The Best Zebulon Gant Quotes

[watching the Imperial Army's target practice]
Algren: I suppose we should be grateful they're all firing in the same direction.
Zebulon: Couldn't have put it better myself, sir.

Algren: Sergeant Gant, report to the rear and see to the disposition of the supply trains.
[Gant does not move, but continues loading his rifle]
Algren: Sergeant Gant, did you hear my order?
Zebulon: I did indeed, sir.
Algren: Good, then you will obey it. Now!
Zebulon: No disrespect intended, sir, but shove it up your ass.

Zebulon: [shouting loudly] Right, you little bastards! You will stand up straight or I will personally shit kick every far eastern buttock that appear before me eyes!
Algren: Well done, sergeant.
Zebulon: When you understand the language, sir, everything falls into place.