50 Best Julian Sark Quotes

Julian: It was you giving us problems at the launch. I'd offer you passage back to civilization, but my submersible only seats four.
Sydney: It's the thought that counts.

Julian: [Sark and Rachael are each talking with different hotel staff members] I don't care what sort of Geek convention you have here; I was told an upgrade wouldn't be a problem.
Rachel: Americans...
[She gets in the elevator, Sark follows her in]
Julian: So, Lydia, here on business?
Rachel: Yes; the Geek conference.

Ushek: [Ushek San'ko brings Sark wine] Chateau Patreuse, 1982... your favorite, no?
Julian: [surprised] Have we met?

Francie: Will Tippin may be compromised.
Julian: Our superiors deal in absolutes. Either he is or he's not.
Francie: The CIA is on a mole hunt to find out who accessed the defense satellite communications system. It's only a matter of time before they trace it back to Tippin, and then to me.

Julian: [In an American accent] Lydia...
Rachel: How nice, you remembered my name.
Sydney: Do you remember me?
Julian: [Back to his British accent] Sydney; I suppose a congratulations is in order.

Lauren: Stop the car!
Julian: What are you talking about?
Lauren: Stop the car, now. Pull in here.
[they begin to make out]

Julian: If you've read my transcript, you know how cooperative I've been. I'll be glad to pay you the same courtesy if you simply tell me what you're getting at.
Sydney: That explosion in my apartment; was a cover up to make the CIA believe I was dead. What I believe is that Sloane abducted me. I think you know why, but you failed to mention that in your confession.
Julian: If I'm to understand what you're saying, you have no idea where you've been for the last two years, none.
[Sark laughs]
Julian: Unbelievable! I'm sorry, I... I don't mean to laugh. I'm... I'm just speechless.

Lauren: [Sydney and Vaughn are following to Lauren and Sark] They're right behind us.
Julian: Yes, thank you. I can see that.

Julian: Sark: Tell me, did they spot us?
Lauren: No, I don't think so. According to the transport order, the ship docks in 16 hours. We should get going.
Julian: You should know that you are amazing. Before, I mean. Typically, this is where you return the compliment.
[Lauren ignores him and gets out of bed]

Julian: I recently learned that Sydney Bristow murdered a father I never had a chance to know. I suspect you have your own reasons for disliking her; therefore I'm confident that you'll relay this information to the appropriate parties.

F.B.I. Asst. Director Kendall: If this Intel turns out to be wrong, I will personally escort you to Camp Harris and I won't leave until you're dead and buried.
Julian: Then I certainly hope Mr. Sloane hasn't changed the code.

Julian: The new boss has a dreadful personality, don't you think?
Sydney: I've seen worse.
Julian: Am I supposed to take that personally?
Sydney: Sark, what do you want?
Julian: When I met with Geiger this morning, I left his office feeling as unstrung as you look.
Sydney: Just so you know, I'm fully strung.

Arvin: I'm taking a leave. I want you to continue without me.
Julian: Sir, not to belittle your grief, but do not deny yourself the victory of a thirty-year pursuit.
Arvin: If I don't see you again, Mr. Sark, tell Irina that I hope you both succeed where I couldn't.

Vaughn: [smashes Sark's face into a table] See, when I have a gun, I don't just pull the trigger.
Sark: Thank you.
Vaughn: [smashes Sark's face again] Where's Sloane?
Sark: Not a problem; my loyalties are flexible.

Sark: Put the gun down, Agent Vaughn. Drop the gun.
Vaughn: Not a chance, you drop yours.
Sark: Put the gun down now.
Sydney: No, Vaughn, don't!
Sark: Drop it. If you love her, you will put the gun down now.
[Masked figure looks at Vaughn]
Sydney: Vaughn, don't!
[Vaughn drops the gun]

Julian: Eight hundred million dollars? I have nowhere near that amount in my nest egg.
Ushek: That, Mr. Sark, you do.

