The Best Katya Derevko Quotes

Katya: As observant as you are, you were married to my sister for five years without suspecting who she really was: her love must have been intoxicating.

Katya: The only reason I joined the Russian Secret Service was to help Irina find her younger daughter. For years we heard nothing about her; every lead went cold. But then recently we found out that her father, Arvin Sloane, was also looking for her... What is it, Sydney?
Sydney: Sloane has her.

Jack: Do you mind if I ask who you are?
Katya: What you should ask is what I'll need you to do in return for my assistance.
Jack: I was going to get to that.

[Katya kisses Jack]
Katya: That was from Irina.
Jack: Okay.
[Katya plants a hot and heavy kiss on Jack]
Jack: And *who* was that from?
Katya: You ask too many questions.

Jack: Tell me, which of Irina's sisters are you? Elena or Ekatarina?
Katya: I haven't been Ekatarina since I was a child. My sisters call me Katya. Which means Irina wasn't the one who told you about me.
Jack: Learning that your wife is actually a Russian spy drives you to learn all you can about her true identity.

Sydney: In the videotape, when Nadia was a child, she was drawing something. What I assume was Rambaldi's message. If the message was already relayed, why is she valuable?
Katya: Your sister was taken away from the laboratory before she could complete the message.

Jack: You warned him, didn't you? Sloane. Whatever trust I'd established with him over the past few months has been compromised. What I can't figure out is, how will this play to Irina's advantage? Or your own?
Katya: One day when you least expect it, Irina's intentions will present themselves to you. And when that day comes, I promise you - it will be unmistakable.

Katya: I find you sexy, Jack. Deal with it.

Katya: [Katya tries to shoot Sydney but nothing happens. Looks at Sydney, holding the cartridge] How did you know?
Sydney: I didn't. Now I do.