Top 50 Quotes From Superman

The: Hello, Superman. What brings you to Boston?
Superman: Omega level situation.
The: [to his assistant] Katie, please inform the front office that I'm gonna be, uh... out for a while.

Batman: [after the League has just brought down Brainiac's Skull Ship] That was too easy.
Shayera: Easy? Then, I guess I must have gone to the wrong fight.
Superman: No, he's right. Brainiac isn't here. He suckered us!

[Superman and Huntress break into the room where Dr. Moon has been torturing Question. Seeing them, Moon draws a gun]
Superman: Don't be stupid. Drop it.
[Moon hesitates, then drops the gun]
Huntress: Sorry, not good enough!
[punches him unconscious]

Sroya: [Reporting] This has been the scene all over the world. In the wake of Darkseid's defeat, his attacking forces have withdrawn, persumably back to wherever it is they came from.
Superman: Thanks to Luthor, of all people.
J'onn: In many ways, Lex Luthor represents the worst mankind has to offer.
Superman: But he died saving us all.
Batman: I doubt either of them died.
Superman: We saw it this time.
The: You saw it last time too.
Green: What's the old saying? Believe half of what you see...
Shayera: ...And none of what you hear. They'll be back.
J'onn: And we'll be ready for them.

Lex: Did you really think you could take me down all by yourself?
Amanda: Actually, yeah. But on the off chance I might have been wrong...
[Luthor turns and sees the Leaguers standing there]
Flash: Ta-da.
Superman: It's over, Lex.
Lex: Not until I...
[Luthor suddenly screams in pain, as pistons extend from his back and his hands turn into tentacles]
Lex: I had hoped to remain hidden until I could install myself into the android...
[a familiar face appears within Luthor's stomach]
Brainiac: ...But you forced my hand.
Superman: Brainiac!

Batman: You want me to *what*?
Wonder: Turn yourself over to US authority, along with the rest of us.
Flash: Okay, that makes sense.
Superman: Meet us at the coordinates I'm sending you. We should all go over together.
Batman: This is the single dumbest plan I've ever heard! If you're feeling guilty, clear your own name! Don't stand on the sidelines waiting for someone else to do it!
Wonder: We've already voted. Five in favor.
Flash: Six.
Wonder: You have to come with us, Bruce.
Batman: I don't 'have' to do anything! I'm a part-timer, remember!
[Batman ends transmission]
Wonder: ...Actually, he took it a lot better than I'd expected.

Superman: Until it's been proven that we aren't responsible for the tragedy in New Mexico, the founding members are turning ourselves into U.S. custody.
[other JLA members protest]
Superman: [holding up his hand to ask for quiet] Cooperate fully with the investigation. Give them whatever they ask for.
Supergirl: But, Clar... Superman.
Superman: Hold the fort, Kara. We're counting on you. All of you.

Superman: Come on, Bruce, I know a burger place in Metropolis that has the best fries on the east coast. And the milkshakes are so thick...
[Deadman takes control of Superman's body]
Superman: I need your help!
Wonder: That's pretty thick!

Lex: You don't understand.
Superman: [pushing him away] Out of my way, Lex. I don't know what's down there, but...
Captain: Hey, guys, guys. Let's take it easy, okay?
Lex: Captain Marvel, thank heaven you're here. He just won't listen. He...
Superman: You don't have x-ray vision. I do. There's some sort of device buried beneath us, and I'm shutting it down.
Lex: [trying to stop him] No! If you touch it, it could go off.
Captain: Go off?
Superman: So you admit you put a bomb under this city?
Lex: Not a bomb. An experimental fusion engine. It'll supply nearly free energy to everyone who lives here.
Captain: See?
Superman: Then why the lead shielding?
Lex: It's for your protection. The engine creates energy through controlled fusion of kryptonite molecules.
Captain: See?
Superman: And why didn't you tell me this?
Lex: Maybe... maybe I was afraid you wouldn't believe me.
Captain: Let's call the Atom or Steel to check the device over, see if what Luthor says is true.
Lex: At least someone here is keeping a cool head.

[as Amazo approaches Earth]
Superman: What do you want?
Amazo: Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answer?
Superman: Luthor.
Amazo: Of course.
Superman: We're not going to give him up.
Amazo: He is your enemy. You owe him nothing.
Superman: Turn-back-*now*.
Amazo: I have developed far beyond what I was before. You do not want to challenge me.
[the entire League attacks]

Superman: [about Amazo] We let him out of the tower now?
Dr. Fate: I'm curious to see how you would dissuade him.

