: No.

Michael: Oh, by the way, I'm meeting with Will tomorrow to help him prep for his psych evaluation.
Sydney: Thank you. And I like it.
Michael: What?
Sydney: Your new suit.
Michael: Oh. It's not new. I just... don't wear it that often. I came from a funeral. Alice's father died.

Michael: I had to find out if she was deceiving us again. I mean, I could not sleep at night knowing I was doing nothing. That somehow, I was helping her.
Sydney: And did you find anything?
Michael: Nothing. She's clean.

Eric: You alright?
Vaughn: Yeah, I think that a full month of Psych evaluations; more than enough.
Eric: Really; for you? I don't know. It was a little overkill though. Come on, burning your house down...
Vaughn: It wasn't a happy home.
Eric: But still *fire*...
Vaughn: Yeah, well you kill your wife after learning she's a vicious homicidal double agent and see how rational you are.
Eric: I just want you to know that I'm there for you, whatever you need. You know if you need to stay with me for a while, cause your house is... ashes.

Eric: We just had an Echelon intercept. Key words were picked up: "terrorist", "weapons of mass destruction". But you ready for this? "Rambaldi".
Michael: Did you get coordinates?
Eric: Yeah. Yours. We don't know what's happening but you're not waiting for us to find out. Get out now!

Sydney: SD-6 and the Alliance believe that my mother's in hiding. And they know that Khasinau is dead, and they're correct to assume that what's left of her organization is vulnerable. The Alliance wants whatever assets they can get their hands on.
Michael: So where are they starting?
Sydney: My mother used blackmail. Extensively. In running her operation, she would get dirt on people - powerful and important people... and coerce them into doing whatever she needed. Pornographic photographs, illegally obtained audio files, names, dates, they're all on one computer disk.

Weiss: Hey, you sure you don't want to talk about this?
Vaughn: There's nothing to talk about.
Weiss: I share my fights with you.
Vaughn: No you don't.
Weiss: Yeah I do. Remember when Alan pissed in the living room?
Vaughn: That was your dog!
Weiss: Yeah, but I was angry about it and I let you know how upset I was.

Michael: You should go.
Sydney: Vaughn... why are you doing this? My life is already a disaster... now yours is, too.
Michael: What happened between us... everything... the way it is... isn't anyone's fault, Sydney. And even though everything's changed... some things don't. I'm not gonna lose you twice.

Michael: You're being investigated by the DSR.
Sydney: DSR?
Michael: Department of Special Research. And it was created during World War II to investigate Nazi interest in the occult. After the war, an executive order was signed, empowering them to investigate fringe science, uh, parapsychology, remote viewing
Sydney: What do they want with me?
Michael: They want to know why your picture is in the Rambaldi book. No, I know it seems ridiculous.

Michael: Besides, it'll give you a chance to brush up on some of your old-school tricks.
Marcus: [with a laugh] Hey... a little respect for your elders.

Sydney: Did the guy from your office end up reporting you?
Michael: Haladki? Yeah, he did. But Devlin only slapped me on the wrist. Even though going into SD-6 without clearance wasn't exactly constitutional. I was kinda hoping that Haladki will get nailed for snitching. I guess we kinda broke even on this one.

Michael: What's going on?
Sydney: It was Lauren who told me.
Michael: What?
Sydney: Told me where to look. Safety deposit box in Wittenberg.
[Vaughn moves to the bed to sit next to Sydney]
Sydney: How she knew, I don't know. I wasn't even going to go, I had no reason to believe anything that woman said. But the curiosity was just too strong.
[She pauses]
Sydney: I got there. Inside the box, there was a file. Classified; highest level. My heart was pounding, like I knew somehow before I knew.
Michael: What was it?
Sydney: Evidence. Evidence that my mother had been a security risk; which wasn't really news. It mentioned her history with the KGB... Everything we knew. Then there was a page, an official request made by my father asking for the authority to execute Irina Derevko. A request that was granted; and he did it.
[Sydney stops attempting not to cry]
Sydney: He killed her.
[Vaughn takes Sydney's shoulder and brings her into his lap]
Sydney: He killed my mother... He did it Vaughn... He killed her... He killed my mother...

Sydney: [answers phone] I'm heading to the extraction point.
Dr. Parks: Sydney, this is Dr. Park, your test results are in.
Sydney: Now isn't really the best time.
Dr. Parks: You're going to want to hear this.
[Sydney continues towards the cliff, she reaches it and shuts the phone]
Michael: We have to go!
[Vaughn is strapping himself into a parachute]
Sydney: The doctor called... I'm pregnant...
Michael: What?
[Someone yells after them. Vaughn grabs hold of Sydney and they jump off the cliff]

Michael: [to Sydney] Bad enough being a fugitive in North Korea. Now I have to find out that you slept with Will?

Sydney: Phoenix to base, we're ready for pick up.
Michael: You have no idea how glad I am to hear that.

Vaughn: [Vaughn sneaks out of bed with Lauren to call Sydney] Sorry about how I got pulled away earlier.
Sydney: How is she?
Vaughn: It's hard, dealing her father's death and betrayal.
Sydney: Are you at Eric's?
Vaughn: No...
Sydney: I see... Well I guess we won't be getting that cup of coffee.
Vaughn: No were not...
Sydney: Okay... I'm gonna go...
Vaughn: Syd...
[Sydney hangs up the phone and begins to cry. Vaughn goes back to bed and Lauren opens her eyes and smiles]

Michael: [to Roberts] Are you out of your mind?
Roberts: I'm not the one who injected myself with an unknown substance.

Michael: [to Sydney's double] Who are you?
Anna: It's a pity, you'll never know.
[She pulls the trigger on her gun pointed at Vaughn, it clicks, but there is no ammo. Vaughn holds up the clip and shakes it]
Michael: Sydney and I never went to Cartagena.
[They fight, Vaughn pins her to the desk]
Michael: And just for the record, you're a terrible kisser.
Anna: I always said Sydney was too good for you.
[They continue to fight; eventually Anna finds another gun and points it at Vaughn]
Anna: Let's see if this ones' loaded.
[We hear gunshots, then we see that Anna as Sydney has a bullet hole in her head. The real Sydney is standing behind her with her own gun]

Sydney: Is something wrong?
Michael: No. I'm just getting old, I guess.
Sydney: You expect me to believe that?
Michael: I've just had a lot on my mind lately, that's all. It'll pass.
Sydney: Yesterday was the day, wasn't it? The anniversary of your father's death?
Michael: How could you remember that?
Sydney: I remember what missing him does to you.

Vaughn: I'm leaving.
Eric: Leaving what... the Agency? Is this because of Sydney?
Vaughn: No, it's not because of Sydney; it's because last year sucked.

Julian: [Sark has Sydney as hostage and Vaughn has Lauren as hostage, but she is with a mask] Put the gun down, Agent Vaughn. Drop the gun.
Michael: Not a chance, you drop yours.
Julian: Put the gun down now.
Sydney: No, Vaughn, don't!
Julian: Drop it. If you love her, you will put the gun down now.
[Lauren looks at Vaughn]
Sydney: Vaughn, don't!
[Vaughn drops the gun]

Michael: When you're at your absolute lowest, most depressed... remember that you can always, you know... you've got my number.

Sydney: Hi. How did you find me?
Vaughn: You told me a couple of months ago that when you feel the need to disappear, you go to the observatory. But the observatory was closed. And then I remembered you said the pier calms you down. But you weren't there. And you weren't at the bluffs and the palisades, either.
Sydney: You didn't really go to all those places.
Vaughn: Yeah, I did. And then I remembered you liked the train station, too. Normal people going to their normal jobs.
Sydney: I can't believe you remember that.

Eric: I don't want your thanks. I want it to stop.
Michael: Look, Sydney's my responsibility...
Eric: Mike, I'm not going to trivialize your relationship with her by calling it a crush...
Michael: A crush?
Eric: But whatever it is, it's starting to affect me and if that sounds selfish to you, I was hoping to retire fully vested. I know you genuinely care for her. I do, too. But there is a line that we have been sworn not to cross. We're about a mile past that.
Michael: I don't know how to be Sydney's handler without making it personal.
Eric: Figure out a way

Michael: I love you Syd. That's why I have to tell you something.
Sydney: Okay, whatever it is I can handle it, just don't tell me you're a bad guy.
[Vaughn goes silent and looks at Sydney]
Sydney: You're not a bad guy are you?
[Vaughn sighs]
Sydney: Vaughn?
Michael: It's no accident that I was the one you came to when you walked in the CIA with your story about SD-6.
Sydney: Vaughn... I don't understand, what are you telling me?
Michael: Well for starters, my name isn't Michael Vaughn...
[There is a pause, before Sydney can respond another car slams into them]

Irina: How do you say "thank you" to the woman who killed your father?
Michael: [pause] You don't.

Michael: Hey.
Eric: Hey.
Michael: I need you to feed Donovan.
Eric: Who?
Michael: What do you mean who? My dog, Donovan. Come here.
Eric: Oh, right. Hey, which keys to the front... Where are you going?
Michael: That's the top lock, That's the bottom lock. I'm going to Bogota. Give him a can of the dog food that's on the floor uncovered and a half a can of dried stuff.
Eric: All right. What's in Bogota?
Michael: But only a half a can. There is a bag of dried stuff next to the can stuff.
Eric: Right, right. What the hell is in Bogota?
Michael: I just got off of a phone with Interpol's officer. Eight years ago guy named Kishell was attacked by the Snowman. Punctured heart, collapsed lung, he lost an eye.
Eric: Okay, I got it. It was bad, yeah.
Michael: This guy, Kishell, use to work with Snowman.
Eric: Really?
Michael: And we know he is after Khasinau.
Eric: Right. So we get Kishell, we can get to Snowman and then we can get to Khasinau.
Michael: Exactly. Half a can, man. I don't wanna come home to fat dog.
Eric: All right.

Michael: See you later.
Lauren: Not if I see you first, love.

[Vaughn gives Sydney a small box with a child's plastic bug]
Sydney: What's this?
Michael: A bug.
Sydney: What are you, twelve-years-old?
Michael: No, a *bug*.

Lauren: [Lauren and Vaughn are sitting at a bar. Lauren's phone rings] Sorry.
Michael: It's okay.
Lauren: Hello?
Julian: It killed you, didn't it? Seeing him drop the gun for Sydney?
Lauren: No it isn't a good time. Can I call you in the morning?
Julian: He's there with you, is that it? Though he'd rather be with her. You know, it's quite a charade you two are engaged in.
Lauren: I think we both know how dedicated I am to this assignment. If you have any issues, take it up through the proper channels.
Julian: Don't mistake me. It's not your dedication that I question.
Lauren: We'll talk about this later.
[she hangs up]

Michael: [to Sydney] Okay listen to me, there's something you need to know. When you first walked into my office with that stupid bozo hair, I thought you were crazy. I mean, I actually thought you might have been a crazy person. But I watched you and I read your statement. And I've seen... I've seen how you think, I've seen how you work, I've seen who you are. In this job you see darkness; you see the worst in people. And though the jobs are different and the missions change and the enemies have a thousand names, the one crucial thing, the one real responsibility you have is to not let your rage and your resentment and your disgust darken you. When you're at your absolute lowest, at your most depressed, just remember that you can always... You know, you got my number.
[Sydney thinks about this for a moment, and they share a glance, then reaches over and holds Vaughn's hand]

Michael: [smashes Sark's face into a table] See, when I have a gun, I don't just pull the trigger.
Julian: Thank you.
Michael: [smashes Sark's face again] Where's Sloane?
Julian: Not a problem; my loyalties are flexible.

