The Best Ned Dennehy Quotes

Charlie: I have a stolen statue back there with its dick hanging out, waiting to be melted down.

Ajay: Hey, Barlow, I've got voices.
Barlow: Ajay, what are you smokin'?

Charlie: I'll drink to you Tom, you mad bastard.

Bob: What's the difference between a sieve and a colander? Are they the same, or what?

Charlie: Italians north, Italians south... He makes gin to take his mind off being stuck inside a prison.

Bob: I'd never waste an insult on a stranger, young lady. I save them up for friends and family.

Lionel: How about a bit of mercy on my poor old appetite?
Marsali: You'll take what you get, when you get it.
Lionel: [sneers] Oh I always do.
Marsali: You might want to watch your words.
Lionel: I hardly think I need to worry about that, now, do I? Damn women. I prefer my sup with a smile so when you're good and ready.

May: I said I would wait.
Charlie: The man you're waiting for doesn't exist.

Charlie: You okay, Danny?
Danny: I'm still in shock. You sure this isn't heaven?
Charlie: If it was heaven, what would I be doing here?

Thomas: I'm gonna spin a coin for your yard, Charlie.
Charlie: You goin' to what?
Thomas: If it's heads, Abe here takes all of this... With my blessing.
Charlie: Tommy!
Thomas: And if it's tails... I'll fuck your daughter, Mr Gold.

Lionel: If I'm not well treated, my brother... he will come with his men, and he will slaughter you and burn the houses over your heads while you sleep.
Marsali: Well... we must make sure you return home hale and strong.
Lionel: What's that for?
Marsali: I've been learning the art of healing. Mistress Fraser has taught me well. She took an oath to do no harm. I have taken no such oath. You hurt me. You hurt my family. You hurt my Ma. I'll watch you burn in hell before I let you harm another soul in this house.