Lauren: This better be good.
Julian: And a good morning to you, too.
Lauren: You paged me on my NSC cell phone. You know that they track all incoming numbers.
Julian: This cell phone's been cloned, so you have nothing to worry about. We've just learned that a freelance munitions expert has created a cutting edge technology, one that he's since sold to one of our rivals. We need you to filter back any CIA intel that might help us get a lock on it.
Lauren: You called me to remind me to do my job?
Julian: Darling, it's not like that.
Lauren: [sarcastically] Yeah.

Julian: [Talking to Sloane over the phone about the firebomb] Sir, if Caplan's off by even a micro Tesla... this could go very wrong.
Arvin: Do it.
Julian: That's easy for you to say sir; you're eight thousand miles away.

Sydney: Approaching the building.
Julian: Good luck, Sydney.
Sydney: I don't need you to wish me luck, you son of a bitch.
Julian: That's a wonderful attitude.

Julian: [posing like a CIA's agent] Well I assure you, the United States will be happy to have you.
Leonid: Yes. The Covenant must be stopped. What they are planning... keeps me awake at night.

Rachel: So what happened?
Julian: I over estimated my friendship with Masari. He assumed I was betraying him, he took the money and left.
Rachel: Oh so then he knows you pretty well.
[Marshall and Sydney talk Rachael thru disarming a bomb that Sark is handcuffed to, she is about to cut a wire]
Julian: Whh... Wait, if that's the wrong wire...
Rachel: I thought you liked risks...
Julian: I also like my body. And as I recall you do to.

Julian: [Sydney pulls of her Lauren disguise] This little trick of yours means Vaughn failed. Tell me, is he dead?
Sydney: No, he's not. But thanks to you, Lauren won't be so lucky.

Julian: Correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Vaughn, but aren't you supposed to be dead?

Julian: If I may ask, who is our source of intel at the CIA? And how do we know he's reliable?
Mr. Zisman: Mr. Sark, do not burden yourself with unnecessary details.

Michael: Open it up.
Prison: Procedure Dictates...
Michael: Him, we're old friends
Julian: Actually, giving our shared intimacies with your late wife, I may even go so far as to say that we're family.

McKenas: Your hair... that's cool!
Julian: You're the man behind the Covenant.
McKenas: I'm the man in front of The Man. When'd you cut your hair?
Julian: It wasn't a matter of choice. I was in US custody, as I thought you were. When were you released?
McKenas: That's a good story.
[raises his wine glass]
McKenas: To your hair.

Julian: I'll ask you again: where is the Passenger?
Michael: Holding that thing... you almost look like you've reached puberty.

Conrad: I cannot help you, Mr. Sark.
Julian: How do you know my name?

Michael: Freeze! Give me the bomb. Give it to me.
[Sark activates the explosive]
Julian: With pleasure.

Julian: Once we eliminate all six cell leaders, we'll travel to St. Petersburg to meet with the head of Covenant Operations.
Lauren: Why? To make it easier for him to kill us?

Michael: Give me the override codes!
Julian: I don't have the codes, I swear.
[Vaughn shots Sark in the leg]
Julian: You shot me.
Michael: Yeah, and I'll keep shooting you until you either give me the codes or bleed to death; you're choice.
Julian: You know, I didn't want any of this, mass extermination isn't exactly my passion, Michael. I'm a business man, you know, I simply want to come out on the winning end.
[Vaughn cocks the gun]
Julian: I'll give you the codes, but you have to let me go after I do.
Michael: No; codes first, then we negotiate.

Julian: [Sark has Sydney as hostage and Vaughn has Lauren as hostage, but she is with a mask] Put the gun down, Agent Vaughn. Drop the gun.
Michael: Not a chance, you drop yours.
Julian: Put the gun down now.
Sydney: No, Vaughn, don't!
Julian: Drop it. If you love her, you will put the gun down now.
[Lauren looks at Vaughn]
Sydney: Vaughn, don't!
[Vaughn drops the gun]

Julian: I must admit, this is one of the most impressive operations I've seen. Though it is a touch pathetic how so many of them believe they actually work for the CIA.
Arvin: Look at me. You've offered me a substantial prize to make our partnership worthwhile, but do not think for a second that gives you the right to insult my people.