Michael: Last time we were together, our roles were reversed. Funny how things happen.
Julian: I'm afraid the irony is lost on me.

Sydney: Wait a minute, don't tell me you cook?
Michael: Ahh... There's a lot of things about me you don't know.
Sydney: You clean too?
Michael: I've been known to. Why you thinking about hiring me?
Sydney: Now why would I hire you when I get you for free?
Michael: You taken a bath?
Sydney: Maybe... Maybe we're going to take a bath.

Michael: I still think it would just be easier to sic your father on him.
Sydney: We have twenty-seven hours before Ryan sets off another bomb. Our best chance to prevent that is to let him know that his first demonstration convinced us to buy every weapon he can produce.
Michael: Us, being the Covenant, based on intel received from someone we may or may not be able to trust.

Michael: You okay?
[He looks at Sydney, get closer and places his hands on her shoulders]
Michael: You're not okay.
Sydney: I don't know how I'm going to do this.
Michael: Well, you know it's not too late, we can always have Weiss dress up as Irina. He'd make a great housewife.
[Sydney has a small laugh]
Sydney: I don't remember my parents; back when they were together.
Michael: Well, you were a little girl.
Sydney: I remember the time; I don't remember them .My dad was my dad. He was never around when I was a kid. He was always away on business. My mom, I don't know what my dad was like around my mother. Or what she was like around him. I... I don't know how to do this.
Michael: Syd, it's just a job. It's another alias, like all the others. Just trust your training, follow your dad's cues, follow his lead. Besides, I've got snipers everywhere if he starts to get inappropriate.
[Sydney laughs a little]
Nadia: They're ready.
Michael: Hey listen to me. You can do this.

Sydney: I'm graduating today.
Michael: What? When the hell did you have time to take a class this year?
Sydney: I wasn't even going to go to the ceremony but... And I've been lying here remembering why I never gave school up and why I killed myself writing papers instead of... I don't know, accepting that I'd be an agent forever.
Michael: You're going to quit the CIA, aren't you?

Michael: She was knocked unconscious after the fight. How can she remember anything that happened after that?
Dr. Brezzel: Because unconsciously the mind can still establish transhistorical accounts of the real world.
Jack: Meaning even with her eyes closed, her other senses were alert?
Dr. Brezzel: Yes, thank you. And based upon those senses, her brain will construct an accurate but incomplete memory of the events that followed.

Jack: Is something on your mind Agent Vaughn.
Michael: [hesitant] No, not really. I'm not very sleeping well.
Jack: It's Lauren, isn't it.
Michael: I think I see her sometimes; I thought I saw her in the market in Algeria. Did that ever happen with you?
Jack: Do I have visions of Lauren?
Michael: I don't know that many people who killed the woman they were married to. I was just wondering if that's what happens.
Jack: It did, now it doesn't.

Julian: With regards to your previous request, I will help you locate CRF leadership. But as always, you must do something for me in return.
Michael: Why the Charade, if you were going to cooperate, why run at all?
Julian: For the Bubbly, of course.

Michael: Nadia's great, I know that, alright. But you might want to consider just taking it slow.
Eric: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, What's with the warning?
Michael: Uhh, Sally Vincent
Eric: Haaaa, Sally; that was a completely different story.
Michael: How is it different? When it ended you were all like weird.
Eric: Weird, how?
Michael: You were building ships in bottles. You built many, many ships in many bottles over many, many months.
Eric: Yeah, that's called a hobby.
Michael: Hobby; you locked yourself in a closet for a month.
Eric: Tell me you don't still think about how I got those ships in the bottles
Michael: No I don't

Eric: Did you ever stop to think that the reason you and Sydney work so well together is because of the feelings you have for each other?
Eric: How's that for spin?
Michael: Pretty good.

Sydney: How's Weiss?
Michael: He's still in the hospital, but the doctors say he's gonna be okay. And until then, I've gotta feed his fish.

Vaughn: [Jack has just asked Vaughn to relay a message to Sydney] No, I'm not going to be a conduit to your daughter. I've tried that before; you can imagine how well that went over. And no she didn't say anything, if that's what you're asking. So... She hasn't said a word about anything that happened between the of you; which gives me an idea of what that is. And Jack, I hope for Sydney's sake, that I'm wrong.

Michael: [to Sark] I'm not gonna kill you. That would be too easy. But I'll leave you so disfigured that when you walk down the street people will pity you. Lauren is gonna pay for the damage she's done to the people I care about, not for having had an affair with you. I don't give a rat's ass who she's sleeping with. So for the last time: where is she?

Sydney: See you when I get back.
Michael: No, actually, you won't. Uh, I'm being replaced by a senior officer. It seems I wasn't experienced enough to be your handler.

Michael: Sydney, you give them the number! That's an order!
Sydney: An order?
Michael: Yes.
Sydney: We need to have a long talk when I get back to Los Angeles.

Sydney: Vaughn, I am sad for you. For you and Lauren. That you have to go through this. But I'm also hopeful. That's what scares me.
Vaughn: I understand.
[They pause]
Vaughn: When we get home... Wanna get a cup of coffee?
Sydney: Yeah...

Sydney: [Sydney and Vaughn are in the shower together] The story that you told at the dealership... We were supposed to go to Santa Barbara three years ago.
[they kiss]
Sydney: We never made it.
Vaughn: Silent no
[shakes head]
Vaughn: Karen and Dave did.

Michael: It was a judgment call, if it was the wrong one, I'm sorry! I would never put your life in jeopardy!
Sydney: You saw a chance to get Lauren and you took it no matter what! You didn't have my back.
Michael: We got Nadia, that's what counts.
Sydney: I understand what you're going through. What it feels like to be betrayed. You saw how my hatred of Sloane consumed me. Vaughn; you saved me from that. From letting my anger turn me into a different person. And now it is my turn to do that for you. But you have to let me; you have to listen to me. You have to believe me when I tell you that the person you are right now is not the person you want to be. I told you that I didn't know if we could figure things out between us, I still don't. But I do know that we can't even begin to try until you deal with this.

Sydney: You didn't think about it. Not once. The possibility that Rambaldi could be right about me.
Vaughn: No. I didn't.
Sydney: Why not?
Vaughn: Because I believe in you. Do you think I'd just throw anyone in my trunk?

Michael: What wife? I have no wife.
Sydney: No, there was a picture in your office. You and that woman. I thought you were married.
Michael: No. She and I are not remotely m - You thought I was married this whole time?

Sydney: I've always liked Owen.
[She gives Vaughn something to drink]
Michael: Owen... Sounds like something you name a gerbil.
Sydney: Clementine is cute...
Michael: For a fruit...
Sydney: It's also a name...
Michael: It's also a campfire song.
Sydney: Hey, don't worry about it... What about Isabelle?
Michael: Isabelle Vaughn... Isabelle Bristow Vaughn.
Sydney: [Sydney is working very hard to keep her tears from flowing] That's pretty, I like that.
Michael: Me too... I'm sorry I'm just getting so tired
Sydney: Close your eyes, I'll be right here.
[She kisses his hand]
Michael: Syd, I love you
Sydney: I love you too.
[She kisses his mouth and then his forehead and walks to the window. His heart rate falls the doctor's rushed in and start working on him. She is escorted out, and she watches from the window until they close the blinds. She is fully crying now]

Michael: Can I, I'm thirsty?
Sydney: [She picks up his cup and takes a deep breath] I gave you this, and then you crashed. Vaughn I can't...
Michael: Syd... Shhh... Shhh they can hear us, come closer, you said it yourself, they are using me against you. The only way to defeat them, I need to go away.
Sydney: [She starts crying] I don't care, I don't want to say goodbye to you again.
Michael: I know... I know... It's okay... I need to go away. We'll find each other...
[the scene cuts away from the hospital bed to their cell in North Korea]
Sydney: We always find each other.

[Sydney and Vaughn attempt to defuse one of the explosive charges]
Sydney: You studied bomb defusing at Langley?
Michael: Just seminar style, nothing field specific.
Sydney: Does anyone ever learn anything at seminars?

Michael: If you don't say goodbye to me they win.
Sydney: I can't do it on my own.
Michael: I'm not here, this isn't real, none of this is real.
Sydney: It's real to me, that's all that matters.
Michael: Don't say that, that's what they want you to say.
Sydney: Well do you know what I want? I want the world to forget about us. I'm tired Vaughn, I'm tired of having this weight on my shoulders, I don't... I don't want to be the one who has to save the world. I want you back; I want you all to myself. I want to go away, just you and me and our baby. Somewhere no one can bother us a deserted island. I want out; I don't care if they win Vaughn, I don't care, I just want you to stay with me.

Jack: Kane called a meeting.
Michael: Does she know anything?
Jack: Unclear. But I'm told she has two units from security section prepared to take me in. I have to be ready for anything.

Eric: [Weiss has just prompted Vaughn to finally ask Sydney out on a date while on a mission in Nice] And?
Michael: We're going to dinner.
[Weiss breaks into a celebratory dance]
Michael: I'm going to keep my comm channel open. I need you to monitor the RF frequency.
Eric: Got it. Okay, in exchange I get an eclair.
Michael: No, I'm serious, any suspect signal and I want to know about it. Anything.
Eric: If they're small, bring at least two!

Will: You ever have a dream where you're back at school and they won't let you graduate because you failed a test? I had that last night.
Michael: Well, we don't screen for general knowledge. It's strictly a psych profile.
Will: So I can't fail but I can find out I'm a sociopath.

Sydney: I know, and maybe I'm being reckless or selfish... or masochistic. But if my mother is alive, then I just have to know that. Can you help me get everything the CIA's got on her?
Michael: Actually, I can't. All information concerning her has been classified omega 17 by the FBI, including her connections to the Rambaldi prophecy.

Michael: If Sloane can't touch this case, then why did they assign it to his task-force?
Jack: Because of Sydney. Our target is someone with whom several of you are quite familiar.
Sydney: Who is it?
Jack: Anna Espinosa.
Sydney: I thou... She's supposed to be dead.
Jack: So are a lot of people.

Michael: Bishop also recently purchased an MK-1200 from Shalini Tech.
Marshall: Wow! You don't buy a server like that to look at on-line porn.
Michael: [sarcastically] No, you buy it to coordinate international business operations, that's what it's designed for.

Michael: I didn't know you wore glasses.
Jack: Only during surgery.

Agent: You pulled my file last week, that's my problem, Mr. Vaughn. Now, did curiosity get the better of you, or were you trying to impress my daughter?
Vaughn: She thinks you were KGB. But, I'm sure you already knew that. So, what I'm wondering is what were you doing checking up on me checking up on you?

Michael: Trigger the belt.
Marshall: What, you don't want to milk this a little bit?

Michael: Lauren, no one's judging you.
Lauren: I've seen the way they look at me... like I'm a traitor too. To tell you the truth, I don't blame them.
Michael: People are just angry.
Lauren: And I'm not? He was my father! You have no idea what it's like to think you know someone, to love them, and then figure out it was nothing but lies.

Michael: Did he get the code? Syd?
Sydney: He was compromised.
Michael: What?
Sydney: He just said "Take surface streets, they're doing some work on the freeway".
Michael: I don't understand.
Sydney: It's a phrase we came up with last year. A code to let one of us know if the other was ever discovered, to warn them to stay away. He's with Geiger now.

Sydney: You know any jokes? Because I could use one.
Vaughn: This grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you." And the grasshopper says...
Sydney: You have a drink named Doug?
Vaughn: Well, I was gonna use Phil.

