The Best Sheryl Lee Ralph Quotes

[first lines]
Hayden: Ooh, this reminds me of that morning in Budapest.
David: As I recall, that particular breakfast lasted all day.
Hayden: Well, we could try that again. Except you'd have to call in sick.
David: That's very tempting.

Rita: Mama, it was just this one time. I'm sorry, I'll never disobey you again. It was just really important to me...
Florence: Just stop! You're incredible and I'm proud of you. I'm very proud of you.

Hayden: [her phone rings] Oh. Joy wants to FaceTime.
David: Well, you should get it.
Hayden: No! She'll recognize your house. I can't lie to her.
David: Then don't. Let's just tell her we're just seeing each other again. You're happy, I'm happy. She will be, too.
Hayden: This is a big deal, and I just think that we should... tell her when she comes to visit.
[her phone chimes, indicating a missed call]
Hayden: Oh. Good.
[Rossi's phone rings, and, snickering, he shows her that it's Joy calling]
Hayden: Oh! Do you think she knows?
David: She's a reporter. I think she might have a hunch.

David: [Doorbell rings] And there they are! Thanks, come in. Spence, Tara, this is Hayden Montgomery
Dr. Tara Lewis: On ma dit que vous avez une diplomatique a Paris, que je trouve très heureusement
Hayden: Vous parlez le Français très bien, madame.
[to Rossi]
Hayden: She's my favorite so far

Florence: [she reading a letter on Rita's desk] "Dear Mama, I went to the all-state music competition. I never meant to hurt you but I had to follow my heart. Please forgive me. I love you, Rita."

David: Don't go.
Hayden: I think I fooled myself into thinking that things would be different. I... I think you did, too.
David: It is different.
Hayden: David, the job will always be the same.
David: Yes. But I'm different. Do me just one favor. Before you make any decision, meet my team. They're the only family I have outside of you and Joy. I walked away thirty years ago. I'm not walking away this time.