The Best Smokey Quotes

Snowbell: Didn't your mother warn you that you shouldn't go out into Central Park at night?
Smokey: My mother was the reason you shouldn't go out into Central Park at night.

Monty,: [while Stuart is hugging Snowball] Snow, what's he doing to your leg? I can't help to think that this is wrong.
Smokey: What the hell's going on here?
Snowbell: Urrrrm... Listen, Smokey... I want to quit this whole thing off... okay?
Smokey: Too late!

Snowbell: You think you could help me?
Smokey: Consider it done.
Snowbell: Thank-you Mister Smokey sir, how could I ever think you?
Smokey: Don't worry Tinkerbell, anytime.
Snowbell: Tinkerbell! Ha Ha, He called me Tinkerbell! You're a funny guy!
Smokey: Yeah, whatever. HOUSE CATS, Sheesh!

Smokey: How you doing? You must be Stuart.
Stuart: Actually... I must be going.
[Gets back into his little car]
Lucky: What's your hurry, Murray?
Red: Yeah, where ya going, Murray - - Urm Stuart. What's his name?

Snowbell: He's not just a mouse! He's... He's... he's family.
Smokey: Oh yeah. ha ha ha... I can see the resemblence...
[laughs evilly]

[while the alley cats are chasing Stuart in the roadster]
Lucky: I hope he runs out of gas!
Red: I hope you do!
Lucky: Why don't you run to the back?
Red: I can't help it! I have a nervous stomach!
Smokey: And I have an empty stomach! Now, get that mouse!

Smokey: Say good night... Tinkerbell.
[Snowbell gulps]
Stuart: Hey, Smokey! His name is Snowbell!
[Smacks him off the tree with a branch, Smokey screaming]

Smokey: [pushes the branch Stuart's on down] Here you go, boys! Dinner's served!
Monty,: Alright, Smokey! Way to go!
Stuart: Oh dear!
Lucky: Look, it's mouse on a stick! I love mouse on a stick!
Monty,: A little further! Keep him comin'! Keep him comin'! Alright I can almost reach him! Keep him coming! I got him, he's mine!
[Snowbell snaps the branch]
Monty,: What the? Hey, the branch is the gonna!
Snowbell: Well, what have we got here?
Monty,: Snow, don't come out here, the branch is breaking!
Snowbell: Stuart, are you alright?
Stuart: Yeah, yeah I'm okay.
Snowbell: Just hang on, I'll take it from here!
Monty,: Huh? Take what?
[Snowbell pushes the branch Monty's on with Red and Lucky on further]
Monty,: Hey, c'mon Snow! You wouldn't do this to me? I'm not your old buddy?
Snowbell: Don't worry, buddy! I'm sure you'll land
[he pushes the branch further]
Monty,: No, no Snow! What're you doing?
Snowbell: On your feet!
[the branch snaps sending Red, Lucky and Monty into the water, all three cats screaming and splash in the water]