Captain: You're my biggest fan.
Superman: Excuse me?
Captain: I-I mean I'm YOUR biggest fan! Sorry, sir, it's... uh... it's a little overwelming meeting you.

Phil: America is a nation of second chances. And no one embodies that concept more than tonight's guest, once viewed as, shall we say, a less than admirable member of our society.
Lex: [chuckling] Oh, much less, I'm afraid.
Phil: Lex Luthor has transformed himself into a respected and admired presidential candidate, and we're delighted to welcome him to "The O'Bannon Agenda".
Lex: Thank you, Phil. But I'm not here tonight as a campaigner. I'm here to talk about something far bigger than mere politics.
Phil: And that would be?
Lex: My newest project: Lexor City. A fully functional urban paradise built for low-income Americans in search of that second chance you were just talking about.
Phil: Let's be straight here, Lex. There are people out there right now rollin' their eyes. They're sayin' that Lex Luthor hasn't changed, that he can't be trusted.
Lex: Heh. Can't say I blame them. But people can change. Take Hawkgirl, for instance.
Phil: You take her.
Lex: [chuckling] Now, Phil...
Captain: Hey, what you watchin'?
Superman: Shh.
Lex: My point is, yes, she betrayed the Justice League; yes, as a consequence of her actions, the Thanagarians almost destroyed our planet, but seeing as how the League has welcomed her back into the fold, they've apparently forgiven her and offered her a second chance.
Phil: They've taken a lot of heat for that decision.
Lex: Maybe they're being naive. Some might say dangerously so. Or maybe they just want to give her a chance to redeem herself. According to Captain Marvel, they're giving me the same benefit of the doubt. And believe me, I intend to make the most of it.

Superman: [overpowering Billy Batson] Fight's over, son!

Darkseid: You still try to fight. Can't you see that it's hopeless?
Superman: That man won't quit as long as he can still draw a breath. None of my teammates will. Me? I've got a different problem. I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always taking constant care not to break something. To break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone could die.
[Darkseid tries to attack, but Superman knocks him back]
Superman: But you can take it, can't ya, big man? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose, and show you just how powerful I really am!

Superman: Why are you... why is everyone defending Captain Marvel?
Batman: We like him. He's... sunny.

Mongul: You should have stayed in whatever happy fantasy the Black Mercy granted you!
[they fight, Mongul hits Superman through the floor. They land at the base of Statues of Jor-El and Lara]
Superman: HAPPY? Do you know what I've LOST? What I've...
[looks up at the statues of his parents]

Green: Some kid, huh? Today's her 21st birthday, but she'd rather be here practicing than go out into town with me and Dinah.
Superman: Good for her.
Green: Hey, at least we want to spend some time with her. You ever think about how she must feel? She's always an outsider.
Superman: I know a little bit about that myself, Ollie.
Green: Just a little. You came to Earth as a baby, grew up here. Kara spent most of her life on a planet with technology hundreds of years ahead of ours. Se's gotta feel like she's trapped in the Stone Age.
Superman: I've tried to make her feel at home.
Green: How? Seems to me like you treat her just like another cape.
Superman: I was never happy about Kara going into the family business, but now that she's decided it's what she wants to do, I've tried to step back and let her develop into her own person. I didn't want her living in the shadow of being "Superman's cousin".
Green: This may shock you, but she's proud to be your cousin. She even changed her costume to look more like yours.
Superman: Yes... I'm very proud. But don't tell her.
Green: No, that's a job for Superman.

Superman: Is everything okay?
Wonder: Well, I'm sort of missing Flash's obligatory joke about how Grodd made a monkey out of us.
Superman: Just couldn't let it go unsaid.
Wonder: Obligatory!

Supergirl: [Watching a recording of Supergirl] Tell Ma and Pa I love them. And, I love you too, Clark. Don't take this the wrong way, but I've found a place where I can make a difference. Where I'm more than Superman's kid cousin. I... I feel I belong here. Also, I met this boy.
Green: You should had seen her. She was amazing.
Green: She's a grown woman now, capable of choosing...
Superman: Kara's headstrong, but she's always made good decisions. I trust her judgement. But you were right, Ollie. I wish I had told her.
Green: It's okay, Clark. She knows.
Superman: Now, this boy Kara likes so much, does he have a name?
[John and Ollie go silent. Both too scared to tell Clark that Kara's fallen in love with a Brainiac]

Lex: It's the most ambitious project I've ever been a part of. A fully functional city to house those most in need. Just think of it, ladies and gentlemen, 30,000 people who never again have to worry about a roof over their heads, about a safe, clean environment for their children. 30,000 people...
[getting choked up]
Lex: I'm sorry. But this... this is truly the greatest day of my life.
Superman: I never knew you had such a sentimental streak, Lex.
Lex: Oh, there's so much about me you don't know, Superman.

