The Best Elena Derevko Quotes

Jack: It's been a rather interesting year for me. It's made me reevaluate certain parts of my life. I'm trying to have more fun these days.
Elena: [Jack pushes needle into Elena's neck] Waaiiit... How do I know you won't inject me anyway?
Jack: You don't...
Elena: White, tell her to cut the white wire.
[Irina shots Elena in the head]
Irina: Sydney; cut the blue wire, and then run like hell, you have 15 seconds before the ball bursts.

Michael: [Vaughn shoots out a control panel] The relay's blown, check the signal strength.
Irina: No good Vaughn, the signal's still broadcasting.
Elena: I've planned this for five years. Don't you think I've accounted for every possibility?
Irina: Vaughn; Is Sloane with you?
Michael: No; he's not with you?
Irina: Get to the roof right now.
Michael: On my way.

Nadia: [Nadia is tied to a chair in Elena's bunker] The only reason that you want me on your side is because you believe that I'm the one to stop Sydney Bristow. But she's my sister. You're nothing to me.
Elena: I'm sorry you feel that way.
[Elena goes over to a work station and gets a syringe and fills it]
Nadia: What's that?
Elena: Don't worry darling, it's only tap water.
Nadia: I will never betray my sister.
Elena: Oh we'll see.
[Elena injects Nadia in the back of her neck. Nadia starts screaming]

Sophia: Eric, you have no idea how excited I am to finally meet you. Nadia says the most beautiful things about you.
Eric: Really?
Nadia: She asked me if you were tall, dark and handsome. I told her you were tall.
[Weiss and Nadia giggle then kiss]

Irina: I'll give you one chance to do the right thing. Not that you were ever any good at that. Which wire?
Elena: It's useless... In a few minutes when this signal broadcasts, the whole world will be different. However you plan on torturing me I'll hold out, at least for that long.
Irina: I'm not going to torture you; I'm going to let him do it.
[She nods towards Jack]
Irina: And he really doesn't care for you. Especially after you tricked him into killing me, one thing you should know about Jack, he hates being anybody's puppet.
Jack: I'm actually hoping you don't tell us what we need to know.
[He is filling up syringes at a workstation]
Jack: There's a 50/50 chance Sydney cuts the right wire. I'm willing to take those odds if it means I get to stand here and watch you turn into an animal.