The Best Sister Mary Patrick Quotes

Sondra: You can't answer any questions about... sex.
Sister: Oh, don't be so sure. You don't have to bite the donut to know it's sweet.

Frankie: Dang, man! Dang!
Sister: What's the matter?
Frankie: [shows her his robe] This thing ripped! Now what am I supposed to do, huh?
Sister: Listen, don't fret. My mother used to say that nothing is impossible as long as you carry with you a little bit of faith and a big roll of electrical tape.
[suddenly pulls tape from her robes]
Sister: Hello!

Father: Father Thomas. Et Latine docere.
Sister: [aside, to Mary Clarence] Latin teacher.

Sister: The only thing the chef knows how to cook is German sausage.
Sister: Day after day, liverwurst, bratwurst, beerwurst...
Sister: It's the "worst".