The Best Ron Howard Quotes

[Kim Basinger is working out, Homer is coaching her]
Homer: And stretch. And strain. And hyperextend. Keep those knees rigid. Jerk that lower back.
Kim: I'm getting some shooting pains in my neck...
Homer: That's right, force it. Whip that neck.
[Alec Baldwin enters the room]
Alec: Does anybody know where this came from?
Homer: Oh, there's that script I wrote. Where did you find it?
Alec: It was on my pillow.
Homer: The important thing is, it has the perfect part for you. For either of you. It's about a killer robot driving instructor who travels back in time for some reason. Ron Howard's attached to direct.
Ron: No, I'm not.
Homer: Well, he expressed an interest.
Ron: No, I didn't.
Homer: Did too.

Ron: Do I smell vodka... and wheatgrass?
Homer: It's called a lawnmower, I invented it, do you want one?
Ron: Yeah, okay.

Ron: We'll stick ya someplace.

Homer: I don't need your pity or your money.
[pockets money]
Ron: Usually when you say that, you give the money back.