The Best Shichinosuke Nakamura Quotes

Emperor: Ambassador Swanbeck, I have concluded that your treaty is NOT in the best interests of my people.
Ambassador: Sir, if I may...
Emperor: So sorry, but you may not.

Emperor: [Referring to Katsumoto] Tell me how he died.
Algren: [Referring to Katsumoto] I will tell you how he lived.

Emperor: I have dreamed of a unified Japan. Of a country strong and independent and modern. We have railroads and cannon, Western clothing. But we cannot forget who we are. Or where we come from.

Katsumoto: If I am no use, I will happily end my life.
Emperor: No, I need your voice in the Council.
Katsumoto: It is your voice we need, Highness. You are a living god. Do what you think is right.
Emperor: [ruefully] I am a living god, as long as I do what *they* think is right.
Katsumoto: What sad words you speak.