Lauren: Michael, what are you doing?
[Vaughn looks at her phone]
Lauren: Sometimes I hate my job. Baby, what's going on?
Michael: You know how doctors always make you wait?
Lauren: What?
Michael: When you go in for an appointment. My dad hated that. He used to say he'd always kept his appointments, and everyone else should do the same.
Lauren: You okay?
Michael: Yeah. I just... I was looking for my house keys and I found this.
[shows her the watch]
Lauren: Why? Were you looking for your house keys?
Michael: I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd go for a jog.
Lauren: What time is it?
Michael: I dunno. It's broken.
Lauren: Are you sure you're all right?
Michael: Yeah, I'm fine.
[they kiss]
Michael: I'll see you later.

Michael: [Sydney pulls gun on Vaughn] What are you doing?
Sydney: Get... get down, on your knees.
Michael: Sydney, its Michael. I've got the antidote, its right here in this bag.
Sydney: Don't lie to me.
Michael: Oh Sydney... Sydney, listen to me.
Sydney: Put your hands up. Now! I know what this is; this is a game to you, a cruel joke at my expense.
Michael: What's a game?
Sydney: You and me. Admit it.
Michael: No, Sydney... Sydney, listen to me. What are you scared of?
Sydney: I am scared. I'm scared you're going to betray me, again. Like you did when you married Lauren.
Michael: Sydney, I would never... ever hurt you
Sydney: Stop, stop right there.
Michael: You need to give me the gun alright...
Sydney: I said stop.
Michael: Just give me the gun.
[Sydney pulls trigger, gun is unloaded, Sydney and Vaughn fight]
Michael: Sydney, don't do this.
[more fighting]
Michael: Sydney, don't do this.
[Sydney bites Vaughn]
Jack: No...
[Jack places Sydney in choke hold and knocks her out]
Michael: You took the bullets out.
Jack: Seemed a reasonable precaution

Sydney: He practically apologized.
Michael: Sloane did?
Sydney: For thinking maybe I'd mailed him the wrong guy. Imagine that.

Michael: [Vaughn picks up a liquid dropper and fills it with a substance he found on the table. He empties it onto Dr. Lee's leg and it burns like acid] Now I know you can't feel that, but you can see it, and you can imagine what it's gonna feel like when I pour the rest of this on you.
Sydney: Vaughn!
Michael: You met with Sloane in Zurich!
Dr. Zhang Lee: It was only a charity function.
Michael: Don't lie to me.
Dr. Zhang Lee: He asked me about the inoculations, about the passenger.
Michael: Where is he?
Sydney: Vaughn...
Dr. Zhang Lee: [incredibly scared] I don't know...
Michael: Tell me where he is!
[Vaughn holds the canister of acid over Dr. Lee]
Dr. Zhang Lee: Pleeeeaase!
Sydney: Vaughn, you can't do this!
Michael: Why not? He would!
Sydney: You're not him!
Michael: Tell me where he is!
Dr. Zhang Lee: [Crying] If I could; I would tell you.
Michael: Wrong answer.
[Vaughn pours the acid on Dr. Lee]

Lucien: You're enjoying yourselves.
Sydney: He's French; I like the French, their tender.
Michael: Fine.
Sydney: You just going to stand around and watch all night; or you want to get involved?
Lucien: What, a, did you have in mind?
Sydney: [They are now in the bathroom, Sydney slams Lucien into the wall] Check the stalls.
Lucien: Is he going to join us, or a just observe.
Michael: I think I'll just watch.
[Vaughn smiles at Sydney]
Sydney: Suit yourself
[She slams Lucien into the bathroom stall corner]

Marshall: Vaughn, can you task a satellite over my position?
Michael: [Vaughn walks to Marshall's desk] Alright I'm here, what do I do?
Marshall: Well tasking a satellite through the NRO will take forever. So go to the config dot system and my phone has GPS and it should be able to route the coordinates through the system.
Michael: Got it.
Marshall: Okay, now type K H 11 backslash 8 backslash therm backslash config dot sys. Let me know when your there.
Michael: Hang on, I don't see a prompt.
Marshall: Well there is no prompt, the prompt's implied.
Michael: What, I'm supposed to just type it in?
Marshall: Yes, God, Vaughn, this is not that hard.
Michael: Well I've never done this before.
Marshall: Well I do for you people all the time. Now come on.

Marshall: This guy scares me. I mean you know, he killed his wife, he's a wife killer. Beat her to death, stuffed her in a dumpster who knows what else.
Michael: [Watching Sydney on the monitor] Marshall; Shut up!

Jack: If she were apprised of the situation, she might help.
Michael: I'll make her help; where is she?

Jack: The answer is in the document. According to the information you retrieved, each SD cell uses a code which changes weekly to operate their security system. The current code is listed right here.
Michael: So you're saying we need to get into SD-6 and find out what the actual code is right now?
Sydney: If it matches the one in the document, then the rest of the intel is real.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: In which case I could go to Langley about raiding the Alliance facilities.
Michael: Do we have the current SD-6 code?
Jack: No. But I can get it.

Michael: Okay. I'll confer with your father about your countermission.
Sydney: My father?
Michael: He didn't tell you? Based on your father's instincts in the Madagascar incident, Devlin gave him operational approval.

Michael: Syd, slow down, say that again.
Sydney: We can ID him.
Michael: Who?
Sydney: Phantom; my contact. I can send you a picture. You can check it against airport surveillance, inbound flights to Cuba. He wasn't alone. Get visuals of the other members of third faction. And track that against where they've been and... and where they're going.
Jack: Send the photo
[Sydney takes a picture of the corpse with her cell phone]
Michael: Okay Syd, we've got it. We're indexing it now.
Sydney: Vaughn...
Michael: Yeah, I'm here can you hear me?
Sydney: We know what he looks like.
Michael: [Vaughn looks at Jack scared] Syd, we got the picture, we're working on him.
Sydney: We can check it against airport surveillance.
Michael: Syd, you already said that.
Sydney: He wasn't alone, we can find where he's been, where's he's going.
[Vaughn and Jack share a concerned look, Jack walks off]

Michael: What, are you suggesting Lauren framed her own father?
Sydney: I know it's hard for you to consider.
Michael: Hard for me? My wife just found out her father was betraying her, not to mention our country.
Sydney: But if I saw her...
Michael: You didn't.

Michael: Involving you had no upside.
Sydney: There's no upside to keeping me informed? You didn't tell me about Manolo or that you had discussions with my mother! You didn't even tell me that you were seeing Alice again!
Michael: Wait. What is this about?
Sydney: This is about me being too old to be coddled!

Eric: What, I can't ask my buddy...
Michael: [angrily] The marriage is fantastic.
Eric: [Vaughn leaves in a huff] Yeah, I can tell.

Michael: Open it up.
Prison: Procedure Dictates...
Michael: Him, we're old friends
Julian: Actually, giving our shared intimacies with your late wife, I may even go so far as to say that we're family.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Contact the Bristows, tell them to pull out immediately.
Michael: I have no way of initiating. Why?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: The Indians found out the Pakastani rebels have acquired nukes. They're launching air strikes in twenty-four hours.

Irina: [Vaughn has come to ask a favor of Irina] Tell me how you feel about my daughter?
Michael: That's none of your business.
Irina: Are you in love with her?
Michael: I don't know why that matters.
Irina: [cutting him off] I don't have the advantage of observing casual behavior... I'm curious.
Michael: Help me... and I'll tell you what you want to know.

Michael: Look if you corner her and hesitate to pull the trigger, even for one second, it could cost you your life.
Sydney: I won't hesitate.

Michael: That's where we want it. Especially now that SD-6 has the Rambaldi book. The C.I.A.'s been studying those photos you took.
Sydney: Then they turned out all right?
Michael: There's one blank page. Well, C.I.A. sci-tech says that of the few Rambaldi documents they've recovered, the forty-seventh page is always particularly significant. This blank page was number forty-seven. Your father's strategizing on how to get it out of SD-6 and replace it with a counterfeit. But in the meantime, we're just hoping we learn something with that bug.

Sydney: Research? What kind of research?
Michael: It's something private. Something just for me.
Sydney: Who do you think you work for? Nothing is private. You're being investigated.

Ivan: [Vaughn's is being tortured] Just tell us what we want to know. I'm tired of playing these games.
Michael: Quitter!

Jack: Simply put, it's the study of geometric objects and how they fit together. All Alliance facilities have been raided yet we haven't found a single Rambaldi artifact. If Sloane was expecting our raid, he could've had everything moved to a secure location. He must be using Caplan to help him assemble a Rambaldi device.
Michael: So what happens when Sloane puts the pieces together?
Jack: Whether or not you believe Rambaldi was a prophet, he did anticipate technological advances, many of which seem most applicable to warfare. It's likely Sloane is building a weapon.

Michael: No I'm fine, thanks, I'll help.
Eric: Oh boo hoo, I'm going to go up north and drink wine for two days, while my friends stay here and work.
Michael: It's called accumulated vacation man, use it or lose it.
Sydney: So you'll water the plants...
Nadia: Got it.
Sydney: And you'll send out the...
Nadia: Sydney, go have a good time.
Eric: You know what; we could actually drive up and meet you guys.
Michael: Ahh
[He looks at Sydney and pulls her closer to him]
Sydney: We're busy...
Michael: Yeah...
[He smiles]
Eric: You gotta eat; one meal?
Michael: Yeah, that's what room service is for...
[Sydney half hugs Vaughn and they both happily grin]

Sydney: Is something wrong?
Vaughn: No. I'm just getting old, I guess.
Sydney: You expect me to believe that?
Vaughn: I've just had a lot on my mind lately, that's all. It'll pass.
Sydney: Yesterday was the day, wasn't it? The anniversary of your father's death?
Vaughn: How could you remember that?
Sydney: I remember what missing him does to you.

Sydney: I know that you're thinking about coming back, to the agency, on the off chance that your hesitation is out of some courtesy to me... You can forget about it. I mean, I can handle you being there, so don't worry about me.
Michael: The other day you said that I gave up on us because I didn't have faith, that somehow you didn't mean enough to me.
Sydney: When I said that I was...
Michael: No, let me finish. After you died, I used to talk to you, like you were still around. Literally. Out loud whole conversations about... About nothing. The weather... Should I get a new car? Should I have another drink? And one day, you started answering. I mean I could hear you in my head like you were right next to me, Sydney. And although rationally I knew I was a guy who stayed up nights drinking, talking to his dead girlfriend, still I couldn't stop. So, before you tell me you can handle my coming back to the CIA, there are two things you need to know. First... is that I was so in love with you... it nearly killed me. And second... that I don't regret moving on with my life.

Sydney: Marshall has a photograpic memory. Once the files flash across the screen, he'll remember them.
Michael: Yes, we know that.
Sydney: I can't just give SD-6 a fake Marshall!

Vaughn: [to Sydney] Lauren and I are separating. When we get home I'm on Weiss's couch.
Sydney: Are you sure that's what you really want?
Vaughn: It is.

Michael: I had it all planned out.
Sydney: Vaughn...
Michael: No, just please, just let me do this.
Sydney: Do what?
Michael: I was going to take you to the beach, Santa Barbara; we'd go for a walk, maybe, maybe during the sunset. But now we're here and I have no idea what were about to jump into. And I don't know If I'll ever get another chance to do this.
[He pulls a ring box out of his pocket]
Sydney: But Vaughn, we already did this.
[She holds up her hand with the ring on it]

Michael: Noah Hicks - you mentioned him in the initial background report you wrote when you first made contact with the CIA.
Sydney: We met when I was a trainee. We actually dated for a while.
Michael: Really.
Sydney: We kept it under the radar. SD-6 discourages, you know, fraternization among agents.
Michael: So does the CIA.

