20 Best Star Trek: Short Treks Quotes

Spock: Am I becoming an annoyance?

Tribbles: We're pregnant... with flavor!

Craft: You're a good woman. Always doing nice things for me. Anybody ever do something nice for you?

Harry: Maybe if you were a little taller, you wouldn't get lost so often.

Zora: Taco Tuesday. Now, before you ask, a taco is a bundle of savory protein folded into a carbohydrate sleeve. Originally from Earth's Mexico region.
Craft: I see. What's a Tuesday?

Admiral: With less than two weeks under your command, the Cabot science vessel saw an onboard experiment go beyond your control. One crew member was tragically lost, and the ship itself suffered a total and complete structural failure. And then of course, a genetically modified species managed to find its way to the surface of Pragine 64, forcing the evacuation of an entire civilization. And we've just gotten word these creatures have made their way into Klingon space, so let's add a diplomatic crisis to all of this. But according to your report, this entire calamity was all caused by one crew member. How do you explain that?
Captain: He was an idiot.

Spock: What are the three most salient facts about Captain Pike?
Number: One, his capacity for hearing out another point of view is exceeded only by his willingness to change his own once he's heard you out. Two, even though he is the most heavily decorated fighting captain in Starfleet, he views resorting to force as an admission of failure. And three... he is utterly unsentimental except when it comes to horses.

Saru: I saw hope, in the stars. It was stronger than fear. And I went towards it.

Harry: If I had any money, I'd be sipping jippers on a beach somewhere!

Captain: You got this job because you are a brilliant scientist. But you're gonna find that not everybody's on your level, if you know what I mean.
Captain: You're right. Some are gonna be even better than me.
Captain: There's that optimism again.

Number: When you beamed aboard, Ensign, were you... smiling? I didn't know that was something Vulcans could do.

Tevrin: Transportation of stolen goods, and one count of... penetrating a space whale?
Harry: You kind of had to be there.

Zora: I scanned the pod's media log. It was equipped with a library of 542,000 media files. You watched one of them 811 times, suggesting that...
Craft: I couldn't figure out how to turn it off.

Edward: Well, when you mix human DNA with tribble DNA, crazy stuff happens.
Captain: Sorry, you used human DNA?
Edward: Yeah.
Sarah: Whose DNA?
Edward: Look, I think we're getting off track, all right? I mean, if we all eat our fair share of these, the population will even itself out.
Captain: Edward! Whose DNA?
Edward: It was mine. But, like Noel's DNA would be any better?

Edward: I've been working with sample specimens from a species native to Iota Geminorium IV, tribleustes ventricosus. People call them "Tribbles" for short.
Captain: Aw. Pretty darn cute.
Edward: Yeah, and if you, uh, take all the fur off, underneath, it's all meat, like a scallop. Blood red.
Captain: You want to eat them?
Edward: I - I don't want to eat them. I was thinking of introducing them as a food source for the Calations. Although, I have eaten one or two, um, for research purposes. I fed one to Noel the other day and he enjoyed it.

Sylvia: There was a hormonal space rabbit. He escaped from the lab and then he got loose in here... He's got mood swings.

Edward: So even if they were intelligent, I feel like they would be very easy to capture and then eat.
Captain: No, I was more concerned with the moral implications.
Edward: For the tribble? Well, sure. I could, uh, genetically manipulate the DNA to make them all brain-damaged. And that way, that would, um, uh, solve that.

Number: This is the advice I'd give to anyone whose ultimate goal is command.
Spock: That is not my goal, sir.
Number: Bullshit. No one endures two solid years on quantum-stochastic combat modeling because they want to sling a tricorder for the rest of their lives.

Harry: Your enemies will be positively green with envy
[notices that his captor has green skin]
Harry: Greener.

Sylvia: When the people who are supposed to care about you don't listen to you, it's it's frightening and it's lonely and it makes you feel like you're crazy or like you're like, not even there.