20 Best Per un pugno di dollari Quotes

Joe: [Newly arrived in San Miguel, looking over the town from a balcony] Who are they?
Silvanito: Hmm. Bandits. Bandits and smugglers. They come down from Texas. They cross the frontier to stock up on guns and liquor. The cost is much less here. Then they go back and sell the guns and liquor to the Indians.
Joe: Any town that sells guns and liquor has gotta' be a rich one.
Silvanito: Not the town. Only those who buy and sell, and the bosses are the ones who clean up.
Joe: Yeah? Somebody has to run the place. Every town has a boss.
Silvanito: That's true. But when there are two around, then I'd say that there is one too many.
Joe: "Two" bosses? Very interesting.

Joe: [He's hiding in an empty coffin outside the coffin-maker's shop] Come here.
Piripero: I can't see anybody.
Joe: Come here!
Piripero: [Goes over to a coffin on a wagon; Joe is inside] Dios mio!... What are you doing in there?
Joe: Never mind. Get me out of here.
Piripero: But, you're not dead yet.
Joe: I will be, if you don't get me out of here, quick. Get that lid down!

Consuelo: [Directed at the Rojos, who have just slaughtered her family] Murderers. They had no guns. Murderers! I hope you rot in hell! May you and your brothers die spitting blood! Curse you for this! MURDERERS!
[Esteban Rojo levels his revolver and calmly shoots her]

Esteban: My name is Esteban Rojo, my bother asked me to... what are you doing?
Joe: Moving.
Esteban: Don't you know all our men sleep here with us?
Joe: Well that's all very cozy, but I don't find you men all that appealing.

Ramon: How do you feel about peace?
Joe: Kind of hard to like something you know nothing about.

Joe: I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

Don: That's the right idea? You didn't misunderstand?
Joe: I get the wrong idea only when it suits me.
Ramon: You are well informed, eh?
Joe: A man's life in these parts often depends on a mere scrap of information. Your brother's own words.
Ramon: Tell me. Why are you doing this for us?
Joe: [Holds out his hand with a response that is almost a question] Five hundred dollars.

Joe: You see, I understand you men were just playin' around, but the mule, he just doesn't get it. Course, if you were to all apologize...
[Men Laugh]
Joe: I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

Baxter gunman #1: [to Joe] Well, I suppose you could try getting a job as a scarecrow.
Baxter Gunman 2: No, the crows are liable to scare him maybe.

Joe: When a man with .45 meets a man with a rifle, you said, the man with a pistol's a dead man. Let's see if that's true. Go ahead, load up and shoot.

Marisol: Why are you doing this for us?
Joe: Because I knew someone like you once and there was no one there to help. Now, get moving.

Joe: Crazy bellringer was right, there's money to be made in a place like this.

[last lines]
Joe: Mmh. Well, guess your government will be glad to see that gold back.
Silvanito: And you? You don't want to be here when they get it, eh?
Joe: You mean the Mexican goverment on one side? Maybe the Americans on the other side? Me right smack in the middle? Uhn-hn. Too dangerous. So long.
Silvanito: Adios.

[Having said "get three coffins ready" earlier]
Joe: My mistake. Four coffins...

Juan: You'll get rich here, or you'll be killed. Juan De Dios tolls the bell again.

Joe: Baxter's over there, Rojo's there, me right smack in the middle.
Silvanito: If you are thinking what I suspect, I tell you, don't try it!
Joe: Crazy bell-ringer was right. There's money to be made in these parts.
[after a pause]
Joe: Which of the two is stronger?
Silvanito: Which of them is stronger? Well... the Rojos. Especially Ramon.

Joe: [after saving Marisol and her family and giving them money]
Marisol: Why do you do it for us?
Joe: Why? I knew someone like you once. There was no one to there to help. Now get moving.

Silvanito: I'm alive, and I want to remain with the living, understand? And when I'm dead, I want to remain with the dead. And I would be unhappy if somebody living forces me to remain with the living.

Chico: Our orders are to make sure he does not die... but also to make sure he regrets the day he was born.

Joe: When a man's got money in his pocket he begins to appreciate peace.