The Best Rita Watson Quotes

Sister: Good Morning, Ladies and Gentleman. Please take your seats, do it quickly and do it quietly. Welcome to the first day of your new scholastic lives. This is no longer a bird course, the bird has flown. If you want to pass this class, you're gon' have to earn it 'cause I have no problems, not one, failing each and every one of you.
Sketch: Yo, I never thought this was no bird class.
Sister: I'm glad for you, very, very glad because this is a new day. Things are going to be a little different around here.
Frankie: Oh, yeah?
Sister: Uh-huh.
Frankie: Like how?
Sister: Like when I talk, Fran-kay, you don't! Is this something you want to share with the rest of the class?
Maria: No, I'm just kicking it with my girl.
Sister: Well, I tell you what, you gon' kick it with me or I'm gonna kick you out. What do you think of that? Put 'em away. And you, this is not Elizabeth Arden, Miss Thing. If you want to beat that mug of yours, you do it at home, before you come to my class, you understand me? Put it away. And you, Sketch, I like you a lot, but I don't you to be catching Z's in my class no more.
Sketch: I be tired, I got a job-...
Sister: Baby, save it for Oprah. This is a brand new day, ladies and gentlemen, a brand new day. We're gonna start with respect. You're gonna respect me and I'm gonna respect you. And the first thing you're gonna do, gentlemen, is take off those hats. This is a brand... new... day. I guess that means you're gonna start combing your hair before you come to class. And I know you're laughing over there 'cause you think this is funny, Miss Thing. There is no sun in this room, you will not get a tan, take off those sunglasses, that goes for you, too. If they're not prescription, I don't wanna see 'em. I want to see you, I want to be able to look into your eyes and I want you to be able to look into mine. Yes, Miss Watson?
Rita: We don't want no new way, the old way was fine with us. Right? So, if you gon' fail us, you might as well go ahead 'causee... I ain't doin' nothin'.
Sister: Fine, that's how you feel? There's the door. Don't let it hit you in the butts on the way out.
Sketch: Yo, yo, Sis, I can't afford to fail this class.
Sister: You better tell your friends you can't afford to fail this class.
Tyler: My parents wouldn't be pleased.
Rita: Come on, ya'll, we ain't gotta take this from her! Come on! Sketch, come on, man.
Sketch: *Shakes his head*
Rita: Fran-kay?
Frankie: Yo, Rita, you know I'm usually down for stuff like this, but... I'm gonna take care of business this time.
Sister: A little lonely out on that limb by yourself, Miss Watson?
Rita: So much for friendship.
Sister: All right, let's get down to business. If you wanna be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere, you better wake up and pay attention 'cause there's a real world out there and they don't care how hip you think you are or who you kick it with. It don't matter. You ain't got an education, you ain't got nothing.

Rita: Mama, it was just this one time. I'm sorry, I'll never disobey you again. It was just really important to me...
Florence: Just stop! You're incredible and I'm proud of you. I'm very proud of you.

Rita: I've got a lot of reasons I can't explain, but I have to leave the choir.
[leaves, visibly upset, with a permission slip]
Sister: Give us back our consent form.
Sister: Stop that!

Rita: Sorry I don't have any cute stories or anidotes to tell.
Ahmal: ANEC... ANECdotes.
Rita: Shut up, Ahmal, mind your business.

Sister: Yes, Miss Watson?
Rita: We don't want no new way. The old way was fine for us.
[turns to class]
Rita: Right?
[class agrees]
Rita: So, if you're gonna fail us, you might as well just go ahead, 'cause we ain't doing nothing!
Sister: Fine. If that's the way you feel, there's the door. Don't let it hit you in the butts on the way out.
Sketch: Yo, yo, Sis... I can't afford to fail this class!
Sister: You better tell your friend you can't afford to fail this class!
Tyler: My parents wouldn't be pleased.
Rita: Come on, ya'll, we ain't gotta take this from her! Come on! Sketch, come on, man.
[Sketch shakes head no]
Rita: Fran-kay?
Frankie: Yo, Rita, you know I'm usually down for stuff like this. But, I'm gonna take care of business this time.
Sister: A little lonely on that limb by yourself, Miss Watson?
Rita: [despondent] So much for friendship!
[storms out door]