The Best Cyclops Quotes

Ergo: If I had my wish I'd be out of this gloomy place right away. If I really had my wish I'd be sitting on top of a gooseberry pie as big as a mountain. No, that's a bit greedy. I'll settle for one as big as a house.
Titch: I'd wish for a puppy.
Ergo: Only one puppy? If you're wishing why not wish for a hundred?
Titch: Only want one.
Ergo: Well that's a foolish wish. And you Rell, what would you wish for?
Rell the Cyclops: Ignorance.

Ergo: My name is no jest, beanpole. It's all very well to have a short name when you're twenty feet tall, but small people need large names to give them weight.
Rell the Cyclops: Your actions give you weight, my friend.

Ynyr: The beast has many weapons. This was one of them. A changeling.
[Looks at Rell]
Ynyr: How did you know?
Rell the Cyclops: I found the seer's body in the quicksand.
Prince: He gave his life for us.
Titch: He was my only family.
Prince: We're your family now.

Ergo: Rell, I'll ride with you.
Rell the Cyclops: I have to stay here, my friend.
[they shake hands]
Ergo: We had no time.

Prince: You've been with us for a long way now.
Rell the Cyclops: Since the beginning. When I learned that the old one had come down, I knew that the time had come.
Prince: Join us then. All men need company.
Rell the Cyclops: Yes, all men.
[they shake hands]