The Best Pawnbroker Quotes

Pawnbroker: That's the way she used to look... she used to be so beautiful... now I need other women's beauty just to keep her that way... small price to pay, I think...
Sylvia: Look, I don't know what kinda crazy voodoo shit you're into, and I don't really care! But, but, but, we had a deal, man! Look!
[tips her bag of valuables onto a table]
Sylvia: All that's worth more than a hundred thousand dollars! Now I want it back! Give it back to me! I want my beauty back!

Sylvia: I want it back, here's my ticket, the 10 grand plus 12%.
Pawnbroker: You didn't look at this too careful, did ya? I told ya, the time limit was 4 months. 4 months from this day is the 4th. Today's the 5th.
Sylvia: You son of a bitch!
Pawnbroker: I'm sorry.
Sylvia: Okay, how much?
Pawnbroker: You missed the deadline, lady!
Sylvia: I know I missed the fuckin' deadline! If you wanna mark it up, mark it up! Just tell me how much?

Sylvia: I thought you weren't interested?
Pawnbroker: I ain't interested in them things, but I can see you got somethin' that's worth a whole lot more.
Sylvia: Sorry, old man. I just retired from that business.