50 Best Paul Anderson Quotes

Arthur: Tommy! We gotta get back to the caravans! The chickens, they're hungry!

- Ladies and gentlemen, mr Thomas Shelby.
Arthur: Speech!
- Come on, speech!
- Aw!
Arthur: Say it, Tom. Say it to 'em!

- 'Cause I hope my boy Finn doesn't fall off that fucking horse.
- Come on.
- For charity.
- Cu rly: Shut up.
Arthur: Oh, you found it.
- We nearly gave up.

- Don't Nick any of me chips, Finn!
- Where are you going?
Arthur: We won't be long.
- Where are they going?
- The Marquis of lorne.
- Shame.
- It was a nice pub.

Oswald: Michael. Michael Gray. You lost all your cousin's money in America playing the fool. A nightclub in Detroit called the Gladiator was your regular. You lost the money and found a wife there. And poor old Arthur Shelby standing there at the window is afraid his wife will never return. My spies tell me she's been seen with another man.
Arthur: [Arthur's hand tightens on the back of a chair and breaks it]
Thomas: Arthur. Arthur.
[Speaks to Arthur in Romany]
Oswald: And bingo. 20 seconds in, and I have them speaking their wog lingo.

Mike: Yeah, couple more jobs like this and we're on our way, bruv.
- Kamale, man.
[Automated voice] Going down.
- So you know this Jermaine geezer?
[Automated voice] Doors closing.
- Yeah. It's my cousin.

Ada: Hug me, like we came out here because you were emotional.
Arthur: I'm emotional, I just don't know what fucking emotion it is.

- These men are coming for my brother, believing him to be unarmed and unprotected.
- So this is my fucking business.
- Arthur, let's go.
Arthur: Look alive, soldier.
[Sighs] Just put them on the table.

Arthur: You think we can take on the Chinese and Billy Kimber. Billy's got a bloody army...
Tommy: I think, Arthur. That's what I do. I think. So that you don't have to.

Arthur: The bullet's been written. It says Luca.

- Tommy: There's 75 Italians out there.
Arthur: There's 73.
- I just killed two of them.
Polly: The boy in the hospital is out of bounds.
- And I'll ask you to spare
- Finn and Arthur.
- In return for what?
- Tommy Shelby.

- And don't think I ever will.
- Well, then why have you invited me here today?
- -[Footsteps approaching]
- Hmm?
- Mrs Ross: Off you go now.
- Why am I here, mrs Ross?
Arthur: Why did you invite me here today?

- Tommy, look at the book.
- Just look.
Arthur: Tommy!
- All on monaghan boy.
- Good work, John.
- Tommy!
- Get in here. Now.
- Bookie: That'll be six pennies, nipper.
- That's ten Bob you'll see for that.

- Tommy: Arthur, leave it.
Arthur: Where is he going?
- Sit down and watch the fight, eh, Arthur!
- Come here!
- Let me do my fucking job!

- Thorn e: Don't shoot!
Arthur: Hold your guns up!
- Tommy: Enough!
- Kimber and me fought this battle one-on-one.
- It's over.
- Go home to your families.

Sully: Blood, you ever been on the road? Hm? Cuz trust me, I've been on the road, and I ain't never seen no AK-47 in my life.
Mike: Never.

Arthur: Sit down, Billy.
- Thank you for inviting me, mr Shelby.
- Good to see you again, Billy.
- No. Mary says not until after six o'clock.
- He said to tell his father he feels ok about it.
- Good. Shut the door, Duke.

- They will grow up here, at home...
- Loved...
- In Birmingham.
- Because this is our city.
- By order of the peaky blinders.
Arthur: Hail!

Colonel: [watching something moving behind a cover] What are you playing at?
[cover falls off to reveal a cannon aimed at him]
Colonel: ...That's not fair.

Arthur: [Walking into the Eden Club] It's a fucking freak show!

Arthur: All right, Tommy's here.
John: Hang on!
- John!
- I'm coming!

- -Jeremiah: Hold him still!
- Man 2: That's it, lad!
Arthur: Come on! Come on!
- -[Screaming]
- There! I still have the knack.
- Tommy: Argh!
- -[Panting]
Arthur: Have a drink.
- All right. Deep breath!
- -[Grunting in pain]
- That's it. It's done!

Arthur: A toast! To Shelby, limited!
- Men: To Shelby, limited!
- He's got sons.
- Should we find work for them?
- No. Let 'em be.
- -[Car door slams]
- Let them find ordinary work.
- Like ordinary men.

Arthur: [Digbeth exits interview] Oh, I don't know Tom. Kids these days...
Thomas: They didn't fight, so they're different. They stay kids.

- I'll give you the keys, I'll sign over the log book, do what you want and--
- I want the paper, Jermaine.
- Blood, well, you're gonna have to wait, then.
- Look, just get man some food at least, cuz, I'm fucking starving now.
Mike: Yeah, come, let's eat.
- Who's gonna go get it?

- Sweetheart, I am young, informed and, uh, very well-equipped.
- You chose your man wisely.
- Come on, kitchen now.
- Arthur, this lady wants to play in the snow.
- No, no snow today. No snow today.
Arthur: Kitchen, come on.

Arthur: Michael? Michael?
Michael: Arth u r!
- -Arthur! John!
- Where's Tommy?
- Arthur! Arthur!
- No!

