Top 50 Quotes From Green Arrow

Green: I strongly advise you to stay down. These impact arrows are non-lethal, but they hurt... a lot.

Green: I think you'll make a great diplomat. Leave your sword.
Wonder: I'm serious, I really don't wanna go by myself. J'onn, how about you come along and keep me company?
J'onn: The Justice League currently has 23 active missions in progress. Only I can properly deploy what remains of our resources.

Green: Well, you bought us some time, but it still looks like we're gonna have to fight our way out of here. Changed your mind about using the scream?
Black: You don't understand. If we leave here without Wildcat, or worse, if I use my power to force him out, he'll just come back. We have to settle this the only way he understands.
Green: You're not really gonna fight him?
Black: I have to. And beat him. It's the only way to make him stop.
Green: I thought that was just you pretending again.
Black: What's that supposed to mean?
Green: Like all that flirting you did up at the Watchtower, the way you acted interested, to get me to come with you.
Black: Who said that was pretending?
Green: Oh, no. I know your game now.
Black: It's not always a game.
Green: No? Come here. Look me in the eye and say so.
[as she approaches, he sprays a green knockout gas in her face]
Green: [the door opens and Roulette enters] Don't worry. You'll still get your main event.

Green: Don't listen to this guy. Everything's conspiracies with him.
The: Not conspiracies. Conspiracy, singular.

Supergirl: So, I have to know, why'd you save me first?
Brainiac: My decision was based on pure logic.
Green: Really? 'Cause Green Lantern's the most powerful.
Brainiac: No offense, but I really don't think you could follow the reasoning of a 12th-level intellect such as my own.
Green: Guess not.

Green: [being restrained by two agents] Five minutes. That's all I need! Just give me five minutes. I'll teach this pompous jerk some manners.
Agent: Listen, Justice League or not, you will sit down and behave!
Green: You heard what he said!
Steven: Oh, dear. Did I offend you somehow, little man? My most sincere apologies.
Black: Faraday's right, Arrow. Relax. Nothing this guy can say is gonna affect me one way or the other.
Steven: Is that right? Well, then perhaps you won't mind explaining how a lovely young lady like you ends up with a nobody like him. Were all the real men in the Justice League already taken?
Black: [she narrows her eyes; cut to them leaving the house] I hope you're proud of yourself. Now we have to do guard duty from outside.
Green: Hope I'm proud of myself? You're the one that punched him.
Black: Yeah, but... ow! It was like punching a brick wall. There's no fat on that man.
Green: [she pulls his hand out of his] Will you let me look?
[taking it back and giving it a glance]
Green: I think you'll live to punch suspects another day, pretty bird.

Supergirl: You guys get aboard that mothership and shut down the control devices.
Green: What are you gonna do?
Supergirl: Hold off John and the Legion until you snap them back to normal.
Brainiac: You won't stand a chance against them.
Supergirl: Maybe, but I'm the only one who does stand a chance of protecting the capital.

Black: What do you think you're doing?
Green: Teaching the teacher a lesson.
Black: [Wildcat beats up on Arrow] Wildcat, stop it!
Wildcat: He asked for it!
Green: So when are you gonna start, has-been?
[Wildcat beats on him as hard as he can]
Green: I don't have any powers. And you're still too old to knock me out.
Wildcat: [throwing another hard punch] You had enough, smart guy? Huh? Get up! I'm not done.

[Green Arrow and Speedy are pelting Eiling with arrows, which are having no effect]
General: You spoiled, rich little twerp!
Green: I think he means me.
Speedy: Oh. For a second, I was all mad.

Batman: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Green: "Who guards the guardians?" We've got it covered.

Batman: We sent the Lantern for you because you never gave us an answer.
Green: Come on, I don't belong up here, fighting monsters and supervillians. I just help the little guy and a big club like this, you tend to forget all about him. So, gee whiz, I'm flattered to be asked and all, but no thanks.
Batman: Suit yourself. Those monsters you don't fight? They tend to step on little guys.

Green: You're telegraphing. You gotta center yourself.
Black: Center myself. Got it.
[he catches a kick and takes her down to the mat]
Black: You're good.
Green: You should see me when I'm trying.
Black: I'd like that. In fact, I could use your help on something, but the League can't know. I'll explain once we're on the surface.
Green: I don't know. Sounds fishy.
Black: I promise, it's for a good cause. How about a wager? If I can get out of this hold, you help me.
Green: Deal.
Black: [cut to him getting thrown into a wall] I'll drive.

Green: [Brainiac crashes the Legion cruiser into the Fatal Five's mothership] I love the direct approach.
Brainiac: The rest of the mission won't be so easy. Let's move.

Sub: [to Green Arrow] What are you doing in here?
[Green Arrow knocks out the henchman]
Green: Well, for one thing, it's freezing outside.

