The Best Arthur Devlin Quotes

Arthur: Are you suggesting that I approve the theft of priceless works of art?
Michael: You see, sir, we would just be borrowing them.

Jeffrey: [At CIA headquarters in DC] So Jack, you care to enlighten us as to why you called and operations meeting at 8:00 on a Friday?
Jack: I didn't call you all here for an operations meeting. Given that all of you have Alpha Black clearance, most of you may already be aware that A.P.O. has been investigating an organization known as Prophet Five. What may however, come to news to you is we have reason to believe that someone within our own agency is in collusion with this organization... Someone with Alpha Black clearance.
Arvin: [At APO with Marshall and Dixon] What have we got so far?
Marshall: Four down, three to go. Still nothing.
Jack: The reason I've gathered you all here, if it isn't obvious by now, only seven people in the entire agency have this level of clearance, and all of them are sitting in this room.
Jeffrey: Oh, come on!
Arthur: Jack, this is absurd. Are you suggesting that one of us is working for a terrorist organization?
Jack: That's exactly what I'm suggesting.
Marshall: I got a match.
Marcus: Jack, we've got a signal match.
Jack: One of you is working for Prophet Five and we have your number.
Arthur: Oh, that's enough, this meetings over.
Arvin: Go.
[You can hear dialing in the background and then a cell phone rings. The room sees that the ringing phone belongs to Davenport. Jack pulls his gun out and shoots him in the leg]
Jeffrey: [Screams in pain] Aah...