Michael: Sydney spoke to you...
Jack: All I ask is that you hear me out.
[Vaughn nods and looks down]
Jack: My marriage with Irina, in spite of everything, was a happy time for me; it was easy being with her. There were times, moments, when I become curious, how would she occupy her morning, what were her plans while I was out of town. Usually she told me, but occasionally she'd stop what she was doing, walk over and offer me a kiss; A spontaneous gesture. But on one occasion it struck me, this impulsive kiss, what if it was an evasion; camouflaging the truth in an expression of love. Of course I dismissed my concern immediately, merely my professional paranoia. After all she was my wife I don't regret having married her. I have Sydney because of our time together. What I do regret is that once I saw signs of her duplicity, once I sensed her betrayal, I chose to ignore it. All I'm asking is that you be responsive to the signs if and when they present themselves.
Michael: You never respected me. Never thought I was worthy of your daughter. So I'm not surprised you're so quick to think Lauren is betraying me. But whether or not you or Sydney believe me, I know the life I'm living, and I know the woman I am married to. Lauren is not Irina, and I am definitely not you.

Vaughn: [Vaughn takes the phone from Roberts] Hello.
Roberts: You violated our agreement.
Vaughn: You listen to me; I'm sick and tired of these games. Here's how were going to do things...
Roberts: Your angry, good. You can channel that into your next assignment.
Vaughn: No... No... No more assignments, you got what you asked for.
Roberts: You didn't abide by the terms of our deal, the price has just gone up. Disobey again and we'll continue to do so.
Vaughn: No, that's it, I'm done.
Roberts: Check beneath the table.
Vaughn: What?
Roberts: Beneath the table, there's an envelope, open it.
[Vaughn opens the envelope and sees pictures of a man he believes could be his father]
Roberts: If you still wish to back out, feel free to do so.
Vaughn: He's a... alive...
Roberts: Your father's very much alive, the question, Mr. Vaughn, is how far are you willing to go to find him.

Julian: I see your bargaining skills have gone the way of your manhood.
Michael: Let me rephrase then. I'd be willing to leave you with what you already have and not make your life more uncomfortable.
Julian: I don't see that there's much left to take away.
Michael: You stonewall me and I'll have you shipped to Alder Penitentiary, and I'll have you secured in darkened solitary until the end of days. 24/7 in a pitch black cell with zero human contact is a slow way to die. Especially with all the demons you've got in your closet, and believe me they will come knocking.
Julian: I regret to inform you, Mr. Vaughn, I'm not afraid of the dark
Michael: You should be, I'm having you transferred to Alder tonight.

Sydney: I just wanted to rip his finger right off again. Does that make me a bad person?
Michael: [chuckles] No. But it might have blown your cover.
Sydney: You think?

Kazu: You look familiar.
Vaughn: Sometimes people tell me I look like hockey player, Alexei Kovalev.
Kazu: Nah... that's not it.

C.I.A. Agent Steven Haladki: I think your judgment is impaired.
Michael: I think I'm going to kick your ass.

Sydney: [On the phone with Vaughn] Eric said you took off, need some company?
Michael: No, I'm good.
Sydney: Where are you?
Michael: It doesn't matter.
Sydney: What does that mean?
[Vaughn doesn't respond]
Sydney: Vaughn, what's going on?
[Again no response from Vaughn]
Sydney: Sark talked, didn't he? You know where Lauren is.
Michael: I'm taking care of it.
Sydney: I don't know what you're thinking, but you cannot do this Michael. If you kill her, you will be arrested and charged with her murder. If you're not, if you get away with it, it will haunt you Michael. God, after everything we've been through... I'll lose you all over again.
Michael: [a car pulls up near Vaughn] I have to go.
[He hangs up the phone]

C.I.A. Agent Steven Haladki: Any irregularities at all?
Michael: What, you mean other than a desperate message from an agent begging for help?

Sydney: [after getting a call] I have to go in.
Michael: Of course you do, it's your day off.

Michael: Are you okay?
Sydney: [touching her cheek] It's nothing, I'm just little bruised.
Michael: I can't really tell.
Sydney: That's because I am wearing like a pound of cover-up.

Agent: Impressive.
Vaughn: Yeah.
Agent: Balls of steel. That's what I'm going to call you from now on. Hey, have you met Balls of Steel?

Sydney: You have another lead.
James: These people, whoever they are, when they know you're on to it, they'll stop at nothing to silence you.
Michael: I'll contact you when I have the book.

Michael: Hey, what did you say before about Haladki?
Eric: I don't think he showers?

Michael: I see four wires leading out from the motion sensor. Red, green, yellow, and black.
Marshall: Uh, can you see which one is looped to the power source?
Michael: Yeah. The red one.
Marshall: All right. Red one. Okay. Go ahead and cut that.
[Vaughn moves to cut the wire]
Marshall: No, no, no! Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
Michael: I hate it when you do that.
Marshall: Is there a suppressor on the filament?
Michael: Yeah.
Marshall: Then don't cut it. It's a false lead.
Michael: Marshall!
Marshall: My bad. Sorry. What you need to find is the antistatic wire that runs to the plasma relay. It's probably wrapped in degaussed ceramic fiber.
Michael: No, you have to explain this to me in words I can understand.
Marshall: Well, it... could look like anything. I mean, there are a million variations. You need to tell me what you're looking at, Vaughn.
Michael: Well, I... I don't know what I'm looking at.
Marshall: Well, you'd better find somebody that does.

[after Sydney asks if he is married]
Vaughn: Wife? I don't have a wife. You thought I was married this whole time?

Michael: If you ever put my wife's life in danger again, I will kill you!
Jack: Then perhaps you finally understand the moral compromises you'll make when someone you love is in danger.

Sydney: Where are you going?
Michael: I'll tell you later, when's the meet with Anna?
Sydney: Now
Michael: Nadia's gonna be okay.
Sydney: I just want the ghosts would go away.
Michael: Tell me about it.

Sydney: You guys have to come get me.
Michael: Sydney, the hard drives been rigged, it released some kind of a toxin in here. We're in lock-down.
Sydney: Lock-down; for how long?
Arvin: We estimate about 36 hours.
Sydney: What are our other options?
[There is a long pause as Jack and Vaughn look down]
Marshall: Umm... excuse me, listen I know you told me you'd let me know if you need anything. But I could do it. I could go to Cuba.

Sydney: Do you hear that?
Michael: I didn't hear anything.
Sydney: I know... Its great isn't it?
[They take hold of each other's hands]
Sydney: I wish we could stay here, like this, forever.
Michael: There's nothing I want more.
Michael: They're going to figure it out Syd, sooner or later; they're going to know you gave them the wrong name. And when they do, I can't be here. They'll keep using me against you. They won't stop until they get what they want. I have to go.
Sydney: I know...
Michael: We'll find each other... We always find each other.
[They kiss]

Sydney: You know any jokes? Cause I could use one.
Michael: This grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says: "Hey, we have a drink named after you." And the grasshopper says...
Sydney: You have a drink named Doug?
Michael: Well I was going to use Phil.
Sydney: [big smile] Phil is certainly no funnier than Doug.
Michael: [big smile] Well, I'm sorry. It's a non-humorous joke.

Michael: We have to keep the bomb at altitude, right? So why... why don't we just land at a high-altitude airport?
Marshall: No, the highest altitude airport is in Bangda, Tibet, and that's only 14,000 feet.
[a thought strikes him]
Marshall: Wait a minute. Wait, wait a minute. Wait a minute. We can't get rid of the bomb, right? We can't diffuse the bomb, but... we can trick it. Air pressure is the force exerted on a surface by the weight of the air above.
Michael: Okay, English, please.
Marshall: We need to encase the bomb in an airtight, temperature controlled bubble.
Michael: To fool the bomb into thinking we're still at altitude.
Marshall: Right, but the thing is, in order to do any of that, you need to remove it from the fuselage and deactivate the motion sensor.
Michael: Which is what the bomb squad in Belfast was doing when they died.
Marshall: Well... yeah.

Sydney: What happens when someone you care about is in trouble. What you said, that nothing else matters. It all just goes away. Last week when I learned what my father did for me, sacrificing Russek, it made me sick. But now, I know I would have done the exact same thing. You should have seen him.
Vaughn: Your father?
Sydney: Yeah, he was like... he was like a pro. He was good. I mean, the way you talked about him once, what his reputation was, I could see it in action. He was... impressive.

Michael: I just don't think we should cut them loose.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Listen. Alive or dead, the mission failed. So if the Bristows are out there, they're on their own.

Michael: I've never worked with anyone who can improvise better than you can... but when Simon called you Julia... your reaction... You didn't seem surprised.
Sydney: Vaughn...
Michael: No. Tell me what's going on. Look, I know we're not where we were, but even before then, professionally, we never kept secrets from each other. I'm still on your side...
Sydney: You're right, we're not where we were. And trust me when I tell you, I am doing you a favor by keeping you out of it.

Lauren: Michael, I got you something while you were gone, open it.
[He opens up a box to find his father's watch inside]
Lauren: I realized I forgot the anniversary of your father's death and I felt terribly, and I wanted to do something special to make up for it. It's the watch he gave you, I had it fixed.
Vaughn: This isn't working.
Lauren: It's not...
Vaughn: Not the watch, us... This isn't working for me. I'm not happy.
Lauren: I see...
Vaughn: I don't know, I guess for a while I thought I could be... again.
Vaughn: But I don't think that's going to happen. I think we should separate.
Lauren: This is about Sydney, isn't it?
Vaughn: No it isn't.
Lauren: Did she give you an ultimatum?
Vaughn: This is about us, our problems.
Lauren: She is our problem! Michael, if you're going to destroy my life, the least you can do is be honest about why you're doing it!

Michael: [as the FBI is taking Sydney into custody] Those medical tests you took, they were looking to match three specific anomalies Rambaldi mentioned: DNA sequencing, platelet levels, and the size of your heart. You match all three.
Sydney: So what does the prophecy say?
Dr. Carson Evans,: This woman here depicted will possess unseen marks. Signs that she will be the one to bring forth my works. Bind them with fury, a burning anger unless prevented at vulgar cost this woman will render the greatest power unto utter desolation.

Michael: Remember the rumour going around the agency around the Cold War about the Soviets raising sleeper agents as Americans? Now, I know it sounds potentially paranoid, but this is how they would do it if they managed to get their test in circulation here. They could have contacted hundreds of kids.

Sark: Put the gun down, Agent Vaughn. Drop the gun.
Vaughn: Not a chance, you drop yours.
Sark: Put the gun down now.
Sydney: No, Vaughn, don't!
Sark: Drop it. If you love her, you will put the gun down now.
[Masked figure looks at Vaughn]
Sydney: Vaughn, don't!
[Vaughn drops the gun]

Michael: Look, you're probably going to say no to this but I want to go to India. I was stationed there for two years, I have relationships...
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: Go.
Michael: Go?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: I'll have a military aircraft waiting. This is totally back channel.
Michael: You're just gonna... Are you trying to get rid of me?

Michael: Anyway, I read your debrief. So did Devlin. We'll deal with the loss of the Rambaldi document later but first you should know that, uh, offices of security is drawing up a contingency plan to keep Will Tippin safe.
Sydney: What kind of contingencies?
Michael: Witness protection. Worst-case scenario, recruitment.
Sydney: Absolutely not!

