The Best Lyssa Quotes

Princess: My father says that good fighters make bad husbands.
Prince: Well, that depends.
Princess: On what?
Prince: On whether you expect a husband to follow you around. Jump every time you clap your hands.
Princess: Wouldn't you jump for me? No of course not. You're a warrior.

Princess: Power is fleeting; love is eternal.

Ergo: You are his queen?
Princess: Yes.
Ergo: Then we've won.
Princess: Yes.
Ergo: Oh boy, I should have stuck to puppies.

[Colwyn and Lyssa meet for the first time]
Princess: I've chosen well.
Prince: So have I.

[Colwyn and Lyssa are trying to escape from the slayers]
Princess: My place is with you.
Prince: Do you love me?
Princess: Of course I love you.
Prince: Then go.
[they kiss]
Princess: Colwyn, hurry back to me.

[Slayers are attacking the castle]
Prince: The slayers.
Turold: Arm yourselves.
Princess: We'll fight together.
Prince: No. Is there a safe way out of the castle?
Eirig: An underground passage.
[Lyssa hugs her father]
Eirig: Go!