Supergirl: So, Queen Bee and Doctor Cyber? Not much of a workout.
Green: Hear that, Ollie? Kara thinks it's too easy.
Green: Well, we wouldn't want her to get bored.

Brainiac: Kara, I don't even know you, but... history says you never returned from this battle.
Supergirl: What?
Green: And you knew that all along?
Brainiac: I'm sorry. I had hoped it wouldn't come to this. I wanted to spare her.
Supergirl: There's still a planet full of people down there who need our help. Do your job and I'm going to do mine.
Brainiac: But...
Supergirl: [kissing him] In case I don't see you again.
Green: [watching her depart] Hey, genius?
[waving his hand in front of Brainiac's face to get his attention]
Green: Hi. How about putting that big brain of yours to work on a plan to get us aboard the mothership?
Brainiac: [going to the flight controls] I'll get us in.

[Huntress and Question leap over a fence and find Green Arrow and Black Canary in their path]
Black: You're not going in that house, Huntress. That, I promise.
Huntress: I'm here on League business, Canary.
Green: That's not what J'onn said. We just called him.
Huntress: OK, that didn't work.
The: Maybe this will.
[punches Green Arrow. Huntress then attacks Black Canary]

Brainiac: What do you pilot back home?
Supergirl: Usually just a pick-up.
Brainiac: A pick-up, is that a type of star cruiser?
Green: Yes. Yes, it is.

The: Reaching back to Ancient Egypt, there's been a single cabal of powerful individuals directing the course of human history. But the common man prefers to believe they don't exist, which aids their success.
Supergirl: Global warming? Military upheavals in the third world? Actors elected to public office?
Green: The spread of coffee bars? Germs outpacing antibiotics? And boy bands? Come on! Who would gain from all this?
The: Who indeed?

[during the battle with the General, Mr. Terrific finally calls to say he's scrounged up reinforcements]
Green: You wanted Superman? You got...
[two forms materialize - the Crimson Avenger, and Speedy]
Green: ...the Crimson Avenger, and my ex-sidekick.
Speedy: [turns to him] Ex-PARTNER.
Green: Speedy, we gotta do this now?

Green: [draws his bow] Say "ah", dirtbag!

Black: Black Canary.
Green: Green Arrow. I've noticed you around.
Black: I know. You happy punching the bag or you wanna go a few rounds with me?
[he's a bit taken aback]
Black: I am talking about sparring.
Green: That'd be nice, too.

Green: Don't make me sic Black Canary on you. You've only seen her nice side so far.

Green: This whole trip might just prove the kid shouldn't eat nachos before bed.
The: Peanut butter sandwiches.
Supergirl: How did... What, do you go through my trash?
The: Please. I go through everyone's trash.

Green: Still got your Quantum Arrow?
Speedy: Yeah, but you said...
Green: This is an emergency!

General: Where's Superman?
Green: Busy. Can I help you?
General: Yeah, hold this for me!
[Eiling throws a giant piece of debris at the League members]

Steven: I am doing my best. You can't blame me for being nervous, I have enemies everywhere. Even Justice League enemies. Besides, I'm ravaged by hunger. Feed me and I shall squeal on all manner of former associates. Speaking of squealing, Black Canary, I notice you can't take your eyes off of me. One can hardly blame you. Perhaps after Agent Faraday helps absolve me of my alleged crimes, I could put you in a cage and have you sing for me.
Green: Listen, you giant tub of...!
Agent: Green Arrow, may I remind you that you're here strictly in a security capacity?
Steven: Yes, why don't you go and fetch me another four platters of oysters like a good little leprechaun? I'm sure your girlfriend and I will have much to discuss while you're gone. I like my oysters sweet, by the way. Sweet and juicy.
Black: Let him talk, Arrow. With all the enemies he's made, he never knows if he's eating his last meal.
[Mandragora laughs heartily]

[Black Canary and Green Arrow are chasing Huntress and The Question on her motorcycle]
Green: You're not supposed to drive when you're angry.
Black: They're heading towards the waterfront. Hang on!
Green: It's so funny you think you have to tell me that.

Green: Some kid, huh? Today's her 21st birthday, but she'd rather be here practicing than go out into town with me and Dinah.
Superman: Good for her.
Green: Hey, at least we want to spend some time with her. You ever think about how she must feel? She's always an outsider.
Superman: I know a little bit about that myself, Ollie.
Green: Just a little. You came to Earth as a baby, grew up here. Kara spent most of her life on a planet with technology hundreds of years ahead of ours. Se's gotta feel like she's trapped in the Stone Age.
Superman: I've tried to make her feel at home.
Green: How? Seems to me like you treat her just like another cape.
Superman: I was never happy about Kara going into the family business, but now that she's decided it's what she wants to do, I've tried to step back and let her develop into her own person. I didn't want her living in the shadow of being "Superman's cousin".
Green: This may shock you, but she's proud to be your cousin. She even changed her costume to look more like yours.
Superman: Yes... I'm very proud. But don't tell her.
Green: No, that's a job for Superman.

