The Best Anna Espinosa Quotes

Anna: [as Sydney cutting something out of Vaughn's chest and Vaughn is groaning in pain the whole time] You need to stay still, think about something else.
Michael: Yeah, well give me something to think about. Tell me about Isabelle.
Anna: Well she has your eyes, the same blue green. And her smile is like your smile.
Michael: Really?
Anna: Yeah, her chin is pointy like mine. Cute...
Michael: Oh God, I can't wait to meet her.

Michael: [to Sydney's double] Who are you?
Anna: It's a pity, you'll never know.
[She pulls the trigger on her gun pointed at Vaughn, it clicks, but there is no ammo. Vaughn holds up the clip and shakes it]
Michael: Sydney and I never went to Cartagena.
[They fight, Vaughn pins her to the desk]
Michael: And just for the record, you're a terrible kisser.
Anna: I always said Sydney was too good for you.
[They continue to fight; eventually Anna finds another gun and points it at Vaughn]
Anna: Let's see if this ones' loaded.
[We hear gunshots, then we see that Anna as Sydney has a bullet hole in her head. The real Sydney is standing behind her with her own gun]