The Best Timothy Spall Quotes

Peter: What would you have done, Sirius?
Sirius: I would have died! I would have died rather than betray my friends, as we would have done for you!

[last lines]
Simon: [narrating] And so the days of the Samurai had ended. Nations, like men, it is sometimes said, have their own destiny. As for the American Captain, no one knows what became of him. Some say that he died of his wounds. Others, that he returned to his own country. But I like to think he may have at last found some small measure of peace, that we all seek, and few of us ever find.

[about General Hasegawa]
Algren: He fought with the Samurai?
Simon: He IS Samurai.

Harry: [after being Portkeyed away from the maze during the Third Task Harry suddenly realizes where they are] Cedric, we have to get back to the cup. NOW.
Cedric: What are you talking about?
Harry: [Flames burst beneath a huge stone cauldron as the door to a nearby house opens, revealing someone carrying a blanket-wrapped bundle. Harry drops to his knees, clutching his scar in agony] AAAAAGH!
Cedric: Harry, what is it?
Harry: Get back to the cup!
Cedric: [Cedric stands up, wand at the ready to defend both himself and Harry] Who are you? What do you want?
Voldemort: Kill the spare!
Harry: NO! CEDRIC!
[Harry can only watch as Cedric is blasted off his feet and hits the ground behind him, dead]

Judge: I have news for you, my friend. In order to shield her from the evils of this world, I have decided to marry my dear Johanna.
Beadle: Ah, sir, happy news indeed.
Judge: Strange, though, when I offered myself to her, she showed a certain reluctance.
Beadle: [sings] Excuse me, my lord. / May I request, my lord, / Permission, my lord, to speak? / Forgive me if I suggest, my lord, / You're looking less than your best, my lord, / There's powder upon your vest, my lord, / And stubble upon your cheek. / And ladies, my lord, are weak.
Judge: Stubble, you say? Perhaps I am a little overhasty in the morning.
Beadle: [sings] Fret not though, my lord, / I know a place, my lord, / A barber, my lord, of skill. / Thus armed with a shaven face, my lord, / Some eau de cologne to brace my lord / And musk to enhance the chase, my lord, / You'll dazzle the girl until...
Judge: Until?
Beadle: [sings] She bows to your every will.

Simon: [first lines]
Simon: [narrating] They say Japan was made by a sword. They say the old gods dipped a coral blade into the ocean, and when they pulled it out four perfect drops fell back into the sea, and those drops became the islands of Japan. I say, Japan was made by a handful of brave men. Warriors, willing to give their lives for what seems to have become a forgotten word: honor.

Simon: I came over with the British trade mission, oh, years ago. I was soon relieved of my position. I had a rather unfortunate tendency to tell the truth in a country where no one ever says what they mean. So now, I very accurately translate other people's lies.

Peter: SPOILER: Bone of the father, unwillingly given.
[adds an old bone to cauldron]
Peter: Flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed.
[cuts off his hand which drops into the cauldron]
Peter: Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken.
[cuts Harry's arm and adds blood to the cauldron]
Peter: The Dark Lord shall rise again!

Algren: Mr. Graham. Tell this man to fire at me.
Simon: I beg your pardon?
Algren: Tell this man that if he does not shoot me, I will kill him.

Simon: You insolent, useless son of a peasant dog! How dare you show your sword in his presence! Do you know who this is?
[pointing to Algren]
Simon: This is the President of the United States of America! He is here to lead our armies in victorious battle against the rebels!
Guard: It is not my responsibility...
Simon: Now get over there and help those men with their equipment!
Guard: [to his men] Carry the equipment.
[Algren and Graham go through]
Algren: The President of the United States?
Simon: Sorry. I think I'm going to be sick.