20 Best Freddie Jones Quotes

Thufir: Sector six through eighty progress reports, Sire.
Duke: Take it, Thufir.
Thufir: [speaking rapidly into a communications device] Sector six-eighty, copy the sixth the sum of the eighth quadrant of the ninth plus eight-four circles weave the eighth quarter the fourth, copy!
[the device hums briefly]
Thufir: [to the communication device] Eight! Thufir Hawat, Mentant, Master of Assassins.
Thufir: [to the Duke] The palace is now secure.

[Ynyr has fixed Colwyn's wounds and starts to leave]
Prince: Lyssa?
Ynyr: They will hold her in the Black Fortress.
Prince: Can you lead me to it?
Ynyr: You must have help.
Prince: I'll find men on the way.

Prince: Lyssa!
Ynyr: She's alive.
Prince: Where?
Ynyr: Stay still.
Prince: Where?
Ynyr: For now, beyond your reach.

Prince: Now we have no way to find the fortress.
Ynyr: There is one who might help.
Prince: Who?
Ynyr: The Widow of the Web.
Torquil: That creature helps no one. For none who go there return.
Ynyr: She has great powers.
Torquil: Yeah, to kill.
Ynyr: She may not kill me. For I know her name.
Torquil: Her name is death.
Ynyr: She had another name once. An ancient and powerful name.
[Torquil has a look of disbelief and this gets Ynyr mad]
Ynyr: We all risk our lives on this journey. My risk is no greater than yours. I must try.

Ynyr: I cannot stop the sand.
Lyssa Widow of the Web: You cannot stop time. Go now. Save the other Lyssa.

Ynyr: [Seeing the Widow of the Web as the Lyssa he remembers] How could I have left you?
Lyssa Widow of the Web: Your vision is your gift to me.
Ynyr: [Kneeling beside her] And your vision can be your gift to me.

Ynyr: [Last lines. Voiceover, reciting a prophecy] A girl of ancient name shall become queen. And she shall choose a king. Together they will rule the world. And their son will rule the galaxy.

Ynyr: We all risk our lives on this journey. My risk is no greater than yours.

Ynyr: The beast has many weapons. This was one of them. A changeling.
[Looks at Rell]
Ynyr: How did you know?
Rell the Cyclops: I found the seer's body in the quicksand.
Prince: He gave his life for us.
Titch: He was my only family.
Prince: We're your family now.

Thufir: Now, remember, the first step in avoiding a *trap* - is knowing of its existence.
Paul: I know. But, if it is a trap, then why are we going?
Thufir: We have our new Army. Dr. Yueh, put the weirding module on him.
[Thufir holds Paul's shoulders admiringly, then playfully mimes stabbing him in the side of the neck]

Ynyr: I seek the widow.
Lyssa Widow of the Web: Enter here, and die.

Paul: The Harkonnens are our enemy. Yes. But, behind them I suspect is the Emperor.
Thufir: You will make a formidable Duke!

Seer: The temple is at the center of the swamp where three trees grow as one.
Prince: How can anything grow in that place? It smells of death.
Ynyr: Death and power are close cousins.
Torquil: I don't think I like your relatives, old man.

Lyssa Widow of the Web: These are the sands of my life. Accept them and the spider will have no power to harm you. But your own life runs out with the sand.
Ynyr: But what about your life?
Lyssa Widow of the Web: I give it to the girl who bears my name.

Ynyr: [out of patience with Colwyn's attitude] There are kingly virtues other than bravery! COURTESY is one of them!

Paul: [sees Thufir] My God.
[inner voice]
Paul: They've taken your mind.
[out loud]
Paul: Gurney, I see Thufir Hawat among the captives. Let him stand free.
Feyd: [turns towards Thufir] The antidote.
[he slips a knife inside Thufir's sleeve]
Gurney: Thufir, come.
Paul: In payment of the many years of service to my family, you may ask me of anything you wish. Do you need my life, old friend? It is yours.
[turns around]
Paul: I mean this Thufir, if you are to strike, do it now.
Thufir: [raises knife, to everyone's shock, but drops it and turns back to Feyd] Did you truly believe, even for a moment, that I would fail my Duke TWICE?
[He rips out his own heart plug, then collapses into Paul's arms]
Thufir: Three generations of... you...
[he dies]
Paul: Carry this noble Atreides warrior away. Do him all honor.

Ynyr: Well, I too was young once. I too loved as you do. But your love will be luckier than mine. What I told you was that I knew how to find the fortress and that is by seeking the vision of the blind emerald seer.
Prince: But his place isn't known either.
Ynyr: It is known to me. It is a day's journey from here. Come.

Prince: The glave is nothing but an ancient symbol. It doesn't really exist.
Ynyr: It exists. Up there in a cave on the highest peak.

Ynyr: Do not use it until you need it.
Prince: How will I know when?
Ynyr: You'll know.

Ynyr: In the fortress you will need more than men and swords. You will need the power of the glave.