The Best Patient X Quotes

Patient: [flashback from 'The Exorcist'] Take Me. Come into Me!

Patient: Incidently, who is this Damien you mentioned?
Kinderman: Don't you know him?
Patient: I know nothing! Except I must go on killing Daddy! I must shame him!

Kinderman: Are you Damien Karras?
Patient: Aah, you haven't any medical records for him, have you? No tedious fingerprints?

Patient: Death, be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those who think'st thou dost overthrow die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.

Patient: I still hear from her occasionally, screaming. I think the dead should shut up, unless there's something to say.

Patient: You again. You've interrupted me. Well... come in, Father Morning. Enter, knight. This time you're going to lose.

Patient: I kill at random... no motive... that's the fun.

Patient: [Damien Karras is unpossessed] Now free me...

Patient: I have dreams... of a rose, and then of falling down a long flight of steps.