Michael: You said everyone in the radius was affected, even people who were taking cover?
Marshall: Yeah. Well, there's no defense against this kind of energy. It goes through walls, concrete, steel, everything.
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: There's no shield.
Marshall: No. Sorry. Oh, um, I should probably also tell you that, um, this kind of energy knocks out computer circuitry. Which means if it's pointed at the sky, it could take down planes.

Michael: My wife betrayed me. She betrayed all of us. You can't expect me to pretend that never happened.
Agent: I'm not sure you have a choice.
Michael: Why is that?
Agent: Because you're the one that married her.

Sydney: I should go
Michael: No, I don't want to be without you.
Sydney: I know; I miss you.
Michael: [He looks at her hand and it doesn't have the ring on it anymore] Look!
[He shows her the hand without the ring]
Michael: Sydney Bristow; will you marry me?
Sydney: I don't know what I'm supposed to say.
Michael: You're supposed to say yes.
Sydney: Yes...
[We now see her in her torture chair smiling]
Sydney: I wanna marry you.

Michael: I'm going to say something, and it will either be obvious to you or seem presumptuous, either way I'm going to say it. This isn't working. I've been thinking about this for a while, I don't know what the hell to do.
Sydney: What?
Michael: I think you know what.
Sydney: I need you to tell me.
Michael: You need me to tell you what, that when you're on operations I can't sleep at night, that when we're in debrief I have to force myself to remember what the hell we're supposed to be reviewing when all I want to do is kiss you.
Sydney: Sometimes it is hard to remember what we're supposed to be talking about.
Michael: That's what I'm talking about, and the thing that drives me insane every day is that the people who would kill us if we were ever seen together-the Alliance, SD-6, Sloane, are the very forces that brought you into my life. What kind of a sick joke is that?
Sydney: So what are you thinking, that maybe we shouldn't be working together?
Michael: Yes, that was what I was thinking, but we're great together, and the more we work together the sooner the Alliance gets destroyed.
Sydney: So, what are you suggesting?
[Agent Weiss interrupts]
Eric: What is this, the flirting corner?
Michael: Uh, we're talking.
Eric: Yeah, I figured that out. Uh, there's a meeting... National Security, remember that? It's important... for the people...
Sydney: We'll be right there

Julian: Doesn't it bother you?
Michael: What's that?
Julian: A bombmaker arranges for a meeting on a plane and then doesn't show up. I don't know about you, but that concerns me.

Vaughn: You know these never have to see the surface.
Sydney: What do you mean?
Vaughn: If what's in the Rambaldi box is a danger to you, and these keys are the only way to open it... Maybe they should be destroyed.
Sydney: Thank you for saying that.

Sydney: [In hospital] Vaughn... Vaughn...
Michael: Sorry I guess I drifted off there. Hey, we should think of more names for the baby.
Sydney: There'll be plenty of time for that.
Michael: I know... What do you think about Oscar?
Sydney: What if we have a girl?
Michael: [laughs] I meant for a girl. I wish it were here already, I want to meet her.
Sydney: You will.
Michael: I know.

Michael: When she got done with my father, he could only be identified by his dental records.

Sydney: [Sydney and Vaughn move to the dance floor at a party] You're waltzing.
Michael: Yep... I've been practicing for our wedding.
Sydney: With whom?
Michael: Weiss...

Sydney: [On Sydney's dream] You don't have a wedding ring.
Michael: I thought we'd go to Santa Barbara first and see how that went...
Sydney: You're not married?
Michael: You really hit your head, didn't you?

Irina: How do you say thank you to the woman who killed your father?
Vaughn: You don't.

Michael: Chances are, we won't have time to pull a switch, so deliver it to SD-6. When they break the code, they'll inform their affiliate offices through the computer network. Thanks to you, we're still downloading from their mainframe.
Sydney: How much have you gotten so far?
Michael: Almost two per cent.
Sydney: In all this time? That's all you got?
Michael: If we take too much, too quickly, they'll notice the leak. But we're patient. We can get all their internal files and then we can do some real damage.

[Sydney and Vaughn are returning to the US from a mission in Russia]
Vaughn: You know, we have operational command of this aircraft. The pilot could take us anywhere we want...
Sydney: [playfully scolding] Our orders are to proceed with our extraction. If we were divert this aircraft for our personal use, we would get into a lot of trouble.
Vaughn: Yes.
Sydney: [disappointed] Yeah...
Vaughn: Wanna have dinner with me in Paris?
Sydney: [without hesitating] Absolutely.
[they kiss]

Michael: Is it Allison?
Sydney: Since I learned that she's alive... I keep wondering. Does she still look like her? Does she look like Francie? Because if she does? As much as I know I should keep her alive to maybe try to figure out the last two years of my life? All I'll wanna do is kill her.

Jack: You and I have something in common. We both suffered through the death of the woman we loved only to discover that she was still alive. I know, it's hard. But this isn't about you. And I will not allow my daughter to become your mistress.
Michael: If that's where you think my concern for Sydney is headed, then you are even more cynical than I thought.

Weiss: Come on, what do you want me to say? If you think I'm going to tell you to stay in a loveless marriage...
Vaughn: It's not a loveless marriage.
Weiss: Whatever. And if you're waiting for me to tell you to leave your wife for another woman, you can forget about that, too.
Vaughn: Do you think you can be in love with two people at the same time?
Weiss: No. I don't. However, I did have the same intense feelings for both Sporty and Posh Spice.
Vaughn: Yeah, who didn't?

Michael: [Sydney and Vaughn are making out on Sydney's couch. They are undressing each other and kissing between lines] I couldn't take it.
Sydney: Me either.
Michael: No, seriously, I thought I was losing my mind.
Sydney: Me too, it was the longest debrief in history.
Michael: I was staring at you the whole time. Did you notice?
Sydney: Yeah, I bet my dad noticed too.
Michael: No, he didn't notice.

Michael: [Vaughn shoots out a control panel] The relay's blown, check the signal strength.
Irina: No good Vaughn, the signal's still broadcasting.
Elena: I've planned this for five years. Don't you think I've accounted for every possibility?
Irina: Vaughn; Is Sloane with you?
Michael: No; he's not with you?
Irina: Get to the roof right now.
Michael: On my way.

Michael: [Entering the weapons room] The Usual?
Sydney: Not with what I'll be wearing. I had this feeling before, a sense, I almost felt like I was going to pass out. I don't know how to describe it, but it was just like dread, like something horrible is happening.
[Vaughn walks over, takes her face in his hands, and kisses her]
Michael: We've been tasked to rescue the women who killed my father, your mother, who is supposed to be dead by the way, and to disable a giant red ball, floating over a Russian city.
Sydney: Crazier things have happened...
Michael: That's kinda my point. Syd, without you, I'd be lost. I mean this world, this job, everything, it would make me insane.
Sydney: I know...
[He takes her hands in his]
Michael: We're going to get through this.
Sydney: How can you be sure?
Michael: How can I not be? We're still here. Syd...
[Vaughn reaches into his pants pocket for the ring, Sydney smiles at Vaughn]
Sydney: What?
Marshall: [Marshall walks in] Hey, sorry to interrupt, you ready to roll?
Michael: [Vaughn looks at Sydney] Yeah...
[Vaughn takes something from Marshall as he walks off]
Michael: Thanks...
Sydney: Vaughn?
Michael: [He puts the ring back in his pocket] We should go.

Sydney: What you did to Dr. Lee was unacceptable.
Michael: Well, you wouldn't say that if I gotten something out of him.
Sydney: What he knew of didn't know is beside the point.
Michael: Exactly! The point is we're trying to find your sister.
Sydney: And if you'd gotten the answer it still wouldn't have been okay.
Michael: Sloane has her; wouldn't you do anything to get her back?
Sydney: You knew we had other options.
Michael: Sydney; the man tortured you, he tortured Marshall, he tortured your sister...
Sydney: This isn't about him, this is about you. And what I saw scared me!
Michael: [He pauses] Yeah, well it scared me too.
Michael: What I'm willing to do to find her... When I was with Dr. Lee, all I could think about was if we get to Sloane, we'll get to her. And I want to find your sister, but I need to find my wife! Lauren cannot be allowed to get away with what she's done.
Sydney: Well Lauren might. And you have to be prepared to deal with that.

Michael: When's the last time you went to confession, Kiera MacLaine?
Kiera: ...I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel.
Michael: About what?
Kiera: A flirty priest.
Michael: I assure you my intentions are honorable... mostly.

Sydney: [holding a paperclip] This is a bug?
Michael: It's good, huh? You should see the guys who make it, it's like they've never seen sunlight.
Sydney: Well, you should meet Marshall.

Vaughn: It's part of their test.
Sydney: Which apparently we're failing.
Vaughn: Oh, come on that was ridiculous.
Sydney: What did they expect us to do; just drop and go at it on the floor?
Vaughn: If one more person calls us boring...
Sydney: He didn't call us boring, he called us cold...
Sydney: Who thinks we're boring?
Vaughn: Nobody... that's, that's not the point.

Marshall: Forensics guys are monitoring the network.
Michael: Isn't there any way to bypass that?
Marshall: Of course... it's me, but...
[He goes to get something]
Marshall: . I give you the codes, you're gonna bust her out, aren't you? Kick some NSC booty? Can I just say... love.

Sydney: We should talk to Dixon and figure out a way to handle this.
Michael: Oh, I know how to handle this.
Agent: You will act like nothing has changed.
Michael: Okay, what's Plan B 'cause that's not going to happen.

Jack: Thomas Brill, Michael Vaughn.
Michael: [nods]
Brill: You Bill Vaughn's kid?
Michael: Yeah, he was my father.
Brill: No kidding.

Vaughn: Well, you kill your wife after learning she's a vicious, homicidal, double agent, and see how rational you are.

Eric: OK, whenever you want to have that talk...
Michael: What talk?
Eric: Uh, about the cologne, or whatever the hell you're wearing.
Michael: I'm not wearing any cologne.
Eric: Well, something is going on. No man naturally smells as good as you do right now
Michael: [Vaughn and Weiss watch as a sleazy bad guy leers at Sydney while she's in disguise as a prostitute] That son of a bitch!
Eric: Easy, come on.
Michael: I swear I'm gonna to kill this guy.
Eric: There's no way that guy smells as good as you do.
Michael: It's aftershave, I got a new aftershave.
Eric: Yeah, well, I'd lighten up on it a little.
Michael: Yeah?
Eric: Oh yeah. To the point of non-use.

Michael: How are you?
Olivia: I'm doing surprisingly well for a pariah. I never liked politics. You never know who your friends are. At least now that I'm the wife of a traitor, I know the answer. I have none.

Sydney: Don't hook up the hard drive.
Michael: We know; where are you?
Michael: I'm not sure, they... they dragged me to a cemetery, knocked me out, and I woke up in a coffin.
Marshall: Syd, are you... have you been buried?
Sydney: Yes

[Vaughn and Weiss watch as a sleazy bad guy leers at Sydney while she's in disguise as a prostitute]
Vaughn: That son of a bitch!
Weiss: Easy, come on.
Vaughn: I swear I'm gonna to kill this guy.
Weiss: There's no way that guy smells as good as you do.
Vaughn: It's aftershave, I got a new aftershave.
Weiss: Yeah, well, I'd lighten up on it a little.
Vaughn: Yeah?
Weiss: Oh yeah. To the point of non-use.