Batman: You're wasting time! Go in as a ghost. Find the central control and shut down the shield generator. We'll follow as soon as we can.
Superman: Yeah, okay!
[Deadman leaves Superman's body]
Superman: have to eat them with a spoon. What am I doing in Africa?

Batman: You were a little hard on the Boy Scout, don't you think?
Superman: I thought I was the Boy Scout?
Batman: I did too, 'til I met Captain Marvel.

Android: We've lost their trust.
[punches Superman]
Android: The people are afraid of us! Power corrupts after all, and who has more power than *Superman*?

The: [a general has just taken away a doomsday machine that nearly destroyed Earth] Amazing. Show him a weapon that destroyed its creators and every other thing it saw, and he wants to play with it. What's to stop history from repeating itself here on Earth?
Superman: We are.

Captain: Is it me, or are the world conquerors getting mouthy?
Superman: He's from Apokalips. They're all pretty chatty.

Superman: Did Cadmus create you?
[Doomsday doesn't answer]
Superman: J'onn?
The: I can't read his mind. His brain's been altered to resist me.
Superman: You don't owe them anything. They manipulated you and then tried to kill you.
Doomsday: So I keep hearing.
Superman: From who?
Doomsday: All you need to know is that I will get free, and I will kill you.
Superman: If that's your final word...
[Superman gets a Phantom Zone projector out]
Superman: I only use this as a last resort. It's going to send you to another dimension. You won't be hurt, but you also won't hurt anyone else again.
Doomsday: You'll wish you'd killed me.

Superman: What have we done?
J'onn: We haven't done anything. An outside force took control of the binary fusion generator. Whoever's behind that is responsible for the destruction of Cadmus, not us.
Superman: Tell that to all those people in New Mexico. They're terrified of us, so is the government.
Green: We can't let that stop us from doing our job. We aren't here to be liked. We're here to make the world a safer place.
Superman: How are we doing so far today?
Green: Come on, man.
Wonder: I don't see the two goals as mutually exclusive. We should make a gesture of cooperation.
Superman: That's not a bad idea.
Wonder: We could dismantle the binary fusion generator, at least until our innocence has been proven.
Green: I've seen it on a hundred worlds. Space-based weapons always destabilize planetary politics.
Wonder: Okay, getting rid of that thing is a start, but it's not going to be enough. We have to regain their trust.
Superman: Then there's only one thing to do.

[Superman addresses the first assembly of the new expanded League]
Superman: Each of you brings something different to the table: strength, speed, stealth, whatever. But we all have one important thing in common. Each of us is willing to make the sacrifices a hero needs to make, including the ultimate one. Since there are so many of us, we can do more than just put out fires, both literal and figurative. We can be proactive, we have a chance to do real good in the world. But we're going to have to work together. J'onn will be up here keeping an eye on things. He's the one who'll decide who's going where, and when. I know that some of you are used to making those decisions yourself, but we have to be more coordinated than that. We can't just be cowboys anymore. Or cowgirls.

Superman: This is the hardest thing I've ever had to say: I'm guilty, we're guilty of the sin of hubris. We had the best of intentions to be Earth's guardians, to keep you safe, but we failed you. We look down at the world from our tower in the sky, and let our power and responsibility seperate us from the very people we were suppose to protect. No one should ever be afraid of us. For that reason, we're decommissioning the Watchtower. The energy weapon up there is already gone. We're taking down the station as well.
[the crowd appears stunned]
Superman: There's more. We want to thank the members of the Justice League for your courageous service, but in the future, you'll all have to act as independent agents. We're not going to be an army anymore. As of right now, we're disbanding the Justice Leauge. This is the end.

Steel: Whatever abducted them didn't leave any traceable energy signature.
Superman: Maybe Dr. Fate or Zatanna?
[the Legion time bubble appears, returning Green Arrow and Green Lantern]
Superman: Where's Kara?
Green: [giving him a futuristic box] She asked us to give you this.

Hawkgirl: [after Lex escapes from custody] Why would you even try to move a prisoner that dangerous without calling us?
Agent: Maybe because we thought we could do our jobs without help from the mighty Justice League.
Hawkgirl: And yet here we are.
Superman: Okay, Shayera, what's done is done. Let's see if we can pick up his trail. Aztek?
Aztek: [scanning a brick wall] The wall's submolecular integrity has been compromised.
Hawkgirl: Leptons showing residual weak-force interactions?
Aztek: Yeah. How did you know?
Superman: It's a common energy signature of matter-phasing technology. I assume it doesn't leave a trail?
Hawkgirl: No such luck. Maybe Aztek could...
Agent: You guys want some coffee? Apparently, I got nothing better to do here.
Superman: Sorry, we got caught up in the work.

