The Best Craft Quotes

Craft: Zora? I don't know where you are or exactly what you are. I don't know if I'll make it home or what I'll find when I'll get there. But I know you saved my life, healed my body. You reminded me what it means to be Human...
Zora: Please, Craft. No poignant ironies. This is hard enough already.
Craft: Then I'll just say goodbye.
Zora: Craft. On your world, if we were lovers, would you tell me your name, your true name?
Craft: If we were lovers on my world, you would give me my true name.
Zora: Oh, well, then I already did.

Craft: You're a good woman. Always doing nice things for me. Anybody ever do something nice for you?

Zora: Taco Tuesday. Now, before you ask, a taco is a bundle of savory protein folded into a carbohydrate sleeve. Originally from Earth's Mexico region.
Craft: I see. What's a Tuesday?

Zora: I scanned the pod's media log. It was equipped with a library of 542,000 media files. You watched one of them 811 times, suggesting that...
Craft: I couldn't figure out how to turn it off.