Fintan: You should be nicer to your big brother.
[to Vaughn]
Fintan: Isn't that what the Bible says?
Michael: Why, do I look like some kind of expert?

Vaughn: [smashes Sark's face into a table] See, when I have a gun, I don't just pull the trigger.
Sark: Thank you.
Vaughn: [smashes Sark's face again] Where's Sloane?
Sark: Not a problem; my loyalties are flexible.

Michael: [the camera is panning around Sydney's bedroom and we see pictures of Vaughn] You okay?
Sydney: Just having some trouble picking a lock, my fingers are kinda numb.
Michael: [laughs] Hey, you're almost home. Just get inside and plant the bug.
Sydney: Easy for you to say, it's twenty below out here, you're nice and warm.
Michael: I'll tell you what, I'll talk to Langley and see if we can send you someplace nice and warm next time.
[We now see Sydney in the rocking chair holding a tape recorder next to her belly playing back the audio from a mission where Vaughn was in her ear]
Sydney: It should have a beach.
Michael: Absolutely, I'll find a bad guy who owns a really nice beach resort. And you'll have to go undercover for like a month.
[He laughs]
Michael: Hey you know what, that sounds pretty dangerous, maybe we both should go.
Sydney: [laughing] You'd do that for me?
Michael: Hey, we're in this together right?

Michael: What are you talking about?
Eric: I really don't know.
Michael: That's helpful advice.

Eric: Hey, you sure you don't want to talk about this?
Michael: There's nothing to talk about.
Eric: I share my fights with you.
Michael: No you don't.
Eric: Yeah I do. Remember when Alan pissed in the living room?
Michael: That was your dog!
Eric: Yeah, but I was angry about it and I let you know how upset I was.

Jack: We're waiting for Sloane.
Michael: You called Sloane on this?
Jack: You and I will be the prime suspects behind any attempt to free Sydney from NSC custody. Sloane has agreed to make it seem as if it were the work of the Covenant. Do I trust him on this? Not necessarily.

[Weiss has just prompted Vaughn to finally ask Sydney out on a date while on a mission in Nice]
Weiss: And?
Vaughn: We're going to dinner.
[Weiss breaks into a celebratory dance]
Vaughn: I'm going to keep my comm channel open. I need you to monitor the RF frequency.
Weiss: Got it. Okay, in exchange I get an eclair.
Vaughn: No, I'm serious, any suspect signal and I want to know about it. Anything.
Weiss: If they're small, bring at least two!

Sydney: You were right to investigate her.
Michael: Sydney...
Sydney: No, it's okay. It's the truth. I'm not blaming you, it's me. I was so naive about her.
Michael: I don't think you should be a part of this task force. Look, you know how I feel about Irina Derevko but no one should have to hunt down their own mother, no matter what the circumstances are.

Sydney: This will be fun, no toys from Marshall, cell phones instead of coms.
Michael: Yeah, and all we have to do is get Dietrich alone. Convince him to show us his files on Nightingale.
Sydney: I can get him alone.

Sydney: I don't know what is your problem with me. Maybe it's because I am a woman or you don't like my attitude or something like that, and I am sorry about that but I don't feel like wasting time here. There is only one why we are going to mobilise SD-6 and that's my way. I am sorry for being a forthright or a female but this is how it's going to be.
Michael: [showing her map of SD-6] Since I have been at CIA I only have seen this map grows. This is what you are in the middle of, Sydney.

Michael: [Weiss and Vaughn are watching Nadia and Sydney over surveillance] She's cloning the hard drive and he's in the room.
Eric: How the hell does she know about the Slovak devils? Was that in the file?
Michael: Maybe she's a soccer fan.
Eric: Oh, God, this is the greatest girl ever.
Michael: [Sydney finished cloning the hard drive] She got it. I didn't know you liked soccer.
Eric: I do now, oh, by the way, it's called futbol.

Michael: [to Sydney] First, I was so in love with you that it almost killed me. And second, I don't regret moving on with my life.

Agent: Your girlfriend's name is Alice, right?
Michael: Would you shut up?
Agent: I'm just checking to see...
Michael: Get out of my office!

Michael: [about Sloane's wife death] Killing his wife wouldn't surprise me. Eating his wife wouldn't surprise me.

Arvin: Ah... you must be the man that Sark told me about. The man that Sydney was willing to kill me for.
Michael: She would have killed you for a lot less.

Michael: [On the phone with Sydney] Just don't spend too much time sightseeing in Cuba.
Sydney: Oh don't worry; I'm ready to get out of here. Do you have any idea how hard it is to maintain cover while dancing the salsa in three inch heels?
Michael: Yes, actually I do, but let's keep that between us.
Sydney: You're doing the next Intel swap. I don't care what the parameters are.
Michael: Whew, nothing would make me happier, I love dancing.
Sydney: You hate to dance.
Michael: How do you know?
Sydney: I've never seen you dance.
Michael: Well I'm a mysterious man, there's a lot of things you don't know about me.
Sydney: You've never once taken me dancing.
Michael: Okay, let's go dancing.
Sydney: Really?
Michael: Yeah, sure.
Sydney: But you hate dancing.
Michael: And yet, I'm taking you. Like I said, I'm very mysterious.

Sydney: [from Hassan's weapons storage in Crete] Vaughn, what's going on? The room just went into lockdown!
Vaughn: [Back at the C.I.A] What the hell did you just do?
Ineni: I gave you the wrong code. Your agent has activated an anti-intruder device.

Michael: I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, but you don't have to do that.
Eric: Alright; here's a thought, tell her how you feel.
[Vaughn rolls his eyes at Weiss]
Eric: I know, I know; I was the one who said this is a line you don't cross. But, that was before I nearly died. And you know what they say about the white light and all that? No... Their wrong... Its darkness...
[Vaughn rolls his eyes again]
Eric: Darkness!
Michael: I understand.

Vaughn: Even though everything's changed... some things don't... I'm not going to lose you twice.

Vaughn: [Weiss and Vaughn are running thru the park] Lauren's parents have been married for thirty four years, and they still love being together. I had one day off this month, and I spent it playing Hockey at the ring with High School kids.
Eric: That must be fun.
[They stop running and sit down on a bench. They both pause for a few moments while Vaughn thinks]
Vaughn: If I need it, can I crash on your couch?
Eric: Yeah... you just have to wipe off the Cheese Nips.

Michael: Respectfully Syd, I don't think your father can think clearly where your mother is concerned.
Sydney: And you can?
Michael: I'm trying and she has nothing to gain by lying.

Sydney: [Sydney shows Vaughn her bandage over her bite marks] Oh, you think it's sexy don't you?
Michael: Only if I'd done it

Arvin: Sydney, you listening? Its working isn't it? Bit by bit. I'm wearing down your defenses. I'm gaining your trust.
[Sloane moves from TV and replaces Vaughn]
Arvin: But we both know that at some point I'll betray you, and the people that you care most deeply about, they'll die.
[Sloan turns back into Vaughn as the delusion ends]
Michael: Syd, you ok?

Sydney: Hi. How did you find me?
Michael: You told me a couple of months ago that when you feel the need to disappear, you go to the observatory. But the observatory was closed. And then I remembered you said the pier calms you down. But you weren't there. And you weren't at the bluffs and the palisades, either.
Sydney: You didn't really go to all those places.
Michael: Yeah, I did. And then I remembered you liked the train station, too. Normal people going to their normal jobs.
Sydney: I can't believe you remembered that.

Michael: Listen, about what happened in Richmond...
Sydney: You were doing your job. And she is your wife.
Michael: Not for long.

Vaughn: Consider this the second time you've been rejected by the CIA

Brill: I told you that I worked with your father. But what I didn't tell you is I was with him on his final mission.
Michael: I know how my father died.
Brill: You don't have a clue.

Sydney: Dixon contacted you?
Michael: Not directly. Through Langley. Said SD-6 was under attack. Are you okay?
Sydney: It's true. There's a team of six, maybe seven. They've got the latest military specs. They're after something in the vault.

Sydney: He is my friend. He is, like, one of my best friends.
Michael: I understand that.
Sydney: No, you don't. You get to tell your friends that you work for the CIA while I go home and look desperately for a tiny moment that I can be honest with anyone about anything. Now that Will knows the truth - he's never going to trust me again. You should have seen his face in Paris. It was like he was looking at a stranger.
Michael: But he wasn't. He was looking at you. Maybe for the first time. He was looking at you.

Michael: There are other ways to keep him from having power over you, to make him go away.
Kiera: You underestimate my brother.
Michael: Or maybe you underestimate me.

Michael: [after being asked his opinion on Sydney having to speak with her mother] I can't pretend to hide my bias here; Irina Derevko betrayed this country and killed my father in the process. On the other hand she is a certifiable Rambaldi expert and probably knows more about the inner workings of global organized crime than any other person in US custody. Having said that, I believe Agent Bristow and I were effectively countering SD-6 before Derevko turned herself in, and I stand behind whatever she decides.

Arthur: Are you suggesting that I approve the theft of priceless works of art?
Michael: You see, sir, we would just be borrowing them.

Michael: [to Sydney] It's not everyday you see a guy shatter into a million pieces.

Eric: I know we're in crisis mode, but a, did you ask her?
[They turn and watch Sydney speaking Czech over the phone]
Michael: It's not exactly the right time...
Eric: When's the right time? What the Nighttime?
Michael: Eric... Come on...
Eric: Look it's not like you have a ring burning a hole in your...
[Vaughn smiles and smirks at Weiss]
Eric: You have a ring on you right now?

Michael: Are you romantically interested in anyone?
[She looks at him weirdly]
Michael: It could be a question.
Sydney: No, I'm not.
[Machine jumps to 56]
Michael: Interesting.
Sydney: Wait, ask me that again.
Michael: No, I don't have to. We have our answer right here. That's very good. Moving on.

Michael: Look, there is something you don't know about me. I don't like it when people question my loyalty. It makes me insane.
Sydney: This isn't about loyalty. I never said anything about loyalty.
Michael: When you ask me if I'm keeping secrets, the suggestion's pretty clear.
Sydney: And you know what? Secrets will be a problem between us. After everything we've been through, you should know that.

Michael: [about Sydney] If you betray her, I swear to you no matter what it costs me, I will kill you.
Arvin: No need to worry, Agent Vaughn. I love her too.

Michael: The nearest Alliance cell is in Zurich. The CIA tracks SD-6 security section. There haven't been any signals, no movement.
Sydney: You're serious.
Michael: We've been to restaurants and sat near each other. We've met in parks and convenience stores, and all of them in LA where we are much more likely to be seen. Look, two things... one, I think it's not that great a risk and two, I am hungry. I'm starving. I mean, we're going to be together anyway, why can't we be eating? Aren't you hungry?
Sydney: Yeah, I'm hungry.
Sydney: Let's do it.

Vaughn: I hate you but I love Sydney more, thats the only reason you're not dying tonight.

Sydney: What did Kendall say?
Michael: He told me about your father, he didn't mention anything about our *date* if that's what you mean.
Sydney: Have you written your mission debrief?
Michael: No, not yet.
[He pauses]
Michael: If I tell the truth, at the least they'll remove me as your case officer. But despite what we did, how stupid we were, I know that we do good work. We need to stay together.
Sydney: I agree.
[she pauses]
Sydney: We do good work.
[She pulls out the Gyroscope and gives it to Vaughn]
Michael: I don't understand...
Sydney: When I got back to SD-6 and saw my father, it was clear no one would be asking questions about Kane's missing agents. So I gave Sloane the counterfeit gyroscope. This is the real one.
[She pauses]
Sydney: We win.
Michael: At the airport, you took them both...
Sydney: Always be prepared.