Superman: I've had enough energy blasts.
[restrains Captain Atom's hands with a pipe. Captain Atom blasts Superman again]

Aquaman: [regarding Wind Dragon's speech] He's certainly... earnest.
Superman: I think the word is "corny."

Booster: Fame and fortune don't come your way when you're on crowd control.
Skeets: I disagree. Crowd control can be a very rewarding experience, sir. You'll see.
Booster: [hearing an explosion, they see Superman land nearby] Superman! Are you okay?
[as he gets to his feet, it's revealed he and Batman have fused together]
Batman,8109: [with Wonder Woman's voice] I'm fine. Get back to crowd control.
Skeets: Maybe that's not such a bad idea.

Superman: [possessed by Deadman] A bunch of supervillains busted into Nanda Parbat and stole a mystic totem filled with the souls of hundreds of monks. And they killed the master.
Wonder: [Bruce leans over and supports himself on a table] Batman?
Superman: He knew the master even before I did.
Batman: He was one of my martial arts teachers.
Superman: [flexing his biceps] With all the power in this body, it'd be easy to punish the men responsible. If I could find them.
Batman: That's not the master's way. Or yours. We'll find them, and we'll see that justice is done. Not vengeance.
Superman: Yeah. Fun to think about, though.

Doomsday: [Superman attempts to lobotomize Doomsday with heat vision] Ah, ah, ah. Can't beat me the same way twice!
Superman: Then I guess I'll need a bigger fire!
[Superman tosses Doomsday into the volcano]

[Flash taps into the Speed Force to defeat Luthor, then rises, crackling with energy]
The: I feel kinda... funny.
[He disappears]
Wonder: Flash!
[the League stares in horror, and Luthor chuckles weakly]
Lex: What do you know? I did kill him.
[He looks up and sees Superman]
Lex: I was mistaken earlier. I think this is the part where you kill me.
[Superman picks him with one arm and holds him at arm's length with eyes glowing. Wonder Woman starts forward, but Batman holds her back. After a moment Superman's eyes stop glowing, and he leans his face close to Luthor's]
Superman: I'm not the man who killed President Luthor. Right now, I wish to heaven that I were. But I'm not.

Superman: My X-ray vision can't penetrate the walls, but I'm seeing a rapidly growing heat signature in the infrared range.
Wonder: You don't need supervision for that. Can't you feel the heat?
[the Cadmus building explodes, revealing a giant construct and the now fused Luthor/Brainiac]
Lex: Welcome, Justice League. You're just in time for the end of the world.

Supergirl: [Captain Atom recovers in the infirmary] What happened?
Superman: Cadmus turned him against us.
Supergirl: No way. He'd never do that.
Superman: But he did, and so did Professor Hamilton. Hamilton's working for Cadmus. He's probably the one who...
Supergirl: Cloned me. Why?
Superman: He was afraid of us. I'm sorry, Kara.
Supergirl: Don't be. Just tell me when we're gonna go and shut them down.
Superman: One stop first. Wait here.

Darkseid: Still alive. You impress me, Kryptonian. More, your valor has touched my heart. Oh yes, there is still some small part of me that knows mercy. I will end your pain with something special I've been saving for just this occasion.
[takes out a Kryptonite knife]
Darkseid: I'm going to carve out your heart and put it on a pike in my throne room.
Lex: As much as I'd enjoy seeing that, first you got some business with me.
[Luthor approaches Darkseid, donning his buisness suit]
Lex: Sorry it took me so long, I had to go get my power suit.
Darkseid: You dare challenge me? Insanity.
Lex: Oh, I'm not here to challenge you, Darkseid. Quite the contrary. I've got something you want.
[Reaches into his coat pocket, pulling out a spiraling, bright, glowing mass]
Lex: The only thing you want.
Darkseid: The Anti-Life Equation...
Lex: My gift to you.
[Darkseid reaches for it, Luthor placing his hand over Darkseid's as the Anti-Life Equation starts to engulf the two in light]
Superman: Lex, don't!
Batman: [Bholds Superman back] It's too late!
Darkseid: It's beautiful, isn't it?
Lex: Yes... yes, it is.

Superman: [possessed by Deadman] Gorilla City?
Wonder: A hidden city of talking, hyper-intelligent gorillas, with technology far beyond anything humans have developed.
Superman: Come on!
Wonder: You're a ghost from the Himalayas, having trouble believing this?
Superman: Point.

