The Best The Invisible Man Quotes

Adrian: Surprise.

Adrian: [after Cecilia contacts Adrian and sets up a meeting at his house] Wow, you look amazing. I mean, you've always, you always look amazing.
Cecilia: I don't feel amazing. It's all a lie.
Adrian: So I wanted to get us some simple takeout but of course, I started obsessing over what you'd be in the mood for. Hence, we have the OCD buffet of sushi, steak, and pasta. Or you might not be hungry at all. Uh, which is so logical that it suddenly makes this feast look moronic.
Cecilia: I'll have steak.
Adrian: That's a good choice.
[as they sit at the dinner table to eat]
Adrian: My hands shaking. You know you're the only person in the world who gets to see my hand shake. it's because I need you Cecilia I know I didn't treat you the way you should have been treated when we were together. But I've learned my lesson. I would burn everything I own just to prove that to you.
Cecilia: If you want to be a part of this child's life, it has to start with honesty.
Adrian: Of course.
Cecilia: Which means I need you to admit everything that you did. That it was you. Not your brother. You
Adrian: Cecilia, I loved my brother. And I thought he loved me too. I know it didn't seem like it to the outside world, but Tom controlled me.
Cecilia: Just tell me the truth. I need to know that I'm not crazy, okay? And we can't start this with a lie.
Adrian: But I'm not starting with a lie. It wasn't me. I swear it.
Cecilia: Why can't you just tell me the truth?
Adrian: I am.
Cecilia: Adrian, stop! I need you to do this for me.
[James is shown sitting in his car listening in on their conversation over a wire]
Cecilia: more than that, do it for you, Adrian.
Adrian: I'm giving you exactly what you're asking for, Cecilia. I am telling you the truth.
[She begins to cry, Adrian goes over to comfort her]
Adrian: Oh, no, no, no. I know that you feel like you're going insane sometimes but I'm the only one who can help you. Remember? Because I know you better than anyone else in the world. I mean, that shouldn't come as a surprise.
[He smiles at her knowingly]
Cecilia: I should go clean myself up.
Adrian: Of course.
[She goes to the bathroom]

Adrian: You think you're learning how to beat me, so I'm going to truly teach you something. If you fight me, I won't ever hurt you. I'll find someone you love and hurt them instead. Now you've only got yourself to blame for that innocent young girl's death.
Cecilia: No, please! Not Sydney. Adrian, no.

Cecilia: James. Tell me you don't think I did this. Tell me you know that. I may as well have done it, though.
[James shakes his head]
Cecilia: I brought Adrian into her life. I did that.
James: I shouldn't have walked out on you and left you alone. I failed you.

Cecilia: [as she's about to use the pen she stole to cut her wrist] You won't get the baby. And you won't get me.
[she starts to cut her wrist, but Adrian grabs her hand]
Cecilia: There you are.
[she uses the pen to stab him repeatedly, causing the suit to malfunction]
Cecilia: Fuck you!

Cecilia: [Emily comes to visit Cecilia at James's house] This is not fair. I asked you not to come over. He knows where you live. He will follow you.
Emily: Yes, well, I have some news.
Cecilia: There is no news that justifies this. Okay I have a plan. And I just, I need you to go along with it, and just not being in control for one second.
Emily: I'm not trying to control you, boo. I'm desperately trying to tell you that you don't need to cut me off anymore. Because he's dead.
Cecilia: What?
[after finding out Adrian died from an apparent suicide]
Cecilia: it just doesn't make any sense. He was in complete control of everything, you know? Including me. He controlled how I looked, and what I wore, and what I ate. And then it was controlling when I left the house, and what I said. And eventually, what I thought. And if he didn't like what he assumed I was thinking, he would...
James: He'd what? He would hit you?
Cecilia: Amongst other things. He wanted to have a baby. And I knew that if we did that, that I would never be able to get away from him. So I took birth control without him knowing it. But, um, that can only go on for so long, so I called you.
Emily: Hey. You are here with us now. And you're safe. He's gone.

Cecilia: [to Tom] You're just the jellyfish version of him. Everything but the spine.

Cecilia: He said that wherever I went, he would find me, walk right up to me, and I wouldn't be able to see him.

