The Best Saunders Quotes

James: Cheer up, Saunders. The operation's a success. And officially, its still yours.
Saunders: I have no intention of leaving it at that, 007! I'm reporting to M that you deliberately missed. Your orders were to kill that sniper!
James: *Stuff* my orders! I only kill professionals. That girl didn't know one end of her rifle from the other. Go ahead. Tell M what you want. If he fires me, I'll thank him for it. Whoever she was, it must have scared the living daylights out of her.

[Bond and Saunders are discussing the change of plans on Koskov's defection]
General: James. James Bond!
James: [hugging Koskov] Later, General!
James: [to Saunders] Lose them. I'll pick you up at the border, twenty-three hundred hours. Be there.
Saunders: Where are you taking him? How will you get him out?
James: Sorry, old man, section 26, paragraph 5. Need-to-know. Sure you understand.

James: I'm posing as Koskov's friend to see what leads I can get from her. You know he bought her a cello in New York, called "The Lady Rose".
Saunders: A cello with a name?
James: It's a Stradivarius.
James: [when Saunders looks none the wiser] They *all* have names. Now where would Koskov get that kind of money? Check it out.

James: Lovely girl with the cello.
Saunders: Forget the ladies for once, Bond.

[Bond and Saunders meet for the first time]
Saunders: Saunders. Head of Section "V" Vienna. You're *bloody* late. This is a mission, not a fancy dress ball.
James: We have time.