Arthur: [Finishing stab]
Arthur: [laughing to Self] I'm a good man. I'm a fucking good man like you.
Arthur: [Whimpering] A God-Fearing man. And there's good in my heart.
Arthur: [Sobbing] There's good in my Heart!
Arthur: [Glancing To the Sky]
Arthur: [Quietly] But my hands... these hands belong to the devil...
Arthur: [Louder] ... the fucking devil!
Arthur: [Softly Crying with Remorse] Right, i...
[Staggers Away, Tosses Cap on Floor]

Arthur: You stay the way you are, Tommy. Remember what Dad used to say: fast women and slow horses will ruin your life.

- Trust me.
Arthur: No, Linda...
- You did this deliberately!
- You made this happen to keep us!
- Come here. Come here.
Arthur: Come on now, we have to run. We have to run.
- Arth u r: Fuck you!

Thomas: If you're not gonna show up for a family meeting, let someone know. We thought you were dead. There is fifteen fucking Italians out there...
Arthur: No, there's not. There is thirteen. I just killed two of them.

- Tiger's already out.
- Fair enough.
- Bonnie, mr Shelby will give you a 20% cut if you put Goliath down in the fourth round.
Arthur: Been caged up too long, brother.
- If the women are going to have fun, so am I!

Arthur: So, who are we meeting?
Thomas: The man we're about the meet is the Minister for the Duchy of Lancaster. He's also deputy to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Cabinet adviser to the Prime Minister of Great Britain. You've both met bad men before. The man we're about to meet is the devil.

- Yeah, and their posh wives!
- And their mistresses.
Arthur: Let him come, Polly.
- We'll go there, buy an 'orse, come back.
- I'll drop him back at the house in Sutton before it gets dark.
- Fucking no!

- You want me to open that champagne now?
- It's a boy.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Arthur: Oi, Polly! Polly!
- But the police came and took his father away!
- Don't you dare look at me like that!

Arthur: Oh, my!
- Now say it.
- Say it, brother.
- In the bleak midwinter.
Esme: You're cursed and I curse you again!
- Come here, come here.

Arthur: Right, you lot, come here.
- Let's make it interesting.
- Come place a wager with me.
- I'll give you good odds.
- I'll give you good odds on the boy, even better on the big lad.
- There you go, what you want?
- Bonnie, come here, son.

- Come here, come on.
- Emily! Emily, come on.
- If you get lost in the fog, the peaky blinders will get you.
Arthur: Jeremiah.
- Let's charm the old keepsake from passchendaele.

Johnny: [Chuckling]
- Come on, Arthur.
Arthur: Shut up, John.
[Laughs] I will have a maid gather the buttons and sew them back on.
- Hmm.

John: Arthur, what are you doing?
- Arthur?
- We're going to the Garrison.
Arthur: No. I'm going home, John.
John: Go and fuck yourself, Arthur.
- Yeah! Fuck off!

Arthur: [Finishing stab]
Arthur: [laughing to Self] I'm a good man. I'm a fucking good man like you.
Arthur: [Whimpering] A God-Fearing man. And there's good in my heart.
Arthur: [Sobbing] There's good in my Heart!
Arthur: [Glancing To the Sky]
Arthur: [Quietly] But my hands... these hands belong to the devil...
Arthur: [Louder] ... the fucking devil!
Arthur: [Softly Crying with Remorse] Right, i...
Arthur: [Staggers Away, Tosses Cap on Floor]

- And drunk on stuff we've never heard of.
- And they're worse than us for spirits and ghosts.
- And, today, they're going to test us.
- Fuck them.
Arthur: The Russians all turned and ran.
- The cossacks didn't run, Arthur.

- Drink the fucking wine and smile.
- That's what I'm doing.
Arthur: Oh, you got me good.
- Oh, you fucking bastard.
- No foul!
- No foul!

- Tommy: Is it him?
Arthur: Yeah.
- On his own doorstep.
- His own fucking doorstep.
- Right, get out. And you, out.
[Screaming] What the fuck?

Arthur: [scoffs] I don't know how you do this, Tom. I really don't.
[both acknowledge open door]
Thomas: [jots note in journal] You learn things, Arthur.
Thomas: [puts down cigarette to assemble drinks] That woman has only two rooms downstairs. Her husband has lost his job, and he beats her, and yet,
[Arthur exhales]
Thomas: the thing that brings her to see her member of parliament is songbirds. Now that's politics, Arthur.
[both have a drink]
Arthur: It's not for me...

- You better have my fucking change.
Mike: Yes, food.
Jermaine: Yo.
- I need the toilet.
- Mike, take him to it.
- Fuck him. Let's eat.

Arthur: Due to my razor blade and a few complaints from the neighbours about the terrible fucking music... this place is under new management. By order of the Peaky Blinders.

Arthur: There he is.
John: Tommy!
- Drink?
- Not whisky.
- If you check behind the bar...
- You will find a bottle of champagne.

Arthur: In the end, it's God who pulls that fucking trigger anyway. We don't get to decide who lives and who dies.

- or section d at some point in the future.
- If you make the wrong choice, you won't see 11:44.
Linda: Do they always have to do the stock taking at night, Arthur?
Arthur: Only 'cause, you know, it slows down production.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.