Sydney: How am I supposed to make a double switch invisible to my partner? He'll be there.
Michael: You cannot tell him the truth. I mean, he might already know who he's working for.

Michael: Devlin made it clear that we cannot, under any circumstances, allow SD-6 to access Echelon. And sabotaging the mission is too risky after Kashmir. Sloane could start to suspect something. We've considered every option, Syd, there's no other way to do this.
Michael: When you and Marshall return from London, we'll take him into protective custody. He'll be transported to Langley for an extensive debrief.
Sydney: As ridiculous as this sounds, SD-6 is his whole life. It's never easy finding out everything you believe in is a lie.
Michael: We'll do whatever we can to make it easier for him, I promise. And when he adjusts, he'll have the option to come work for us.

Julian: Mr. Vaughn, your timing is impeccable, the last of my broken bones is finally healed and I sit before you a fresh canvas, for your aggression. But before we begin whatever inquisition you're here for, there is a pesky question that's been lingering in my head. Do you mind?
Michael: Go ahead.
Julian: Was it the infidelity or the espionage that motivated you to kill the woman I loved?
Michael: The woman that you loved?
Julian: Yes, loved. You know she once actually told me that she longed to love you, but the mundane existence you provided, couldn't hold a candle to my passion.
Michael: [Vaughn punches Sark in the face] That wasn't for sleeping with the woman I was married to, I couldn't care less about her.

Sydney: Hey
Michael: Hey
Sydney: Vaughn, what I said to you, what I did...
Michael: Syd, you weren't yourself
Sydney: No...
[They kiss]
Sydney: [Sydney see spider on the bed, Vaughn picks it up and moves it to the ground]
Michael: My father liked spiders; he said they were good luck
Sydney: I've never heard that.

Michael: What if I don't find anything?
Jack: Let's not discuss that here.
[Another delusion begins]
Jack: Sydney's not as trust worthy as her mother.
Michael: I know
Jack: I'm going to kill her just like I did Irina
Michael: Good

Michael: The Snowman. He's been spotted in Mackay. Sydney's there, too. He's going after Calder to get to Khasinau. Can you think of a way to contact Sydney, put out a warning?

Michael: I saw de Souza. He told me that you hired him to rig those explosives.
Jack: Irina Derevko would eagerly destroy all of our lives.
Michael: I'm not a big fan, either. It still doesn't justify what you did.
Jack: You do good work, Agent Vaughn. But your consistent shortcoming - you should know this - is your naive sense of morality. Evil must be eliminated by whatever means necessary.

Jack: I know why you checked yourself out of medical services early. I know you're under the impression you're fine, that all you need to do is hold yourself together, bury yourself in work.
Michael: Get to the point, Jack.

Jack: Almost. Sydney got the antidote. The doctors say your blood levels are looking good.
Michael: How did she do it?
Jack: She had Sloane killed.

Steven: Hey! What a day, huh?
Michael: Why do you say that?
Steven: Come one. Bristow's mom, your dad. It's not like a secret around here. Vaughn, that really sucks.
Eric: Well played.
Steven: You know what I think? Barnett is gonna be good for you.
Michael: I am not seeing Barnett.
Steven: Oh, yeah, you are. She wants to see ya. I mean, come on. You're Bristow's handler, you found out that her mom killed your dad... She is a shrink, she lives for crisis management I think she will be good for ya...
[after a small pause, referring to Eric's and Vaughn previous conversation]
Steven: I like thick crust, in case you wanted me to come.
Eric: Oh, hey, we don't.

Sydney: Don't lecture me about my father. Because of his spy-trade my mother is dead. You couldn't possibly understand what it's like to have a parent die that way.
Michael: There's a book back at Langley. They keep it locked up under glass. Behind it there's a marble wall with stars carved on it. It's a memorial to the agents the Company has lost in action. Families are never told how they died or even where, only that they won't be coming home. I was eight when my father became one of those stars.

[Sydney and Vaughn find one of the explosive fail-safes]
Michael: There's got to be at least 200 Lbs. here, enough to level the building.
Sydney: It's a fail-safe, Sloane has 3 of these rigged to the vault in case...
Michael: 3?
Sydney: The doors opens they all blow.
Michael: Then maybe they shouldn't open the vault.
Sydney: *They* being the 6 men with machine guns.

Lauren: Michael. Please, I need you to understand. When the Covenant asked me to marry you, I knew eventually they wanted me to coax you back into the CIA. But two years went by and I hadn't heard from them. And by then I'd convinced myself I never would. I prayed I wouldn't because I'd fallen in love with you.
Michael: Shut up! I am gonna erase you! I'm gonna remove any evidence you ever existed! You used me. You used my grief, my work, who I am. You took that from me... I'm taking it back. This is hydrochloric acid. You'll be unrecognizable.
Lauren: Michael, I swear I was gonna tell you everything. You remember that night we went downtown and had dinner? Instead you told me Sydney was back.
Michael: Don't say her name.
Lauren: She came back and you didn't need me anymore. I could see it in your eyes. Sydney came back and...
Michael: I said don't say her name!
Lauren: Sydney came back and I lost you.
[Vaughn shoots gun above his head]
Michael: I hate you. But I love Sydney more. That's the only reason you're not dying tonight.
[Vaughn gets stabbed in the back]
Lauren: Thank god.

Sydney: [after Vaughn kisses her] Dinner's ready.
Vaughn: You do have an oven you know, we can reheat.

Julian: I'll ask you again: where is the Passenger?
Michael: Holding that thing... you almost look like you've reached puberty.

Jack: I suggest you focus your energy into achieving closure on this matter.
Michael: No one wants Lauren in custody more than I do!
Jack: That's not the kind of closure I'm referring to.
Michael: [Jack hands Vaughn a key] What's this?
Jack: It's the key to my storage facility, you've been there before. In it you'll find false identification, unmarked and untraceable weapons, contact sheets, as well as disposal facilities capable with dealing with her remains.
Michael: That might be your way of dealing with things, but it's not mine.
[Vaughn tries to give the key back]
Jack: Keep it.
[Jack walks off]

Michael: Either this thing is completely insane... or it isn't.

Michael: The escape tunnel only gave them a 10 minute lead; they have got to be somewhere.
Marshall: [Talking over Vaughn] I know... I know... I know...
Michael: So find her
Marshall: You're getting very impatient I'm doing the best that I can
Michael: You've been doing it for an hour
Marshall: To trace a guy on a cellular network using the frequency of his phone is like trying to find a needle in a county full of haystacks.
Michael: You have to find her!
Marshall: [Starts yelling] Yeah; I know what I'm supposed to be doing alright, just shut up!
[Vaughn is speechless]
Marshall: Sorry about that
Michael: No; that was good...

Sydney: I'm so sorry. I'm going to shoot you with adrenaline. We have got to run.
Michael: Uh... don't do that.

Vaughn: I'm going to say something, and it will either be obvious to you or seem presumptuous, either way I'm going to say it. This isn't working. I've been thinking about this for a while, I don't know what the hell to do.
Sydney: What?
Vaughn: I think you know what.
Sydney: I need you to tell me.
Vaughn: You need me to tell you what, that when you're on operations I can't sleep at night, that when we're in debrief I have to force myself to remember what the hell we're supposed to be reviewing when all I want to do is kiss you.
Sydney: Sometimes it is hard to remember what we're supposed to be talking about.
Vaughn: That's what I'm talking about, and the thing that drives me insane every day is that the people who would kill us if we were ever seen together-the Alliance, SD-6, Sloane, are the very forces that brought you into my life. What kind of a sick joke is that?
Sydney: So what are you thinking, that maybe we shouldn't be working together?
Vaughn: Yes, that was what I was thinking, but we're great together, and the more we work together the sooner the Alliance gets destroyed.
Sydney: So, what are you suggesting?
[Agent Weiss interrupts]

Michael: You're saying that five hundred years ago Rambaldi drew the DNA profile of a man who's alive today?
Carrie: It gets even better. Di Regno's DNA profile was a code key. It let us decrypt page 94 of the Rambaldi manuscript.
Marcus: What's on the page?
N.S.A. Deputy Director Brandon: Times and dates, each marking an apocalyptic event.

Andre: [Sydney has delusion of watching Andre load his gun, wonders why Jack and Vaughn aren't doing anything] It's too bad for you, because you're dying too.
[He shoots himself in the head in her delusion]
Andre: [Sydney takes in a deep breath]
Michael: Vaughn:
[to Sydney]
Michael: You alright?

Sydney: I can't help it, I just miss you. I do.
Michael: You know we can't do this.
Sydney: Give me a break, it's a dream... we can do whatever we want. At least, I can.

Vaughn: [undercover as a priest] I was married... for a short time.
Kiera: That being your secret?
Vaughn: That... being part of it. Now obviously, that was... before I had... the collar. The woman I was married to betrayed me. She betrayed a lot of people. And when I found out what she'd done, I let my... my hate for her consumed me. And I began to wish, the woman I loved, was dead. I woke up everyday imagining how I'd do it. What was the best way, what was the most efficient way. I mean, it's all I wanted. That woman was evil and deserved to be punished. So, I killed her. And although that woman was the worst kind of evil, I also know that killing her was wrong. I don't sleep much. I can't... I can't close my eyes without... without seeing it... that... that moment. That look on her face. She won't leave me. She won't.

Sydney: You know, peach isn't really in this season.
Michael: I heard peach was the new green.
Sydney: I thought beige was the new green.
Michael: No beige is the new peach.
Sydney: Okay.

Haladki: I think your judgment is impaired.
Vaughn: I think I'm going to kick your ass.

Jack: Are Sydney and I switching handlers or is this a special occasion?
Michael: No, we have a problem.
Jack: Fisher hasn't make contact, I know.
Michael: No, we believe K-Directorate had an agent waiting in the hospital.
Jack: SD-6 does not have conformation of that.
Michael: CIA does. We have an extraction team waiting on the ready line out of Serbia. I want to pull Sydney out of there. I was hoping we could coordinate this together.

Michael: [to Jack] You're starting to like me again.

Eric: Vaughn will back me up. This is a true story, I swear. Sophmore year, college. Her name was April First.
Michael: Birth name, by the way.
Eric: Right. And for a month I was obsessed. I though this women had to have my children, okay? The problem was that she only dated guitar players. Literally.
Lauren: A girl should have her standards.
Michael: Since she worked at a coffeehouse, Eric decided to impress her on open-mike night.
Sydney: You play the guitar?
Eric: No, no not even a little. But I thought that, you know, if I got up on that stage and the spotlight was in my face, that maybe God would imbue my hands with the power of Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Lauren: So what happened?
Eric: Oh, disaster. Just embarrassment. I didn't play two notes that went together.
Lauren: And what about April First?
Eric: Oh, we made out in my Gremlin.

Michael: [Vaughn takes a moment to compose himself to get ready to talk to Sydney, you can see how concerned he is] Syd, Marshall's on his way, we'll be dancing before you know it.
Sydney: Can my feet touch the ground?
Michael: What was that?
Sydney: Vaughn...
[Looks at phone, it says week signal]
Sydney: My phone is dying... Vaughn?

Michael: Whatever Lauren did to me, I want you to know I take full responsibility for what's happened. I messed up, and if you can't get past that, I understand. But will you try?
Sydney: I don't know.
Michael: Will you at least think about it? Because it's all I can think about.
Sydney: Yeah. I will think about it.