Supergirl: Just because he's seriously cute doesn't mean we should trust a Brainiac.
Green: I'm not getting a bad vibe off the kid.
Green: And apparently, neither are you. Seriously cute, huh?

Father: [the Flash returns his daughter's cat] Thank you.
The: Trim her claws and we'll call it even.
Father: Seriously, thank you for everything. I see you guys on the news all the time, and I guess we just take you for granted.
The: [shaking hands] It's a rotten situation. I'm glad we could lend a hand.
Man: If you care so much, why did you shoot at us in the first place?
The: We did... I...
Woman: What do you mean?
Man: First they shoot at us, then they come help us.
Green: It's not that simple, buddy.
Woman: I heard it was an industrial accident. Are you saying you did shoot at us?
Man: Well, I saw it! A big laser beam from the sky just like the one you guys used to shoot those alien spiders in Nevada a few months ago.
Green: It was an accident.
Man: [sarcastic] Well, that makes me feel a lot better.
The: All right, let's calm down. We'd never do anything to hurt you. You have to trust us.
Green: [the mother turns to leave] Those ships will move you to a temporary shelter. It's safer.
Woman: I'll take my chances.
Green: I'm not sure what I'm doing here anymore.
The: People need us. We help them.

Green: How's the shoulder, Diana?
Wonder: Better. The antitoxin I found in Devil Ray's belt did the trick.
King: I still don't get what all this was about.
Green: They think the Viking Prince's corpse will give them the secret of invulnerability.
J'onn: That was their plan, or as much of it as I could learn before something shut down Giganta's mind.
Wonder: Green Lantern said the same thing happened when he tried to question Metallo.
King: So these guys were working with Metallo?
J'onn: And perhaps with others. We can't leave Prince Jon's body here. Whoever else is involved will just try again.
Wonder: The legend of the Viking Prince is known even to my people. If this is really him, he deserves to be laid to rest according to tradition. I'll take care of it.
Green: Meanwhile, something's definitely not kosher. Strange thefts, supervillains with their heads hot-wired to short out if you question them. We got a real mystery developing here.
J'onn: True. But it's a mystery you'll have to solve without me.

Superman: [entering the Watchtower control room with Supergirl] Give me one good reason not to go down there and take them out.
J'onn: If you didn't know the answer, you wouldn't have bothered to ask.
Superman: Don't handle me, J'onn! I'm serious!
J'onn: We don't have hard evidence that they've committed any crimes.
Superman: Oh, come on! You know they're dirty!
Oliver: Then maybe we should put more effort into proving it and less into acting like a bunch of hyperthyroid stormtroopers.
Superman: I don't remember asking you for your opinion!
Oliver: No? How about when you guys hijacked me up here against my will and made me join this team? Batman said I was supposed to keep you guys honest.
Superman: [menacingly] Do I look like Batman to you?
The: Actually, you kinda do. Especially when you're all scowly like that.
Superman: We can't let Cadmus get away with it.
J'onn: No one's saying we should, but we have to keep a cool head.
Supergirl: Do you know what they did to me?
Oliver: Look, kid, Hamilton's a piece of garbage, and Luthor's worse. But this isn't the way to stop them.
J'onn: We must also consider the possibility that Cadmus is right to be afraid of us...
Supergirl: [outraged] What?
J'onn: ...*and* there's strong evidence of Cadmus having legitimate connections to the government.
Superman: Maybe, to some rogue black-ops group. The real government wouldn't get involved in anything like this.
Oliver: Hey, I'm the only guy in the room who doesn't have superpowers, and let me tell you, you guys scare me. What if you do decide to go marching down there, taking care of whoever you think is guilty? Who could stop you? Me?
Supergirl: So you *want* the government to have a bunch of superhuman weapons just to keep us in check?
Oliver: No - I don't know - Yeah!
[regains composure]
Oliver: Look, I'm an old lefty. The government must do for people what people can't do for themselves. The people sure can't protect themselves from the likes of us.
Superman: We're not talking about the government. We're talking about a shadow cabinet that's taken it upon themselves to eliminate us! They came after us, we have to hit them back hard!
The: Grammy Flash always used to say the trouble with "an eye for an eye" is that everybody ends up blind.

Green: [aware that Kara and Brainiac are attracted to each other] I'm gonna raid this dump, see if I can't upgrade my arrows with some future tech. I'll be gone for a long time, so you two are stuck with each other. Alone. For a long time.

[during the robbery, an employee trips the alarm; the robber points a gun at him]
Robber: Come on, that's not gonna do us any good now!
[the robber pushes him away and re-aims his gun]
Robber: I'll sure feel better.
[an arrow snatches the gun out of his hand]
Green: But it'll make me a little cranky.

