The Best Sergeant Roderick Quotes

Sergeant: You must all observe the rules of my class. Rule one: no talking.
Student: Does that mean...?
[Sergeant Roderick picks up student, throws student through wall]
Sergeant: Rule two: no eating in class.
[Pulls out box of bon-bons]
Sergeant: Would anyone care for a bon-bon?
Student: I would.
[Others gasp]
Sergeant: Pick your favorite.
[Student eats bon-bon]
Sergeant: How's it taste?
Student: It's a delightful taste sensation...
Sergeant: [Picks up student] NO EATING IN MY CLASSROOM!
[Throws student through wall]

SpongeBob: How'd I do?
Sergeant: How'd you do? Why don't you ask the shattered remains of this pedestrian... *how you did*?

Sergeant: What are you supposed to be learning in this class?
SpongeBob: To drive?
Sergeant: Affirmative, but before you can learn to drive, you must first learn to crawl, then you can learn to walk, and then to run. But before you can learn to walk, you must first learn to crawl. I want you to crawl!