The Best Stan Shunpike Quotes

Harry: [in reference to Sirius Black on the front cover of the Daily Prophet] Who is that? That man?
Stan: Who is that?... Who is... THAT is Sirius Black that is! Don't tell me you've never been hearing of Sirius Black?
[Harry shakes his head]
Stan: He's a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it.
Harry: How did he escape?
Stan: Well that's the question, isn't it? He's the first one who did it. He was a big supporter of You-Know-Who. Reckon you've heard of him?
Harry: Yeah... him I've heard of.

Stan: What you doin' down there?
Harry: I fell over.
Stan: What you fell over for?
Harry: I didn't do it on purpose.
Stan: Well come on then! Let's not wait for the grass to grow!

Stan: Take her away, Ern.
Shrunken: [With a Jamaican accent] Yeah, take it away, Ernie! Fasten your safety belts, clench your buttocks! It's going be a bumpy ride!