The Best Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV Quotes

Paul: Irulan shall be my wife, opening the way to the Golden Lion Throne for House Atreides.
Padishah: *I* sit on the throne!
Paul: You will have a throne on Selusa Secundus - your prison planet, and the training ground for your accursed Sardaukar.
[uses the voice]
[walks towards Chani]
Paul: The princess shall have no more of me than my name... no child of mine, nor touch, nor softness of glance, nor instant of desire.
[he tenderly strokes her cheek]
Paul: These things I promise to you, my love.
Lady: Think of it, Chani. We who carry the name of concubine... history will call us wives.

Guild: We ourselves perceive a slight problem within House Atreides. Paul, Paul Atreides.
Padishah: You mean of course Duke Leto Atreides, his father?
Guild: I mean Paul Atreides. We want him killed. I did not say this. I am not here.
Padishah: I understand.

Alia: I am a messenger from Muad'Dib. Poor Emperor. I'm afraid my brother won't be very pleased with you.
Padishah: Silence!
Reverend: Kill this child. She's an abomination. Kill her!
Reverend: [groans then yells at Alia] Get out of my mind!
Alia: [using the voice] Not until you tell them both who I *really* am!
Reverend: [Weakly] Alia, daughter of Duke Leto the Just and the royal Lady Jessica. Sister... of Paul... Muad'Dib.
Padishah: Paul's sister? Paul is Muad'Dib?

Padishah: Why have you brought me here?
Baron: Your highness, there must be some mistake. I never requested your presence.
Padishah: Ah, but your lack of action demanded it. Your dreadful mismanagement, your bad judgment, and the assigning to Rabban the governorship. You forced me to come here and set things straight - personally!

Padishah: Bring in that floating fat man, the Baron!

Paul: Emperor Shaddam IV, there are Guild Heighliners above us containing many Great Houses of the Laandsraad. Send them back.
Padishah: How dare you speak to me in...
Guild: Stop your speaking!
Paul: You have some idea of what I could do.
Paul: [the Reverend Mother Mohiam growls at him] Don't try your powers on me. Try looking into that place where you dare not look.You'll find me there, staring back at you.
Reverend: [DELETED LINE] Silence him, Jessica!
Lady: [DELETED LINE] Silence him yourself, if you can.
Paul: [DELETED LINE] For ninety generations you and your Bene Gesserit have labored in secret to produce a living, breathing super-weapon... one that would empower you to overthrow both the Guild and the Emperor. Indeed. This weapon, I am. And these goals, I have achieved. *But I will NEVER be YOURS to control.*
Reverend: [Using the Voice] *You mustn't speak... *
Paul: [Also using the Voice, which overpowers her] SILENCE!
[she is knocked backward against several Guild Workers]
Paul: I remember your gom jabbar, now you'll remember mine. I can kill with a word.