Green: Where are we, anyway?
Brainiac: Approximately 1,000 years into your future, in what you'd call the 31st century.
Green: [sarcastic] Time travel. Swell.

[the heroes are part of a parade]
Shining: I'd slay the ogre Blunderbore all over again rather than put myself on display in this manner, even though that ogre turned out to be...
Vigilante,102036: Morgan LeFay.
S.T.R.I.P.E.: We've all heard it.
Shining: ...'tis a good story.

[GA just cut himself out of a block of ice]
Green: And Black Canary said a buzzsaw arrow was self-indulgent.

Wonder: Mr. Terrific can fill in. He's smart enough to do monitor duty and the Sunday Times crossword puzzle at the same time.
Mr. Terrific: Go ahead, J'onn - I'm already finished with the crossword.
Green: You did it in ink again, didn't you?

Green: It's a stunner. Puts you in metabolic stasis for a few minutes.
Black: You wanted him to see what it would feel like to kill someone.
Green: Think it worked?
Wildcat: It worked.
Roulette: [as they leave] Who are you kidding? You won't be happy stuck on that ship. I give you a month, and you'll be back here crying for me to give you another chance. Mark my words, Wildcat, I know your kind, and you will fight again.
Black: Of course he will. Just not here.

Black: [after they have been teleported out of the tunnel and land in the pier] I can't believe you! I rebuilt that bike by hand!
Green: You're absolutely right. I'm sorry I saved our lives.
[Black Canary swims away growling]
Green: And J'onn thinks Huntress is the unstable one.

[even a direct hit from the Quantum Arrow doesn't stop General Eiling]
Speedy: We are so dead!
Green: Could be.

Green: Is that a containment suit?
Captain: Mmm-hm. I'm not flesh and blood anymore, just living energy.
Green: That wouldn't be nuclear energy, would it?
Captain: With a name like "Captain Atom," what do you think?
Green: [Disgusted] I think you're what I marched against back in college.

Green: So, tell me about Wildcat. What's so secret you couldn't talk about it in the Watchtower?
Black: He's doing meta-brawls, illegal, no-holds-barred cage fighting. Mostly superpowered criminals or guys with chemical enhancements. Only rule: they fight 'til one guy stays down.
Green: Why's he doing it?
Black: He loves to fight. Before he was Wildcat, he was the world heavyweight boxing champ.
Green: I remember, but doesn't he get enough fighting in the League?
Black: I think the League's part of the problem. It's like he's going through some kind of midlife crisis. I'm worried something's gonna happen to him.

Green: At least now I understand why you brought me along. You didn't need Green Arrow - you just needed 'green'.

Green: You remember what we did yesterday? We saved the world - again. You don't think that has any value, well, think again, pal. The Justice League goes on, with or without you. Look, nobody can question your service or commitment to making things better. If you're quitting because you think you've already done your fair share, we'll throw you a parade. But if you're quitting because it's easier then continuing the fight, then you're not the heroes we all thought you were. The world needs the Justice League... and the Justice League needs you, Superman.

Supergirl: [Watching a recording of Supergirl] Tell Ma and Pa I love them. And, I love you too, Clark. Don't take this the wrong way, but I've found a place where I can make a difference. Where I'm more than Superman's kid cousin. I... I feel I belong here. Also, I met this boy.
Green: You should had seen her. She was amazing.
Green: She's a grown woman now, capable of choosing...
Superman: Kara's headstrong, but she's always made good decisions. I trust her judgement. But you were right, Ollie. I wish I had told her.
Green: It's okay, Clark. She knows.
Superman: Now, this boy Kara likes so much, does he have a name?
[John and Ollie go silent. Both too scared to tell Clark that Kara's fallen in love with a Brainiac]

[last lines]
Batman: [Green Arrow comes out of the shower] Well, if it isn't the monster killer.
Green: I was lucky. So was everybody else. Still don't think I belong up here.
Batman: That's the point. Someone like you will keep us honest.
Green: Gee, Bats, I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good radiation burn as much as the next guy, but I don't think--
[suddenly notices Black Canary]
Batman: So. See you soon?
Green: You just might.

General: I mean it! Get Superman and tell him General Wade Eiling wants a word with him.
Green: Eiling? From Cadmus?
S.T.R.I.P.E.: What happened? That beat-down he handed you last year leave you with Superman issues?
General: He's your poster-boy. I'm gonna show the Justice League that you're not the only superpower on the block. That there's someone who can stop you. I'm here to protect them
[motions to the crowd]
General: from you.

Black: Most people, after they've sold a company for three billion dollars, would just kick back and relax.
Green: I'm not most people. Besides, after taxes and the lawyers are through with you, you're lucky if you see a billion and a half.
Black: My heart bleeds.