The Best Rachel Gibson Quotes

Sydney: Who was the sluttiest girl in your high school?
Rachel: Mandy Camarino.
Sydney: You didn't have to think very hard on that one.
Rachel: Tramp; stole my date at junior prom. She had red hair and a pierced tongue.
Sydney: Okay, now you're Mandy Camarino.

Julian: [Sark and Rachael are each talking with different hotel staff members] I don't care what sort of Geek convention you have here; I was told an upgrade wouldn't be a problem.
Rachel: Americans...
[She gets in the elevator, Sark follows her in]
Julian: So, Lydia, here on business?
Rachel: Yes; the Geek conference.

Gordon: Well isn't this a surprise... What are you doing here Rachael? You're gonna to fight me? You do you think we never put you in the field? Because we knew you weren't equipped.
Rachel: Well then... that was you're lose.
[Rachael and Dean fight; Rachael ends the fight by hitting Dean over the head with a shovel]
Sydney: [over coms] Oracle; do you have a visual?
Rachel: Yeah... Actually... On Dean.
Sydney: What's he doing?
Rachel: Eating dirt... I just hit him with a shovel.
Sydney: A shovel? Is he conscious?
Rachel: Yeah, I think so.
Sydney: Then hit him again.

Rachel: Uhh, guys, who's Rambaldi?

Sydney: [to Peyton] Now, I'm well aware that you're tough, that you've been conditioned to withstand torture. But I have something you don't have.
Sydney: I have your former best friend.
Rachel: And I know what you're afraid of.

Rachel: Thanks... For being in my head.
Sydney: You're welcome... I know how important that voice can be. Vaughn talked me through all my early missions with the CIA.
Sydney: Sometimes his voice was the only thing that kept me going.
Rachel: I wish I could have met him.

Rachel: Your father is kind of scary.
Sydney: Tell me about it.

Thomas: [the countdown on the bomb is at 13 seconds and Tom is sitting next to it, talking over coms] Hey Rachael, I wish there was more time; I would've asked you out.
Rachel: I would've said yes.

Julian: [In an American accent] Lydia...
Rachel: How nice, you remembered my name.
Sydney: Do you remember me?
Julian: [Back to his British accent] Sydney; I suppose a congratulations is in order.

Jack: What I'm about to tell you, is not to leave this room. Agent Vaughn is alive.
[Tom and Dixon share a confused look]
Marshall: I knew it! I knew it! I knew he couldn't be dead!
Jack: For the last several months, Vaughn's been kept in a secure location in Nepal; pending his recovery. I hope you all can understand that secrecy was a necessary measure to ensure his safety. Unfortunately those measures weren't sufficient. Through Sloane's tapping of our network, the Prophet Five network learned of Sydney's trip to Nepal. They sent an agent to intercept her.
Marcus: Is she okay?
Jack: She's fine; she made it to Vaughn's location, but Vaughn was no longer there.
Rachel: He was abducted.
Jack: In a manner of speaking.
[He turns on the monitor with a picture of Vaughn and Anna -as Sydney- walking together]
Jack: We managed to pick up the trail. This was taken in Hamburg international airport one hour ago. The woman in the photo is not Sydney...

Sydney: [Showing a picture of Vaughn to Rachael] Have you ever seen this man?
Rachel: Yeah... Dean said he was a CIA agent that turned. He's in custody outside Los Alamos. That was a lie too...
Sydney: His name is Michael Vaughn... He was a US agent, he was a good man.

Rachel: [to Sark as she is about to cut the wire to attempt to disarm a bomb he is handcuffed to] Just so we're clear... You approached me, you were the one who let me into your room, and afterwards you were the one who wanted to cuddle.
[Sark is rendered speechless. Rachael cuts the wire]
Rachel: It's disarmed.
Sydney: [Over coms] That was spectacular Rachael.
Rachel: Thank you.
Sydney: [Off the coms to Marshall] About what you just heard...
Marshall: Don't need to know, don't want to know.

Thomas: You okay?
Rachel: If by okay, you mean freaked and embarrassed, I'm great.

Rachel: Uhh... how high up are we?
Sydney: Well just... a couple hundred feet. But don't worry... I've been in much worse situations than this.
Rachel: You have...

Rachel: Your father's kinda scary.
Sydney: Tell me about it.

Rachel: So what happened?
Julian: I over estimated my friendship with Masari. He assumed I was betraying him, he took the money and left.
Rachel: Oh so then he knows you pretty well.
[Marshall and Sydney talk Rachael thru disarming a bomb that Sark is handcuffed to, she is about to cut a wire]
Julian: Whh... Wait, if that's the wrong wire...
Rachel: I thought you liked risks...
Julian: I also like my body. And as I recall you do to.

Sydney: You're in a good mood, anything you're not telling me?
Rachel: What... I... Nothing... I just a... The trip was really relaxing.
Sydney: What did you do? Spit it out.
Rachel: I met a guy at the hotel. He's a business guy, which is not my at all my type. And we were just talking at the bar, and well one thing...
Sydney: Led to another, obviously. I mean are you going to see him again?
Rachel: He thinks I'm Lydia, a British engineer.
Sydney: Oh rats, yeah.
Rachel: So no, I guess.
Sydney: What happens in Brazil stays in Brazil.

Sydney: When's the last time you did something just for fun?
Rachel: Hitting Gordon Dean on the head with a shovel, that was fun.