The Best Francesca Annis Quotes

Lady: [Jessica and Leto are lying in bed together the night before the family's journey to Arrakis] I once told you a daughter would be conceived at a time of parting.
Duke: I remember. Conceived in love, at a time of parting. Arrakis is a hostile world.
Lady: I must be sure you want this. It has to be tonight, under these influences. I could hear you with the wind.
Duke: And I whispered 'Yes'.
Lady: And I whispered 'I love you'.

Ynyr: Lyssa? Lyssa?
Lyssa Widow of the Web: Who speaks that name?
Ynyr: It is I, Ynyr.
Lyssa Widow of the Web: [Lyssa turns her hourglass upsidedown] I give you this time.

Lady: I know she has come to test him. No man has ever survived being tested with the box. Tonight I may lose my son.

Paul: Irulan shall be my wife, opening the way to the Golden Lion Throne for House Atreides.
Padishah: *I* sit on the throne!
Paul: You will have a throne on Selusa Secundus - your prison planet, and the training ground for your accursed Sardaukar.
[uses the voice]
[walks towards Chani]
Paul: The princess shall have no more of me than my name... no child of mine, nor touch, nor softness of glance, nor instant of desire.
[he tenderly strokes her cheek]
Paul: These things I promise to you, my love.
Lady: Think of it, Chani. We who carry the name of concubine... history will call us wives.

Lady: There's no need to fight over me.

Paul: Emperor Shaddam IV, there are Guild Heighliners above us containing many Great Houses of the Laandsraad. Send them back.
Padishah: How dare you speak to me in...
Guild: Stop your speaking!
Paul: You have some idea of what I could do.
Paul: [the Reverend Mother Mohiam growls at him] Don't try your powers on me. Try looking into that place where you dare not look.You'll find me there, staring back at you.
Reverend: [DELETED LINE] Silence him, Jessica!
Lady: [DELETED LINE] Silence him yourself, if you can.
Paul: [DELETED LINE] For ninety generations you and your Bene Gesserit have labored in secret to produce a living, breathing super-weapon... one that would empower you to overthrow both the Guild and the Emperor. Indeed. This weapon, I am. And these goals, I have achieved. *But I will NEVER be YOURS to control.*
Reverend: [Using the Voice] *You mustn't speak... *
Paul: [Also using the Voice, which overpowers her] SILENCE!
[she is knocked backward against several Guild Workers]
Paul: I remember your gom jabbar, now you'll remember mine. I can kill with a word.

Ynyr: I seek the widow.
Lyssa Widow of the Web: Enter here, and die.

Reverend: We'll salvage what we can. But I can tell you, dear God, for the father, nothing.
Lady: [inside her head] For the father, nothing?
Reverend: Did you really think that you could bear the Kwisatz Haderach? The universe's super being? How dare you. My greatest student, and my greatest disappointment.
[she notices Paul is not sleeping]
Reverend: He's awake. He's listening to us. Good. Ready yourself young Paul Atreides. I want to see you in your mother's chambers in one quarter of an hour.
Lady: Paul, this is very important.

Ynyr: [Seeing the Widow of the Web as the Lyssa he remembers] How could I have left you?
Lyssa Widow of the Web: Your vision is your gift to me.
Ynyr: [Kneeling beside her] And your vision can be your gift to me.

Ynyr: I cannot stop the sand.
Lyssa Widow of the Web: You cannot stop time. Go now. Save the other Lyssa.

Lyssa Widow of the Web: These are the sands of my life. Accept them and the spider will have no power to harm you. But your own life runs out with the sand.
Ynyr: But what about your life?
Lyssa Widow of the Web: I give it to the girl who bears my name.

Lady: [Stumbling around a corner, blood dripping from her nose] Alia...
Alia: [she falls into her mother's arms, also covered in blood] Mother, it's Paul. He has taken the Water of Life.
Lady: Paul's voice?
Alia: The Guild... they're fighting me in the mental vaults. They're behind everything. They fear the one who will come, who will know more, who will see more. The Guild is behind everything. It's not finished yet. I'm not formed.