Michael: Any Questions?
Sydney: Maybe you should go over it again, it's a pretty complicated plan, maybe you could make it easier...
Michael: Okay, look, I don't want to be here anymore than you do...

Dr. Tim Burke: [on Chandler, who is inside the box] Why is he...?
Joey: He's doing some thinking!

Vaughn: [to Sydney] When you're at your absolute lowest, at your most depressed, just remember that you can always... you know. You got my number.

Arvin: We have no Intel on that woman. You'll be going in blind Sydney.
Sydney: We know enough. She has gossip rags all over the room, which means she's fine making a mess, so we know she's not a one-night stand. Her shoes cost more than most people's monthly salary, so she either has money of her own or access to Tambor's.
[Vaughn stares at Sydney, then looks up at Weiss bewildered]
Sydney: Either way, empty champagne bottles, her side of the bed. This girl likes to party. But her boyfriend would rather stay in and watch TV their last night in Monaco than hang out with her, so she's bored. Most likely pissed off.
Jack: How do you propose to find her?
Sydney: Well, she let her handbag. She didn't go far. In fact, I'm guessing she's hitting the hotel bar right now.
[Vaughn grins at Sydney]
Sydney: All Nadia and I need to do is get to her and get her to take us to the room. Why are you smiling?
Michael: I don't know.

Anna: [as Sydney cutting something out of Vaughn's chest and Vaughn is groaning in pain the whole time] You need to stay still, think about something else.
Michael: Yeah, well give me something to think about. Tell me about Isabelle.
Anna: Well she has your eyes, the same blue green. And her smile is like your smile.
Michael: Really?
Anna: Yeah, her chin is pointy like mine. Cute...
Michael: Oh God, I can't wait to meet her.

Sydney: [Talking about Sloane] I keep thinking about all the people he's killed, including his own daughter. I know what it's like to grow up without a mom. I don't want that for Isabelle, she needs me.
Michael: Which is why we won't let that happen.
Sydney: You promise?
Michael: I promise.

Michael: You're not the easiest guy to work with, are you?
F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: No. No, definitely not.

Michael: We thought you were dead. They asked me to come back to... to explain.
Sydney: Come back from what? What are you talking about?
Sydney: Vaughn... why are you wearing that ring?
Michael: Syd... since that night... you were missing. You've been missing for almost two years.

Lauren: The risks you are describing have already been factored into our analysis. And as for SD-6, the Alliance doesn't exist anymore...
Sydney: Well, the only reason that SD-6 and the Alliance broke down is because Arvin Sloane, a man the White House pardoned by the way, wanted them to! So do me a favor and don't revise history that I lived through!
Michael: All right, enough! Sark was an inch away from initiating a nuclear exchange, and that was only Phase One. Capturing Sark, while it might put a smile on my face, will do nothing to shut down the Covenant.

Michael: Ready to talk?
Julian: Yes. When I first learned of your wife's true allegiance, I almost felt pity for you. How embarrassing it must've been to learn that the woman you shared your bed with was only using you as an unfortunate means to an end.
Michael: I wouldn't do this, if I were you.
Julian: But then, she wasn't sharing your bed lately, was she? She was in mine. Or in my car. Or the elevator. Or a garage. There is one time... this is my favourite... we were engaged in an alley and she called you to tell you she loved you.
[Vaughn twists Sark's arm]
Julian: That woman was deliciously filthy.

Vaughn: This entire bunker contains evidence of mysterious deaths, assassinations, car bombings; all of them involving people who were investigating prophet five. They basically killed anyone who got to close.
Marcus: But they didn't get you.
Vaughn: They might have, if not for Jack. When I was in the hospital, he convinced me that Prophet Five wouldn't rest until they killed me, and that I was in no condition to fight back.
Marcus: How'd he manage it?
Vaughn: Sodium Morphate. It slowed down my body functions to a point that mimicked death. Apparently I spent four hours in a drawer in the morgue waiting for Jack's contact to reach me to administer the antidote. And then a couple days of traveling, before I made it to Nepal. Yeah, it's funny, it's the first time I ever felt Jack accepted me.
Marcus: Or else he manufactured a very elaborate scheme to postpone your wedding to his daughter.

Michael: I know, but the DNA sequencing, the heart size. I mean, they both match with what Rambaldi wrote. Either this thing is completely insane... or it isn't.
Eric: Okay, what happened? The FBI's involved?
Michael: Yeah. There's an FBI tribunal flying in from DC. They're going to question her and decide what the next move is.

Michael: [Vaughn is waiting for the elevator, you can tell he has something on his mind, it opens and Jack walks out] How's Dixon?
Jack: Same, Sydney and Nadia are there now.
[Vaughn enters the elevator, it goes to close and Jack stops it]
Jack: You asked me a question earlier that I didn't get a chance to answer; properly...
Michael: I'd say the answer was loud and clear.
Jack: We're more alike, than I'd care to admit; Agent Vaughn. And I realize now, that in disapproving of you, I was only hating my own limitations. I wasn't asking myself what would be best for Sydney. If you honestly believe that you can make my daughter happy, then by all means you have my blessing to marry her.
Michael: Okay then.

Eric: Can I say something? And not just as a fellow officer but as a very smart man?
Michael: What?
Eric: You're starting to get emotional about this.

Lauren: I'm looking forward to a nice weekend alone.
Michael: Me too
Michael: So what did you do while I was gone?
[Lauren stops what she was doing and saunters over to Vaughn and kisses him]
Lauren: I missed you. I'm going to run a bath.
[Vaughn has a pained look on his face, and then begins to search thru Laurens things. He finds a secret compartment in her suitcase with a red and black wig, guns and a passport]

Michael: Syd, come here.
[She sits next to him]
Michael: I had it all planned out.
Sydney: What?
Michael: I was gonna take you to the beach. Santa Barbara. We'd go out for a walk, maybe when the sun was setting. But now we're here and I don't know what we're jumping into and I may never get another chance to do this again. Sometimes I wake up before you do and I watch you sleep and I'm overwhelmed because you're so amazing and I don't know why I'm lucky enough to have you in my life; but you're here with me. And I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you trying to make you as happy as you make me.
Sydney: Oh, my God, Vaughn.
[Vaughn reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring]
Michael: Sydney Bristow, will you marry me?
[She kisses him]
Sydney: We're going to make it out of here!
Michael: Is that a yes?
Sydney: [Kisses him again] Ask me on the beach.
[They smile at each other]

Vaughn: I chose not to stay with the CIA after your death.
Sydney: You're not with the Agency?
Vaughn: No. I'm a teacher.

Michael: He wanted the bomb squad called in?
Marshall: Well, maybe because he knew there was nothing they could do.

[after Irina's past surfaces]
Michael: It's a weird thing you know when, learning how your father died. I mean it's always been this intellectual idea I had... knowing he died, just not having any details.
Eric: You really want some space, or are you and I going to get drunk? Because there's this bar, you won't even remember it tomorrow.

Michael: You killed Javier Perez, you son of a bitch!
Jack: You've just returned from a traumatic experience, Mr. Vaughn. You're understandably emotional, which would explain your baseless accusation.
Michael: You're right, I am emotional. I get that way when I see a gun pressed to my wife's temple!
Jack: Ours is a risky business.

Michael: I don't see why you're denying this possibility!
Sydney: I understand that your authority has been superceded by my father and maybe you feel irrelevant. But he saved our lives. Remember that! I won't wait to hear from you.

Sydney: Deploy? Detonate?
Michael: "Activate." That's the word they used. Now, it might mean delivery, maybe detonation, we don't know. But we have to assume the worst since they got the control codes through SD-6.
Sydney: And I got the control codes for SD-6 which means I can deactivate the nukes.
Michael: If you get there in time.

Sydney: So, SD-6 wants to send out a message to everyone else they do business with.
Michael: Don't mess with SD-6.

Eric: [Vaughn is beating a punching bag, obviously angry] The bag is dead, I think you can stop now.
Vaughn: Thanks for coming.
Eric: Thanks for sweating.

Michael: I know you want to see your daughter. I can guarantee you that is never going to happen unless she knows you're cooperating. Prove yourself. Give Sydney a reason to see you.
Irina: Sydney? Interesting

Sydney: [Sydney and Vaughn are in the restaurant together and they have a very long awkward silence] I think wine would help the situation.
Michael: I was just thinking the same thing.

Weiss: Okay, whenever you want to have that talk...
Vaughn: What talk?
Weiss: About the cologne or whatever the hell you're wearing.
Vaughn: I'm not wearing cologne.
Weiss: Well, something's going on. No man naturally smells as good as you do right now.

Sydney: About last night...
Michael: Is this going to be about Alice?
Sydney: I know it's complicated...
Michael: We're not together anymore.
Sydney: Since when?
Michael: Since this morning. The truth is, we've been over for a long time.

Marcus: I'm out.
Michael: Sydney's in trouble.
Marcus: Respect my decision.
Michael: I can't do that. Not when your decision may cost Sydney her life. You wouldn't tell Sydney how you infiltrated Kabir's so she found an alternate way in using what turned out to be faulty intel. She was captured and unless we find another confirmed access point, no one will be sent in to get her out.

Dr. Hans Jürgens: [after being caught in an incriminating position] I do not know! I swear to God! Please do not send those pictures
[to my wife]
Dr. Hans Jürgens: ! Please let me go! Please! Let me go!
Michael: Here's your pictures.
[leaves with Sydney]
Dr. Hans Jürgens: Please give me back my pants!

Michael: [Rips an earring out of Linus's ear] Listen, you son of a bitch, I'm not going to let you hang my partner out to dry.
[a few moments later]
Michael: Now by my count, you still have 3 rings left, that's on one ear. What happened?

Michael: [Jack crashes the party at Syd's apartment] Looks like the party just got started.

Sydney: Have I told you that I love you?
Michael: [Nods his head] yeah, go ahead, tell me again.
Sydney: I love you!
Michael: [sighs] I love you too.
Sydney: I know, say it again.
Michael: I love you Syd. That's why I need to tell you something. Just so there's no secrets between us.
Sydney: Okay, whatever it is I can handle it, just don't tell me you're a bad guy.
[Vaughn goes silent and looks at Sydney]
Sydney: You're not a bad guy are you?
Michael: I guess that depends who you ask.
Sydney: Vaughn?
Michael: It's from a long time ago. It's before we met, actually, it's the reason we met. It's no accident that I was the one you came to when you came to the CIA with your story about SD-6.
Sydney: Wait, I don't understand, Vaughn... What are you telling me?
Michael: Well for starters, my name isn't Michael Vaughn...
[There is a pause, before Sydney can respond another car slams into them]

[Sydney and Vaughn walk into Syd's apartment, Vaughn's cell phone rings]
Vaughn: Hello?
Agent: Hey, Kendall has something he wants to show you.
Vaughn: Ah, can it wait?
Agent: Apparently not, he wants to Sydney too. Are you with her?
Vaughn: Ah, no. I haven't seen her.
Agent: You're in bed with her right now, aren't you?
Vaughn: Trying. Just find out what he wants.

Vaughn: You want to tell me what happened in Wittenburg?
Sydney: No, actually, I don't.

Eric: How are you doing?
Michael: Fine.
Eric: Hey, guess what? It's me. Come on, how're you doing?
Michael: I'm hanging in there.
Eric: How's Lauren about it?
Michael: She didn't remember.
Eric: And, you didn't say anything?
Michael: No. I mean, she's got a lot on her mind.
Eric: Yeah, that's probably it.