Julian: I need access to Arvin Sloane.
Sydney: Why?
Julian: Because I intend to kill him.
Sydney: I can get you to Sloane, but only if you promise to let me keep the antidote.
Julian: No. Sloane first. Then you'll get back your precious antidote.

Julian: [Jack and Sark at Will's exchange] Jack Bristow, doing his daughter's work. There was speculation that you might make an appearance tonight.
Jack: If you're not comfortable with me we can waive our business for the night and say goodbye.
Julian: Are you comfortable? Do you feel comfortable trading priceless documents for a low grade reporter?
Jack: You should read Tippin's stuff, it's not so bad.

Julian: Sydney leaked the intel to the CIA and the rest played out exactly as you predicted it would. So congratulations, sir. The Alliance is gone.
Arvin: We shouldn't celebrate yet. As you know, there's much more work to be done.
Julian: I just wanted to let you know that phase one is complete.

Julian: Doesn't it bother you?
Michael: What's that?
Julian: A bombmaker arranges for a meeting on a plane and then doesn't show up. I don't know about you, but that concerns me.

Sark: [Just after shooting K-Directorate head Ilyich Ivankov, when Ivankov rejected his deal] Congratulations comrade Kessar. You have just inherited control of the indestructible K-Directorate.

Julian: You're surprisingly adept at keeping your curiosity in check.
Sydney: Don't flatter yourself.
Julian: I'm referring to the fact that your mother and I worked together before I arrived here - before she... went into hiding. I learned a lot from her. In some ways, I think of her as a mother myself.

Lauren: [on the phone] What else did Bomani tell you? Did he instruct you in the quietest way to murder me?
Julian: Absolutely not.
Lauren: You pathetic little errand boy. Tell Bomani he'll get proof of my worth the next time he sees me, when I deliver the Passenger.

Lauren: [Lauren and Vaughn are sitting at a bar. Lauren's phone rings] Sorry.
Michael: It's okay.
Lauren: Hello?
Julian: It killed you, didn't it? Seeing him drop the gun for Sydney?
Lauren: No it isn't a good time. Can I call you in the morning?
Julian: He's there with you, is that it? Though he'd rather be with her. You know, it's quite a charade you two are engaged in.
Lauren: I think we both know how dedicated I am to this assignment. If you have any issues, take it up through the proper channels.
Julian: Don't mistake me. It's not your dedication that I question.
Lauren: We'll talk about this later.
[she hangs up]

Julian: It looks like another black mark on your husband's record. How's it feel to systematically ruin a man from the inside out?
Lauren: It wouldn't be the first time.

Sark: You fooled a small army into thinking that they worked for the CIA, when in fact, they worked for you. How you convinced the US government into offering you the real thing is a story I'm dying to hear. Sufficed to say, Arvin, you have my undying admiration.

Julian: You'd love to arrest right now wouldn't you?
Marcus: Next time.
Thomas: Give us the account number; we'll wire you your fee.
[Sark looks over at Rachael and smiles at her]
Julian: Don't bother, this one's a freebie.

Arvin: If we overload the cerebrum, her brain won't be able to function properly. She could die.
Julian: But we would have the equation, wouldn't we?
Arvin: Don't. Don't push me, Julian.
Lauren: You are wasting time we do not have. We have all chosen this path, Arvin. We have all made sacrifices. I trust you are willing to do the same.

Julian: Have you been made?
Lauren: Of course not. If he knew I was Covenant he would arrest me, not break up with me.

Julian: Did it have to be so filthy? I mean, really, if Rambaldi can prophesize the future, he might have advised me not to wear $500 shoes.

Sark: [Sark is wheeled into the room handcuffed and with his head covered. The cover is taken off and he see Sloane] This is... Classic.

Julian: It's just it's not every day one gets to be a part of global genocide.

Julian: Were you behind them extracting me from the CIA?
Allison: I wish I could claim credit for that. I only learned you were working for us recently.
Julian: My tenure began shortly after my father's murder. They freed me in exchange for my inheritance.
Allison: Who killed your father?
Julian: I don't know - but I intend to find out.