The Best Brill Quotes

Brill: He was a follower of Rambaldi.
Michael: That's impossible.
Brill: He died protecting the little girl. The followers knew she was the Passenger. He broke her out of KGB custody, but he didn't trust the CIA either, so he took her somewhere where she would be safe, with other followers.

Brill: I told you that I worked with your father. But what I didn't tell you is I was with him on his final mission.
Michael: I know how my father died.
Brill: You don't have a clue.

Jack: Thomas Brill, Michael Vaughn.
Michael: [nods]
Brill: You Bill Vaughn's kid?
Michael: Yeah, he was my father.
Brill: No kidding.

Michael: Why did you come to me?
Brill: Because it's what he would want me to do.