Superman: [weapons-grade kryptonite is stolen from S.T.A.R. Labs] So?
Batman: The lock was nano-picked. LexCorp technology.
Superman: Then Luthor...
Batman: Which anyone could have gotten their hands on. Or, for that matter, planted here to incriminate Luthor.
Superman: You know it was him.
Batman: I'm not entirely convinced. This is pretty sloppy for Lex.
Superman: He's the most arrogant human being on the planet. He wants us to know.
Batman: Maybe.
Superman: Maybe?
Batman: I'll go to the Watchtower. See if the Atom can find something I missed.
Superman: Since when do you miss anything?
Batman: Since when do you jump to conclusions without evidence? Go to that charity event tonight. You'll help raise some money and keep an eye on our elusive Mr. Luthor.

[the League battles against Brainiac's android versions of the Justice Lords; as Superman battles the Lorder Superman]
[the android Superman morphs into Luthor]
Lex: This is the part where you kill me, right?
[Superman hesitates]
Lex: Go on, use your heat-vision. You know you want to.

Superman: [referring to the remains of the Dark Heart] I don't suppose you need any help destroying that? Wouldn't want that technology falling into the wrong hands.
General: We can learn a lot from it. It almost beat the Justice League, after all.
Wonder: Why would you need something to do that, General?
General: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because it turns out that the Justice League has had a secret space-based weapon of mass destruction all along. And we're going to be talking about that some day, believe me. Ma'am.

Lex: After this, it's back to business as usual.
Superman: Wouldn't have it any other way.

Superman: [possessed by Deadman] I need your help on a mission of vengeance. Now, don't be alarmed, but I'm not Superman. I'm...
Batman: A ghost, inhabiting his body. Is that you, Boston?
Superman: Hiya, Bats.
[to Diana]
Superman: When I'm working, people call me Deadman.
Wonder: You know this... ghost?
Superman: Yeah, Batman helped me solve my own murder a while back. Now I need your help again.
Wonder: If you hurt Superman, I'll...
Superman: Relax. He doesn't even know I'm in here.
Batman: We can't see or hear him otherwise. Once he leaves, Superman will be fine.
Superman: It's like he says.
Batman: Why are you still around? I thought once your murder was solved, your exile was ended.
Superman: You and me both. You know how they say "no good deed goes unpunished"? I guess I shot my mouth off to the wrong deity.

Superman: You fought a good fight. Stay down.
Captain: I can't do that, Superman.

Superman: Have you read the papers today?
Captain: Just the comics. "Snorkel the Squirrel" was hilarious. He's looking for his nuts, right? And then Berkeley - that's this wacky bear - he...
[Superman shows him the front page of the Daily Planet, with the headline "Captain Marvel endorses Luthor for President!"]
Captain: Holy moly.
Superman: When you joined this team, you became something more than just a hero.
Captain: I know that, sir, but...
Superman: [holding up his hand to stop him] You became a symbol, a symbol that represents all of us.
Captain: Yes, sir.
Superman: We don't play favorites, we don't sell deodorant on television...
[Flash covers his face in embarrassment]
Superman: ...and we don't get involved in politics.
Captain: Yes, sir.
Superman: And we certainly don't endorse supervillains for the presidency.
Captain: Now... now, wait a minute. I never said that I was endorsing Luthor. Just that I think it's great that someone like him can change into a good guy.
Superman: Life just isn't that simple.
Captain: Well, maybe it is sometimes!
[pounding the table]
Captain: Maybe people can change!
[seeing their looks]
Captain: Can't they?
Superman: You are not to make any more public statements without running them past the League first. Is that understood?

Agent: I'm the new liaison between the Attorney General's office and the Justice League.
Aztek: Uh, good to meet you. I'm...
Agent: Aztek. I've been well briefed on all of you. Security on Luthor's transfer was lax because it didn't seem necessary. We haven't had a peep outta him since he was arrested for that Brainiac business last summer.
Agent: He's a broken man. Just sits in his cell talking to himself.
Hawkgirl: When he's not stealing police vans, you mean?
Agent: That came out of nowhere. We had no reason to think he was an active threat.
Agent: Do what you can. Put out an APB, stake out airports, train and bus stations.
Agent: Already done, for what it's worth.
Agent: If he's sighted, don't approach him. Call in the League.
Agent: My people can handle this.
Agent: No, they can't. Your people are good. Luthor's better. And if you get a lead on him, I expect to be kept in the loop.
Superman: Of course.