The Best Rowan Quinn Quotes

Rowan: Now, as a rule, Martin Vickers doesn't care who he sells to, as long as it's the highest bidder. Hard work is done. I negotiated the price, arranged the meet. All we need is for you to be our Reis and accept delivery. We'll take down Vickers, reclaim the missiles.
Special: This is why I joined the Bureau, ma'am.
Dana: I've already made up my mind. Whatever you need, Rowan.
Assistant: All right, well, the DOJ guidelines say the UC gets to pick the contact agent who will be responsible for for his safety while undercover.
Special: You in?
Special: Of course.
Dana: Then let's get to work. We've got 24 hours to close this deal.

Special: Ma'am, before you make up your mind, I would respectfully like to add my voice. Martin Vickers supplied the weapons that financed the Baga Massacre in 2015. If there is any chance I can help bring him down, you have to let me take it.
Rowan: Before you answer, let me tell you what Vickers is selling.
[cut to the bullpen]
Rowan: Javelin laser-guided, shoulder-fired, anti-tank missiles. 50 of 'em. Aim, target, fire. It'll destroy a tank, plane, helicopter, anything else it locks onto, out to a range of 1 1/2 miles. One missile can take out an airliner approaching JFK. Hundreds of civilians gone in the blink of an eye. The Javeling has a 95% kill rate and has surpassed the Stinger as *the* most sought-after weapon on the black market.

Special: What's up with Otan Reis?
Rowan: Like most intructors, I split my classroom time with field time. Last fourteen months, I've been on this guy. I stung him, flipped him, recruited him to help take down Martin Vickers. Yesterday he was about to board a private plane from Blackbushe to Teterboro.
Special: Was?
Rowan: Assassinated on the tarmac.
Jillian: Which should have been the end of the mission.
Rowan: [glancing at OA] Except... except Reis' height, weight, and ethnicity match exactly one agent in the Bureau.

Dana: Absolutely not. I'm not dropping my agent into the tail end of a fourteen-month operation with only 24 hours prep time.
Rowan: Look, I don't like it, either. Goes against everything I teach.
Dana: Glad we agree.
Rowan: And if Reis were still alive, I wouldn't be here. But he's not. These are the cards we've been dealt. I feel lucky, actually. Reis was educated here. Spoke perfect English. He was meticulous, avoided photographs, not very many people in the world have seen him in person, and this is the first deal he ever brokered for Vickers. OA is a physical match. It's risky, but every time you go undercover it's risky. You know that.
Assistant: [Dana glances at him] You know what I'm gonna say. Let's roll the dice.
Dana: Willing to bet OA's life on that?
Assistant: I'm willing to bet OA can rise to the challenge.

Rowan: All right, remember, don't try and think like a bad guy. Be the bad guy and think.
Special: Right.
Rowan: No hesitation. Project confidence. Keep eye contact. Act like you've done this a thousand times before.
Special: Is this yammering calming your nerves? Because I'm good.

Special: Why'd you single me out? You know exactly what you did. I never understood why. You treated every other student like they were born for the Bureau but me? Why'd you decide I was unworthy? You didn't even know me, man.
Rowan: I picked out one rookie. Every class. Threw everything I had at him, see if he'd break. Not because I thought he was unworthy. 'Cause I thought he had the most potential. Your class, that was you.
Special: Don't give me that.
Rowan: I'm not saying it was right. It's just the way I was taught. Well, I guess I brought that home from the classroom. Did it with my son, too. Look how that turned out.

Special: Are you gonna walk again?
Rowan: [snickers] Uh, they tell me I'll be running a marathon come spring.
Special: I bet.

Rowan: I'm sorry. The way I treated you wasn't right.
Special: It worked. You made me into the undercover agent I am.
Rowan: It's not true. You had it in you. Way before I came along. And I would hate to think what the Bureau would be if you'd have quit.
Special: I wanted to. I almost did. And then I decided I wasn't gonna give you the satisfaction.
Rowan: Glad you're a stronger man than the one who was teaching you. Would you consider letting some other people know that it is possible to get from there to where you sit?

Rowan: I trained him, Dana. My professional assessment as his instructor is... he can pull this off.
Dana: What if word gets out that the real Reis is dead?
Rowan: MI5 seeded chatter that the assassination attempt failed.
Dana: And?
Rowan: Confirmed reports as far away as Moscow. The story took. The world thinks Otan Reis survived.