The Best Eirig Quotes

[Slayers are attacking the castle]
Prince: The slayers.
Turold: Arm yourselves.
Princess: We'll fight together.
Prince: No. Is there a safe way out of the castle?
Eirig: An underground passage.
[Lyssa hugs her father]
Eirig: Go!

Eirig: We sent to you for help.
Turold: None came.
Eirig: Twenty men were dispatched to you.
Turold: We lost three hundred getting here.
Eirig: I didn't choose this marriage, Turold.
Turold: Nor did I Eirig.
Prince: I chose it. Your daughter chose it. It'll be done.
Eirig: Can you lead this army with mine against the slayers?
Prince: Whatever army I have I'll lead against them. Till I've won, or am dead.

Turold: From this day, my kingdom is no more.
Eirig: Nor mine.
Turold: A single kingdom under our children.
Eirig: Agreed.