Adrian: [points gun at guard while invisible] Bang!
[walks away from guard and shoots him from behind]

Emily: [after Cecilia's sister, Emily, arrives to pick up Cecilia] Cecilia, what is going on? Are you okay?
Cecilia: I'll explain later. Just go, Emily. Go.
[suddenly Adrian's shows up and bangs on the car window]
Adrian: Open the fucking door, Cecilia!
Emily: What is happening?
Adrian: Open the door!
[Adrian smashes the car window and Emily quickly drives off, then Adrian sees the bottle of Diazepam that Cecilia dropped]

Cecilia: [as Cecilia leaves Adrian's house in the middle of the night, she sees Adrian's dog, Zeus] Zeus, I'm sorry. I can't take you with me. I'm sorry. Shit.
[referring to his shock collar]
Cecilia: I'm not going to leave you with that thing on. Okay. Come here.
[as she tries to remove the collar]
Cecilia: It's okay. Good boy. There you go.
[as she removes the collar, Zeus bumps into Adrian's car, setting off the alarm]

[last lines]
James: Hey, hey. You okay?
Cecilia: It's okay...
James: You okay? What...
Cecilia: I'm okay. I'm okay. James, look at me. I'm okay. He killed himself. He cut his own throat. There's security camera video of it.
[James sees Cecilia carrying the invisibility suit in her bag making a soft and rabid clicking sound]
James: You never did want to get him to admitting anything on tape, did you?
Cecilia: Of course I did. I just didn't know he was that unstable.
[James is staring at Cecilia]
Cecilia: You heard it, right? James? What'd it sound like to you?
James: [hesitating] It sounded a lot like he killed himself.
[Cecilia and James pat each other as Cecilia walks away and James look on. Cecilia leaves with Zeus and the suit. After walking away, Cecilia stops and closes her eyes, ending the movie]

Cecilia: [after invisibly making Adrian cut his own throat] Surprise.

Tom: It's upsetting to see you in this condition. Even though things ended badly for you and Adrian, I still look at you as family.
Cecilia: Are you my lawyer now?
Tom: I'm your lawyer for your source of income. I represent my brother's trust. The money from his trust was payable to you, conditional upon you being subject to criminal charges of any kind, or being ruled to be mentally incompetent. Now in light of your current situation, it's my duty to inform you that any further payments are to be halted. I know that you set up a bank account for a friend of yours to go to college, so I take no pleasure in relaying that.
Cecilia: I used to feel sorry for you. The blood relative of a narcissist sociopath. Permanent punching bag. Handcuffed to his wallet. But now I can see you for what you really are. You're just the jellyfish version of him. Everything but the spine.
Tom: I mean you can try to litigate it. But that's going to be an expensive option, I can't see it working. However if you sign this document, and forfeit your share of the trust, it'll be a lot cleaner. Or there's one option where this all goes away. Agree to have the baby, and you go back to him. You really think he didn't know you were really usually birth control? Of course he did. You should have known he find out. You knew him as well as I did. He replaced them with something else. You only thought you were taking birth control pills. He was always going to find you, no matter what he had to do. He needs you because you don't need him. No one's ever left him before. But he's punished you enough now. Now that he knows you're the mother of his child. It's time to stop playing games. A new life with him can be given to you one phone call. A life just like your old one with Adrian. Cecilia, you don't really have a choice right now. Right now you're a murderer. But I can change that.
Cecilia: Adrian killed my sister, and you help him!
[She grabs one of Tom's pens as he's distracted picking up the documents she threw to the floor]
Tom: I don't expect you to make a decision right now. I can come back in three days. Be good to yourself until then. We'll be watching.

[Cecilia goes to see Emily for help]
Cecilia: Hey.
Emily: Hey.
Cecilia: Emily, I need to talk to you.
Emily: Well, at least now we have clarity. Now I know what you really think of me.
Cecilia: What?
Emily: Thanks so much for carving out the time to let me know how - quote, unquote - "suffocating" I am to you.
Cecilia: What? What are you...
Emily: Not that I should have to say this, but I never expected any of that money.
Cecilia: Emily, I-I don't... I don't know what you're talking about.
Emily: The e-mail - the e-mail you sent me this morning.
Cecilia: What e-mail?
Emily: If that's how you feel about me, don't ask me to bail you out of your personal life anymore. If you're too stupid to know who the good guys are and too weak to get away from the bad ones, don't sob to me for charity. I'm out.
Cecilia: I didn't send you the fucking e-mail. I didn't. Someone is-is-is doing this to me. He's-he's doing this to me.
Emily: Who's... Adrian?
Emily: Adrian sent me the e-mail. Okay.
Emily: You need some medication. Adrian is dead.
Cecilia: Em, please, no.
[Emily closes and locks the door on Cecilia]