The Best Hayden Chase Quotes

Sydney: When I was approached about joining a black-ops unit within the CIA, I thought I was doing the right thing. And while I appreciate the necessary protocol in assembling a new team, Arvin Sloane is not...
CIA: [cutting her off] I understand you used to work for Sloane.
Sydney: Yeah, a criminal psychopath beyond verbal descripition...
CIA: I know all about Sloane.
Sydney: Then allow me to ask the most obvious question in the history of time: How can the CIA let that man, who ran what amounts to a terrorist cell within the borders of this country, run anything?

CIA: I know you spoke of being hungry, looking for a fresh start.
Sydney: It was nothing, my father, Vaughn, irrelevant personal stuff. I want to serve my country the best I can.
CIA: Well this assignment will be a challenge for you. More than you were lead to believe.
[Director Chase opens a set of doors and motions for Sydney to follow. She walks in and sees Dixon, Jack, and Vaughn]
CIA: The four of you chosen, handpicked to help run this team.
Sydney: The four of us? Handpicked by whom?
[Sydney turns around to see Sloane]
Arvin: This is exciting!

CIA: I'm recommending to the board that you be stripped of classified clearance and assigned to the Dispatch Office at Langley.
Sydney: You're transferring me... to the mail room?

CIA: [to Sydney] Even for you, Agent Bristow, your arrogance today is appalling!

Sydney: If this is your... decision, Director Chase... I will no longer burden this agency with the hazard of my participation.
CIA: Are you opting to terminate your association with the CIA?
Sydney: I will say it in English for you: I quit.

Hayden: [Director Chase is caressing Dixon in the hospital where he is unconscious. She walks out and approaches Jack and Sydney] If anything changes, you call me.
Sydney: [to Jack] Did you have any idea she and Dixon...
Jack: No... But then I tend to miss those kinds of details.
Sydney: What are you talking about? You're the master of details.
Jack: Really? I've gone over the details a thousand times in my mind. Each one, added up to the same conclusion. That your life was in danger, and your mother was the lethal threat.

Hayden: I will not trust Irina Derevko.
Sydney: When you brought me into APO and placed me under Arvin Sloane's supervision, you asked me to trust you, and I did.
Hayden: My mind is made up agent Bristow.
Sydney: You put Sloane in charge; you gave Sloane full access to the resources of the CIA and now he is going to do more harm than you can even imagine. We need to find him and end this. And the only person who can do this is my mother. Please director Chase, this time, you have to trust me.

CIA: But we can use him now: His contacts, his expertise, and he will be closely monitored.
Sydney: I pity the man with that job.
[Chase just looks pointedly at Sydney]
Sydney: [realization dawns on her] Wait a minute...
CIA: With you here... Vaughn, Dixon, and your father, there's a built-in system of checks and balances. If Sloane missteps... you'll catch him. Now, that's it. This is your assignment.