The Best Atomic Skull Quotes

Atomic: Wait a minute, we helped you guys save the world. Don't we even get any consideration?
[pause. Superman shrugs at Batman]
Batman: You're right.
[Everyone looks surprised]
Batman: Five-minute head start.
Atomic: Five minutes? Are you kidding?
Wonder: Four minutes, fifty seconds...

Child: This humble one begs your forgiveness... but no outsider is permitted in the temple of Nanda Parbat.
Atomic: That's cute, kid. Get out of the way or I'll spank you.
Child: [catching a thrown punch] This would also not be permitted.
[dodging another punch, he kicks Atomic Skull into the air and knocks him backward with a hard shoulder thrust]
Devil: [chuckling] Little Bruce Lee's got your number. Lucky thing you've got us for backup.
Child: This humble one would not presume to fight you alone.
[three more children land behind him, ready for action]

[Deadman takes control of Atomic Skull to shut down Gorilla City's force field]
Atomic: You'd think the thing would be a big red button or at least have a sign on it or something... the heck with it!
[smashes the controls]

Batman: Okay, let's get these people locked up. Sounds like we've got a fight on our hands.
Giganta: If you think you're locking us up while the whole world is under attack, you got two fights on your hands.
[the Leaguers and Legionnaires stare each other down, ready to fight]
Batman: She's right. We'll need all the bodies we can throw at this.
Superman: Oh, come on! It's Lex Flippin' Luthor! Why should we trust him?
Atomic: Hey, it's our world too!
Lex: Let's be clear about this: we're not here to help you save the world, you're here to help me get revenge on Darkseid. When this is over, it's back at business as usual.
[Superman glares at Lex for a long moment]
Superman: Wouldn't have it any other way.