The Best McKenas Cole Quotes

McKenas: [hasn't heard from Chen] I feel like I'm a mom at the mall! He said he was going down to the sub-basement. I don't know if his walkie's not working, if he's on a coffee break...

McKenas: You will learn about The Man. What The Man wants is a little sumthin' sumthin' you got in the SD-6 vault.

McKenas: [holding one 'needles of fire'] Each one is like you took a bag of red jalapeños, threw them in a blender, and used them for an enema. And Arvin, you're about to get to know them.

McKenas: [to Sydney] I know you didn't wanna kiss me, but when I was taking a hit off that bottle before, I backwashed in it. I mean, like, really big-time.

Arvin: So easy for you to blame me, huh? When you know the truth. You got your own men killed. That helicopter was waiting for you...
McKenas: I had a man down! I was saving Whitney's life. You know that!
Arvin: Yeah, at the expense of all the other men. Those men counted on you to lead them to safety. They trusted their life to you and you led them to slaughter.

McKenas: But another part that sucks is seeing guys you worked with, guys you thought were tougher than deer jerky... tortured to death. That's no good.

McKenas: [to Sydney] See, the problem with you kickboxers, ain't none of y'all can take a punch!
[punches her]

McKenas: [to Sydney] Yeah, you didn't want to kiss me, but working for a scumbag like Sloane, that's alright by you. Well let me tell you something about that weasel boss of yours, he will disappoint you, one day and hope to God I'm there when that day happens, you will hate him.

McKenas: You give us the codes, I won't have to open the box which will be really excellent for you.
Arvin: I can't be the first person to have difficulty taking you seriously, can I?

McKenas: You still got that room downstairs right? The "Conversation Room"? That's what you used to call it right? The torture room, like you're ever going to admit what ever it is you did down there right? So Arvin lets go to the Conversation Room.

McKenas: [to Sark] You're cockier than I am. I love that about you.

McKenas: Your hair... that's cool!
Julian: You're the man behind the Covenant.
McKenas: I'm the man in front of The Man. When'd you cut your hair?
Julian: It wasn't a matter of choice. I was in US custody, as I thought you were. When were you released?
McKenas: That's a good story.
[raises his wine glass]
McKenas: To your hair.

McKenas: Dear person, beating up my men. I assume that you're an employee here. I am now standing in Sloane's tastefully minimalistic office. And if you're not here, standing in front of me in the next 20 seconds, I'm going to start executing your friends, starting with the man that I assume to be your partner... Mr. Jack Bristow.

McKenas: You know... for a lot of guys it's their socks, their piece, their guns, their bullets custom hollow tips, but for me I have always sucked my luck from a bottle of champagne.

McKenas: You're going to give me the combination to the SD-6 vault and if you don't, I'm going to open this box. And Arvin, trust me when I tell you, you do not want me to open this box.

Sydney: I'm here.
McKenas: You are the badass that's been killing my men? I don't know I... I just kinda thought you'd be an ugly guy.

McKenas: [to Sydney] Who this man is, is not important. What is important is this knife on the table. Use it. Kill this unimportant man.